Drowning in fear

Ah so you are saying that a core belief, that is sacred to the individual, would not be abandoned even under the threat of death ? that i can understand and accept, however i have yet to meet one with a set of beliefs that they would die for.

I would suggest you explore Eastern religions. Not for a belief in God, but for an understanding of belief systems. At fifteen, you're already very wise in many ways, it may help you to cope with the stressors of life. :)
The picture of the monk kind of explains why the Dalai Lama is so jolly despite the fact his people are being persecuted.
Well trained Samurai supposed didn't fear death. Many English were shocked when watching the Samurai performing Seppuku and apparently it wasn't all that uncommon.

Is ancient Samurai training a perfect theism?

actually i would question the media representation of samurais - I recall the words of one japanese WW2 army officer who had seen many such contemporary "samurais" die - not necessarily in a blast of glory, but also slow agonizing deaths - and he was perplexed why the persons of the latter catergory almost always cried out "Mother!!" before they died
