dreams, who can help me with what some of my dreams mean

I guess I'll give this a go... I had this dream a few months ago that I remember quite well, unlike most of my dreams, and I couldn't get it out of my head for a while. It's pretty messed, but here goes...

The first thing I remember was I was flying down a congested street in the middle of a large city on some sort of motorcycle, with a few people I know driving beside me. The thing is, these are people I have a bit of a dislike for, but in the dream, we were having a hell of a time together. I get the idea we'd just pulled off a robbery or something because the police were hot on our tail, but after a few minutes of weaving through a massive gridlock we were home free.

After I felt it was safe, I pulled up to my "girlfriend's" house, which looked more like a brothel or something, and presented her with the money. However, another man came out of nowhere, let's call him a pimp, and took the money off of her and started tormeting her. I'm not sure how, but I managed to take him out, and the girl and I escaped through the back door where I found one of my favourite cars waiting for me in the street.

I took the girl to a train station, where i met up with my "friends" from before. We were all joking around and generally being dumbasses as we walked onto the train, but when I got on I was instantly terrified. The train was in a long, pitch black tunnel, there were no lights, and we were held into our seats like on a roller coaster. Some hellish voice was screaming nonsense overhead, and the "train" started to thrash about wildly. I could hear my friends screaming, not out of fear but as if it were a thrill ride, and then suddenly the train shot out of the tunnel and derailled in a ravine beside the railroad tracks.

Last thing that happened before I woke up, I was a kid, running around a toy railroad set with the train laying in a wreck on the floor, crying and shouting at my friends to help me find my 'girlfriend'.

I told you it was messed :p

I will try to interpret your dream for you, please let me know if anything fits.

This group of friends that you say you don't like much in real life, I think on some level at that time (of your dream) you sought their approval or friendship even. They are probably not liked by you becuase they are a bit 'wild' but some part of what they are or what they do excites you. You feel if you were part of their group you'd be empowered and be more exciting and more impressive to your girlfriend or more attractive to girls in general?

Maybe you have some insecurity that your girlfriend thinks you aren't macho enough, but you know in your heart you'd do anything to protect her. If you don't have a girlfriend, maybe you feel if you were more like these 'guys' you would have one as you think girls go for that kind of thing? (all this take in past tense as dream in past)

You are right in remaining outside of this group as they would be a bad influence and you'd blame yourself for anything that went wrong even if it was under their direction, which shows you take responsibility for you own actions and don't seek to blame others which is good trait to have.

Thats about as much as I can tell you.
You're right, for a while I tried to get along with the people I was with in the dream, but the more time I spent with them, the more I realized that i didn't want anything to do with them. Its true, I thought I'd look better hanging out with them than with the people I normally do, who get labelled as geeks or nerds, although nothing about them really exites me. I eventually took a dislike to them because they're people who try their hardest to appear macho and it seemed like everything they did was putting on an act, rather than being themselves.

At the time of the dream I was single, although from past relationships I can see what you mean about insecurity, but I'm impvroving on that. Apart from that, there's nothing much else I got from the dream either, rather than a few references to things going on in my life, such as my favourite car being in it, or the 'train' ride representing my previous fear of thrill rides. Thanks for interpreting it Theory.
I used to be able to lucid dream almost on command when I was a child. I could switch through different scenarios in my head like changing a TV channel. With age and drugs however it seems I have dulled this instrument...
johny_israel said:
i know dreams are very symbolic and most things mean something totaly different
i used to take my dreams pretty literally until i foudn what some symbols meant, and they really made sense with what was going on with my life

i would like to get more into lucid dreaming but it takes alot of work for me
ive gotten to the point wehre i can remember my dreams for the entire night and all that
but havent really bean able to do much lucid dreaming yet

but anyways just the other nigth i had some pretty messed up dreams if anyone is interested

Rarely are dreams anything but random feelings and thoughts haphazardly strung together. Trying to make sense of them is like trying to find meaning in the shape of your crap.
Mrhero54 said:
Rarely are dreams anything but random feelings and thoughts haphazardly strung together. Trying to make sense of them is like trying to find meaning in the shape of your crap.

and you know everyone on the planet and the fabric of their minds to make this HUGE generalisation don't you?
k i just wrote down this dream i had today
was kidna weird

ok i started off in this town called "Unity" and the first thing i remember is some girl tryign to "hussle" me at some gathering type thing, but being friendly.
outside it was rainging acid. later i was at some shop and some guys were rebuilding the entry way and some halls close to it as well as the car shop because the acid rain destroyed it. i was helping out. at one point i tried helping one guy screw in some stuff but he didnt need help, he said to go work on the go-carts. so i went over to them. some one else already put it together but it was little cars on some big track type thing like a roller coaster. there were 3 different tracks all mixed in together. instead of cars they turned into skateboards with no one on them, i was amazed at how they would go through the tracks without anyone on them and they would also duplicate at some points (turn into 2 seperate skateboards or hoops or something and continue through the track)then the tracks turned into water slides (i have had a few dreams with water slides in, kinda weird).i ran into some people i havent seen in a long time such as a priest and a buddy as well as his mom. my buddys mom looked totally different i hardly recognized her. i said she lost weight and looked like she went on a trip to haweii, apparently she did.the priest hinted to me that he knew3 some of the things i went through in my past but said it like he was talking about jesus. he seemed like someone i could trust, i asked my buddy if i could trust him and he said no but i still wasn't too sure....

thats all i really remember darling
if you can help me out its appreciated
Theoryofrelativity said:
and you know everyone on the planet and the fabric of their minds to make this HUGE generalisation don't you?


All dreams can tell you something. Just like a close examination of your crap (color, size, texture, cohesivness, density, bouyancy, smell, and compostion, to name a few :D ) can tell you what you ate or something. If you have a big test tomorrow at school and you didn't study, and then you dream about bombing the test and having a bad day a school, I think its safe to say they are connected.

But dream interpretation gets real sketchy when it tries to come up with elaborate explanations for simple stuff. Example.

Billy watches Alice in Wonder Land, grabs a snack, smokes a cig and falls asleep on the couch. He's really tried and a little hungry from not eating properly that day.

He dreams a giant rabbit is chasing him perhaps trying to eat him. He runs into a house and it burns down and he wakes up.

Reasonable Explanation:
Rabbit=Alice in wonder land
Rabbit trying to eat him=Billy was a little hungry when he went to sleep. House burning down=fell asleep smoking a cig so in the back of his mind he could have been worried about burning his house down

Dream Interpretor Explantation:
Rabbit=is a symbol of fertility and love
Rabbit trying to eat him=No, the rabbit wasn't trying to eat you, your just running from love or a possible baby in the future!
House burning down=Clearly a sign to stop smoking or you will burn everything and everyone around you!

Not to say that there aren't any dreams that may reveal deep emotions or hidden motivations about oneself, it justs hard to believe that someone could interpret something as subjective as some else's dream.
johny_israel said:
k i just wrote down this dream i had today
was kidna weird

ok i started off in this town called "Unity" and the first thing i remember is some girl tryign to "hussle" me at some gathering type thing, but being friendly.
outside it was rainging acid. later i was at some shop and some guys were rebuilding the entry way and some halls close to it as well as the car shop because the acid rain destroyed it. i was helping out. at one point i tried helping one guy screw in some stuff but he didnt need help, he said to go work on the go-carts. so i went over to them. some one else already put it together but it was little cars on some big track type thing like a roller coaster. there were 3 different tracks all mixed in together. instead of cars they turned into skateboards with no one on them, i was amazed at how they would go through the tracks without anyone on them and they would also duplicate at some points (turn into 2 seperate skateboards or hoops or something and continue through the track)then the tracks turned into water slides (i have had a few dreams with water slides in, kinda weird).i ran into some people i havent seen in a long time such as a priest and a buddy as well as his mom. my buddys mom looked totally different i hardly recognized her. i said she lost weight and looked like she went on a trip to haweii, apparently she did.the priest hinted to me that he knew3 some of the things i went through in my past but said it like he was talking about jesus. he seemed like someone i could trust, i asked my buddy if i could trust him and he said no but i still wasn't too sure....

thats all i really remember darling
if you can help me out its appreciated

Ok, I can only derive a small amount from this dream but it is important

Someone may have made a promise to you regarding money, perhaps they have asked for a loan/or to invest? You are concerned as to whether you can trust that person, the dream suggests not. The person presents themselves as someone you should be able to trust, maybe a friend or family member.

You have tried to help this person out in a practical fashion (re the damage their money problems may have incurred) but the help has been unappreciated/redirected. You want to help them but are not sure how to, without 'trust' becoming an issue.

let me know if this relates to anything.
hmmm i dunno
not that i can think of
maybe it will still happen
i was also on meds when i drempt it
i remember you said that on drugs it might bedifferent
johny_israel said:
hmmm i dunno
not that i can think of
maybe it will still happen
i was also on meds when i drempt it
i remember you said that on drugs it might bedifferent

meds deffinately have an effect, but none the less, I am sure someone will 'ask' something of you and you won't knbow whether to trust them or not, if it relates to money don't. As the dream was recent this situation will manifest very shortly. Be careful re money & issues of trust matters basically.
hey ToR analyse this one for me will ya coz its been puzzlin me...its unlike my other dreams (mostly futuristic comets end-of-the-world n heights/colored blocks etc)..

ok so in this one outta my window i can see a giraffe stickin its head out of the bushes...its a cartoon like giraffe..front profile..not side..just face n neck...n theres somethin negative about it because im scared of it...something like its actually a lion but it looks like a giraffe...n there r other ppl in the house bt not in my room im still alone..and everyday i look at it n it gets thinner n thinner (its neck basically) n finally it disappears..
after that i woke up/dream ended...
and for ur help, there is this cartoon lion on one of my notebooks which resembles this giraffe....(but dont be mislead maybe its just a coincidence duh u know that already :))
actually now that i think of it theres something sort of like that, but its not money
but i could see how it would be the same type of thing
ecclesiastes said:
hey ToR analyse this one for me will ya coz its been puzzlin me...its unlike my other dreams (mostly futuristic comets end-of-the-world n heights/colored blocks etc)..

ok so in this one outta my window i can see a giraffe stickin its head out of the bushes...its a cartoon like giraffe..front profile..not side..just face n neck...n theres somethin negative about it because im scared of it...something like its actually a lion but it looks like a giraffe...n there r other ppl in the house bt not in my room im still alone..and everyday i look at it n it gets thinner n thinner (its neck basically) n finally it disappears..
after that i woke up/dream ended...
and for ur help, there is this cartoon lion on one of my notebooks which resembles this giraffe....(but dont be mislead maybe its just a coincidence duh u know that already :))

Lion cartoon not necc coincidence, things we see during the day can manifest in many fromns in our dreams, not everything is symbolic.

Although I think this dream is warning not to meddle in other peoples affairs, maybe you have been a bit and the result is that they have distanced themselves slightly from you, but this won't last.