
Did dragons really exist?

  • They definitely existed.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • They definitely did not exist.

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • It is possible they existed.

    Votes: 27 44.3%
  • I have a different opinion.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
why is that a flaw? that im consistent and strong with my beliefs of the occult and unknown?
Dragons. Aren't. Real.

I'll say it again.

Dragons. Aren't. Real.

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where's your proof?
why should I disbelieve traditions passed down through humanity for hundreds of generations?
Why dont you remove your head from you books, and realize that there are things we cannot explain, and that they might exist, that they are a part of humanity?
Dragons. Did. Exist.
The burden of proof is on the claimant. That
would be you. Dragons exist; where's your proof?

:m: Peace.
numerous sightings up to modern day.
Komodo Dragon.
legends and sightings of a giant-ass komodo drag. in australia.
theres a lot more ive seen on Discovery Channel (38), History Channel (54) and Animal Planet (60), id go into detail.
but im tired. i stayed up late last night, and didnt sleep at all.
needless to say im tired...
what do you mean no proof.
there's been thousands of sightings of these things in australia.
how is that not proof?
i dont mean the winged dragons of european lore.
i mean simply a large lizard larger than 15 ft long that has survived to modern day. that suffices me as a "drake" or "dragon"
Anecdotal evidence is not proof. And I would say that your definition
of a dragon is somewhat differentr than the the generally accepted one.

Dragon \Drag"on\, n. [F. dragon, L. draco, fr. Gr. ?, prob. fr.
?, ?, to look (akin to Skr. dar? to see), and so called from
its terrible eyes. Cf. Drake a dragon, Dragoon.]
1. (Myth.) A fabulous animal, generally represented as a
monstrous winged serpent or lizard, with a crested head
and enormous claws, and regarded as very powerful and

:m: Peace.
Hapsburg said:
what do you mean no proof.
there's been thousands of sightings of these things in australia.
how is that not proof?
i dont mean the winged dragons of european lore.
i mean simply a large lizard larger than 15 ft long that has survived to modern day. that suffices me as a "drake" or "dragon"

Komodo Dragons only grow up to 10 feet long. They are just large monitors, and they aren't anything like any of the legends that are passed down, and they are very slow (short bursts only of slightly faster than human speed). (See previous posts about flying, living in lakes, long narrow bodies) They live only in Indonesia by the way.

Here are some fact's about the, which you obviosuly didn't bother to look up before posting.
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I know what the komodo dragon is, and blah blah blah.
i just said that im not talking about the friggin' flying crapola. that is the lie.
i mean just a modern lizard LARGER than the Komodo.
there have been legends in the outback of Australia, of large monitors lizards. fifty feet long, and three to five tons, they resemble Komodos, but live in austrialia, and are five times larger. watch animal planet, squeak.
Anecdotal. Still no proof.

Whether or not megalania is still alive today is uncertain

Excellent source material for the article, I might add:

Janet and Colin Bord's Alien Animals
Mysteries of the Unexplained by Readers Digest

:m: Peace.
Again, the burden of proof is on the claimant and you have none.
You can certainly believe as you wish, but you cannot claim a certainty.

:m: Rick
i can claim it. go to the site, and select "cryptids"
there's evidence there. sightings, reports, some hav photos.
How about you show us a reputable study with peer review instead?

:m: Peace.
So why hasn't this lizard been on that Croc Hunter show? He finds everything, and then fights it!
because erwin's a moron and can't find anything but the most obvious of things.
he cant find the obscure and unexplainable.
that why they're legends.
and i believe those legends.
i dont know, its just a feeling.
why do you believe in god?
its a feeling.
same thing with the unexplainable and ultimately unavoidable.