Dr Williams wants some aspects of Sharia law with in the UK legal system.

Dr Williams says ........arse cheeks part and mumble issues forth

This guy is an embicile. A) This will lead to separating society not bringing it toegtehr. B) More and more countries will want less and less to do with Muslims if they see this sort of thing happening - they'll simply think "F*ck that, best they don't come here" C) There may come a day when shit hits the fan - if Muslims are seen as outsiders, well, don't think history doesn't repeat itself nor that we have somehow evolved past the animals we are...

In summary - stupid stupid idea for all those involved, or ..... very heinous and clever.
Oh god you people have GOT to be kidding. Firstly there are already Jewish courts in the UK (and aparently in Australia acording to the lecture on shari law who was on ABC radio this morning). Secondly they are talking about FAMILY law and buiness law NOT criminal law. Cant any of you tell the difference??????????

Criminal law is the smallest fraction of what the law IS. Most of it is family law, tax law, commertial law, torts law, adminstrive law, consitutional law (although im not sure if the UK actually has a formal consitution) ect

There is nothing wrong with family law being arbitated by different courts as long as there is a right to apeal and a free choice. After all MOST family law is delt with in an informal way ANYWAY
Well then, I don't think there should be Jewish courts either.... What next Scientology courts? Wiccan courts? New Age courts? pleeeeeeaaassseeee......
There is no particular reason Muslims need the power of the English state backing their law, is there ?

Why would a solid religion need the guns ?
you live in a country, you implicitly agree that you'll abide by the laws of the land
anyone remembers what happens to westerners who name a teddy bear "mohammed" in Sudan ?
Oh god you people have GOT to be kidding. Firstly there are already Jewish courts in the UK (and aparently in Australia acording to the lecture on shari law who was on ABC radio this morning). Secondly they are talking about FAMILY law and buiness law NOT criminal law. Cant any of you tell the difference??????????

Criminal law is the smallest fraction of what the law IS. Most of it is family law, tax law, commertial law, torts law, adminstrive law, consitutional law (although im not sure if the UK actually has a formal consitution) ect

There is nothing wrong with family law being arbitated by different courts as long as there is a right to apeal and a free choice. After all MOST family law is delt with in an informal way ANYWAY

I cannot agree with you on this one because I believe we are looking at the thin end of a wedge. I don't give a damn what people belive or what their colour is , but I do object when they seek priveliges based on a belief system that is alien to that of society at large.

Let me give you a few examples of what goes on in the UK.

Jews and Muslims are allowed to slaughter animals in an inhumane way which it would be unlawful for others to do.

Evryone who rides a motorcycle is legally required to wear a crash helmet. An exception is made for Sikhs who, for religious reasons. can wear turbans.

Bus conductors wear a uniform, part of which is a cap, but Sikhs....you've guessed it

We recently had a case of a woman who applied for and was given a job as a teacher. On her first day at school she turned up covered from head to toe, with only her eyes showing through a slit. When it was pointed out that this was unacceptable, she sought exemption on the ground of her religious belief. She would not accept that she would be unable to communicate with children if they could not see her facial expressions.

Now while all the above may, in some sense, be considered as no more than silliness, it shows how religious groups keep pushing for more and more and I can see no reason why they should draw the line until they have created a society within a society. And that must be resisted. In the UK everyone is equal under the law and there should be no exceptions. We do not want an Orwellian society where some are more equal than others.

Lastly, may I point out that there are no such problems with Indians, Africans or other ethnic groups.

We have a number of idiotic racists who, like rednecks everywhere, want to get rid of all non-whites. Fortunately, they have very lttle support. The danger is that Muslims who do not want to conform to the norms of our society are giving ammunition to these idiots.
does this mean that we has westerners can have our hands chopped of if we're caught stealing? does it mean that i can be beheaded for not following certain laws?

i will carry a gun if this is bought into british law, there will be war on the streets, and blood will flow, and rightfully so aswell.

muslims come to britain to live in britain and they should have the same laws has you or I!!

this is actually disgusting,
Oh god you people have GOT to be kidding. Firstly there are already Jewish courts in the UK (and aparently in Australia acording to the lecture on shari law who was on ABC radio this morning). Secondly they are talking about FAMILY law and buiness law NOT criminal law. Cant any of you tell the difference??????????

Criminal law is the smallest fraction of what the law IS. Most of it is family law, tax law, commertial law, torts law, adminstrive law, consitutional law (although im not sure if the UK actually has a formal consitution) ect

There is nothing wrong with family law being arbitated by different courts as long as there is a right to apeal and a free choice. After all MOST family law is delt with in an informal way ANYWAY

Finally, some common sense.

Good post.
Well then, I don't think there should be Jewish courts either.... What next Scientology courts? Wiccan courts? New Age courts? pleeeeeeaaassseeee......

You don't think there should be Jewish courts, or x courts?

Who cares what you think?
You don't think there should be Jewish courts, or x courts?

Who cares what you think?

People who value the right to think what the please and to do as they wish without breaking the law.

You don't seem to think at all so ,whatever the outcome , you will not be affected
does this mean that we has westerners can have our hands chopped of if we're caught stealing? does it mean that i can be beheaded for not following certain laws?

You do not understand what the Archbishop has said and you do not undertstand Shariah law.

i will carry a gun if this is bought into british law, there will be war on the streets, and blood will flow, and rightfully so aswell.

Why will you carry a gun? There will be a war? why? against who?

muslims come to britain to live in britain and they should have the same laws has you or I!!

Have Muslims even been involved in this debate? The Archbishop made a statement, no one told him to say what he said, no Muslims where involved then, no Muslims are calling for Shariah law to be forced on to the UK. Muslims have done next to nothing yet are they are being attacked.
The muslims goal is to take over Britain. Be careful.


Oh god you people have GOT to be kidding. Firstly there are already Jewish courts in the UK (and aparently in Australia acording to the lecture on shari law who was on ABC radio this morning). Secondly they are talking about FAMILY law and buiness law NOT criminal law. Cant any of you tell the difference??????????

Most of us can but the question remains...will sharia family and business law be unbiased as far as disputes between men and women..from what I know of sharia..I doubt it!
I have no strong opinion on this, but I would point out that many nations (including Britain) make allowances for dual court systems, religious and civil.

In fact Israel itself has two legal systems, in the same manner as I think is being proposed. Israel has Sharia courts (and rabbinical courts, Christian Courts and Druze courts) on the one hand and civil courts on the other. The civil courts apply the Knesset approved laws and the religious courts apply the doctrines of their respective faiths.

The religious courts only have jurisdiction in civil (not criminal) matters submitted to them that are subject to the their own religious laws and as otherwise limited by the laws of the relevant legislature. In Israel, (Jewish) husbands always bring divorce actions in rabbinical courts rather than civil courts, because Jewish law is pro-husband. Wives tend to file in civil courts, which are more equiatble to women. Those courts are not unbiased as between men and women in cases brought before them, and I am sure the sharia courts are not (and would not be if recognized in the U.K.) as well.

There's no major confusion, any more than there is having 51+ different federal and state court systems and codes of law in the U.S. (with parties often filing lawsuits in particular courts because they believe the law of that court favors them).

In England, the Church of England has its own courts (the consistory courts) though they are more circumscribed in their power than religious courts in Israel or, say, Malaysia or Indonesia.
You do not understand what the Archbishop has said and you do not undertstand Shariah law.

Why will you carry a gun? There will be a war? why? against who?

Have Muslims even been involved in this debate? The Archbishop made a statement, no one told him to say what he said, no Muslims where involved then, no Muslims are calling for Shariah law to be forced on to the UK. Muslims have done next to nothing yet are they are being attacked.

i understand enough to know that if we are caught stealing then they can be able to demand our hands be cuut of!
You do not understand what the Archbishop has said and you do not undertstand Shariah law.

Why will you carry a gun? There will be a war? why? against who?

Have Muslims even been involved in this debate? The Archbishop made a statement, no one told him to say what he said, no Muslims where involved then, no Muslims are calling for Shariah law to be forced on to the UK. Muslims have done next to nothing yet are they are being attacked.

some muslims do want shariah law in the Uk, personally it shouldnt happen, we should NOT ne made to change our laws and our way of life!