dreams, who can help me with what some of my dreams mean

draqon said:
well thats what I am trying to do, do more then the courses. I organized a team to work on a project on aerospace engineering competition so that NASA recognizes me and I get to work in NASA someday. It's a competition, I am hoping me and my teammates will win.

Ok, so your ambition is indeed great but while confident you fear that you may be unsuccessful at the last hurdle and end up doing a crappy 9-5!

my advice (not that you asked for it)
Just believe in yourself, make sure your efforts are visible (not subtle) and stay focused and try not to get so carried away with the 'view' that you forget your end goal. You will be successful , but you must keep the end goal in sight and NOT get distracted.
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draqon said:
don't dreams supposed to teach me something and not just state what I am in life. I see dreams for two purposes: because they are very interesting and second because they reveal something to me. But what you have said tells me everything about myself and nothing into what I should change about myself. Or am I expecting too much from my dreams?

My advice in above post reveals the meaning I derived from your dream
You have great dreams, excellent for analysis, keep paying attention to them as they do tell a lot about you and for you. To me now from your dreams, I feel you have a great and rich fantasy life, everything is beautiful and you want to 'behold ' it all, which is great but you need to limit this to be successful in your field as it requires great focus.

meanwhile be careful that your friends don't steal your thunder or rtaher that you let them take it
Theoryofrelativity said:
You have great dreams, excellent for analysis, keep paying attention to them as they do tell a lot about you and for you. To me now from your dreams, I feel you have a great and rich fantasy life, everything is beautiful and you want to 'behold ' it all, which is great but you need to limit this to be successful in your field as it requires great focus.

meanwhile be careful that your friends don't steal your thunder or rtaher that you let them take it

Well you see thats the problem. I have no friends. I dreamed of having friends in that dream. I mean I have these teammates and they are part of a competition, but they are not really someone I can talk to closely. I do think that this is improving because one of them actually cares for this competition and the purpose it has in my life, and is interested in helping me ( and no he is not gay, nor am I gay). Whats worse is that in my entire life of 19 years (thats how old I am now) I only had one friend, but even he once told me this, "Ivan it is great to be with you man, cause you always have money, and I dont have to pay for anything" . So that phrase killed me, and I questioned myself, was he ever a friend to me at all...But then realized that he was, because I was happy when he was around because he did understood me and helped me psychologically even though he joked about it.
draqon said:
Well you see thats the problem. I have no friends. I dreamed of having friends in that dream. I mean I have these teammates and they are part of a competition, but they are not really someone I can talk to closely. I do think that this is improving because one of them actually cares for this competition and the purpose it has in my life, and is interested in helping me ( and no he is not gay, nor am I gay). Whats worse is that in my entire life of 19 years (thats how old I am now) I only had one friend, but even he once told me this, "Ivan it is great to be with you man, cause you always have money, and I dont have to pay for anything" . So that phrase killed me, and I questioned myself, was he ever a friend to me at all...But then realized that he was, because I was happy when he was around because he did understood me and helped me psychologically even though he joked about it.

Dragon you are an idealist and maybe as a result of this your expectations of others is high, as are your expectations of yourself. However this is not insurmountable, all you have to do is understand that you maybe a little more enlightened than those around you and more intune, but that does not make their contribution in your life less valuable, try to accept their limitations not as faults but rather as welcome 'variety'. Exercise tolerance and don't ask too much of them and you will fair better. Also if you want a 'confiding' type of friendship , you achieve this by first confiding soemthing of yourself in them, they believe you trust them so in turn believe you can be trusted and so will confide back and thus the friendship may be formed. good luck with that fab career you have planned. Meanwhile I have to sign off now, kids call!
Anymore help required let me know.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Dragon you are an idealist and maybe as a result of this your expectations of others is high, as are your expectations of yourself. However this is not insurmountable, all you have to do is understand that you maybe a little more enlightened than those around you and more intune, but that does not make their contribution in your life less valuable, try to accept their limitations not as faults but rather as welcome 'variety'. Exercise tolerance and don't ask too much of them and you will fair better. Also if you want a 'confiding' type of friendship , you achieve this by first confiding soemthing of yourself in them, they believe you trust them so in turn believe you can be trusted and so will confide back and thus the friendship may be formed. good luck with that fab career you have planned. Meanwhile I have to sign off now, kids call!
Anymore help required let me know.

thanx. ;) I appreciate it.
Theoryofrelativety I had another dream, could you please interpret it? Ok here it is. I am in this european style village, I walk through the streets and come to the place I according to the dream have been working in. The place is were all the paintings are, I open the door and come in, there is a guy kneeling and painting something in the center of the room amongst many paintings that are covered by white sheet of paper, I do not recognize the man but realize that the paintings are now to be sold. I become sad and leave before the guy notices me. Now I dont just leave, I leave by flying out of the window that I open once I am flying horizontally to the ground. So then I fly in any direction I wish, there are people walking in the streets and it sunny morning. They do not notice me flying, they are busy. I see this building that has large horizontal windows, the buildings is 5 story high. So then I fly to the 3rd floor of the building and just hover there. Inside I see an old man, he is watching tv. I smile to him, his face changes from what he has been seeing on tv to a dismay and horror. He hides under the sheets of his bed immediatly, afraid and thinking it is a dream. I hover in the same place I have been when I saw him, moving slightly few inches up down and sideways because of the slight wind. The man removes the sheets and looks at me like he sees death perhaps, his face is changes from horror to disbelief to amazement and then back again. All this time I just stare at him and do not say anything nor do I do anything. We each stare at each other for a minute or so. I then show the man using my hands that he get up. I show this by using two of my fingers first in horizontal position and then switch it to vertical. I do so many times, the man face does not change from dismay and horror and scared, but then he has a slight expression of trying to understand what it is I am telling him. Few seconds pass by, he then gets up and smiled and is coming up to the window, because he thinks that I am standing on something. I then do not make him come too close to the window by flying a bit higher and revealing that my feet are not standing on anything. The man immediatly freacks out, jumps, screams, and gets a shotgun very fast from somewhere and shoots at me a bullet. The bullet never reaches me, because I seem to slow down time by immediately flying upward at high speed. And that is the end of my dream. Interpret please.
My immediate vibe regarding the guy you scared is that this is an 'OBE', out of body experience and NOT a dream.

I am busy just now but will have a ponder about the painting aspect of your dream as this is deffinately relevant and very interesting.
I hope they are yummy!
Ok, my immediate vibe (based on what you have already told me about your nasa project) is that you maybe feeling sad about the project you are working on coming to an end, most of it is complete but for a few small bits. At same time you can not see what the final result of all this labour will be, just that you've done it and its finished.
I think the guy in the centre of the room (symbolically) is you, and the painted but covered pieces of work is the aspects of the project that are finished.

You are proud of what you have accomplished and see it as a beautiful thing and don't want it to end, but end it must, meanwhile I reiterate what I advised you before, which is that you need to make your contribution to the project more visible in order to achieve your end goal, which is recognition for your 'art'. It is a project very close to your heart.
hmmmm....that is certainly not what I thought of the dream. I thought the dream was about not being afraid of something you do not understand. Like the guy was so he afraid of seeing me hover, and he even tried to shoot me, but I didnt do anything to him nor did anything that might have threatened him, I just hovered there, smiling, and observing his reactions. ...But you are certainly right about the project.
Also from your part of the world would it be daylight in Europe when you are in darkness? As this would explain the daylight OBE, as usually we'd be having OBE in darkness as we sleep at night (assuming its dark where we are!)
Theoryofrelativity said:
Also from your part of the world would it be daylight in Europe when you are in darkness? As this would explain the daylight OBE, as usually we'd be having OBE in darkness as we sleep at night (assuming its dark where we are!)

Well i am in USA. michigan but the main problem is that nowdays almost all cities look european, also I do not remember specifically when I had that dream. I know that I had it from 11pm monday to 5:30am tuesday. So...if it was an out of body experience then I wouldnt be able to know where this place was, because I have never seen it before.
I guess there is no way of knowing for sure, my gut is not encouraging me to analyse those details further though or to attach importance to them ;)

My interprettaion though if I felt it was a dream for interpretation would be that while you aware there may be unknown opposition to you, you are unafraid of that opposition as you know it can't harm you.

Don't be afraid to explore the possibility of OBE's.
Meanwhile have you ever epxerienced lucid dreaming? if not I can maybe help you have a go at that as you seem to dream quite regularly you may be find it quite easy to do.
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I forgot to mention, if you are given the opportunity to present your project publically, if you can only have one person doing the presenting, I would try to present it yourself if you can.
ok ill tell you my most recent dream the best i can
i never wrote this one down like i used to
but ill try and be specific

it started off i was watching t.v. like the news or something and there was this big map of all these land marks, and each square land mark had a number in it i remember one of them had the #7, that was the one that the most attention was on anyways. im rpetty sure the numbers were the color red. and i remember that the numbers meant that when whatever it was had earned enough of something upto the number on that land mark it would be a target and "they" (i dont know who they is specifically) would take it out. next i was still watching the tv on the news and they were showing aimers on buildings, like a target thing or something, and a missle or something would blow them up. pretty quickly it got to the buildingi was in. it was a large building, not a house. like a big hotel or something like that and i saw the target on the news on the building i was in. so i started running to get out of this building. i got out and i remember it was nice outside. i just ran for a little bit until i got far enough away from the building, but i still felt like everyone was trying to track me down, whcih is how i always feel in real life.
anyways i cant rember much past this
Theoryofrelativity said:
Meanwhile I guess you are being attacked in few of your dreams right?

Ok Johnny, this was my comment to you posted few days ago, before you psoted your dream details (Dragon thought it was for him but aimed at you).

Your dream, GOOD omen.

You are easily influenced by others, do fear change and perhaps feel persecuted even though your rational mind knows you have no real reason to feel this way. You may be slightly agrophobic (fearful of outdoors) or perhaps just fearful of new situations, new people etc, worried people won't like you, accept you etc.

But you are about to experience a change that will take you in a different direction. Perhaps out of your comfort zone into unknown territory. You fear this change, but the forcast is good.

Pay attention to choices coming up that involve numbers, number 7 is your lucky number! If you have a choice, pick it!

Maybe 7 is the room number of new accomodation? Who knows (only you) how this number is significant, but it is and in a good way, and the map suggests a change in direction, a change you fear but will work out well!

let me know if this applies to you or is helpful

well to be honest i dunno
i mean naturaly i think i am a little like this
but these past few years i have really changed
so i don't really think that is how i am anymore, not just to disagree
but anyways you got that right that i am easily effected by people, naturally i am
but i don't ussually go by my natural ways
3 or 4 years ago this would have been right on
now i am quite alot the opposite
johny_israel said:
well to be honest i dunno
i mean naturaly i think i am a little like this
but these past few years i have really changed
so i don't really think that is how i am anymore, not just to disagree
but anyways you got that right that i am easily effected by people, naturally i am
but i don't ussually go by my natural ways
3 or 4 years ago this would have been right on
now i am quite alot the opposite

The dream may not be about this exact moment in time but reflection of you over time, hence the map, this represents time and change in direction.

You need to focus on the change that has or is about to present itself to you.
A change in direction that will really set you free. Don't forget number 7 is relevant.