Dr. Hellfire

Not according to Islam - the Quran is very clear that righteous Christians have nothing to fear. See 5:69

Which is contradicted by 5:72 - 5:78. That the the Sura, fyi.

And btw, if anyone uses the source YOU provided in the future, is it an acceptable translation? Of course, we know cries from Muslims who claim mistranslations is a strawman, but I'd thought to ask anyways.
Which is contradicted by 5:72 - 5:78. That the the Sura, fyi.

And btw, if anyone uses the source YOU provided in the future, is it an acceptable translation? Of course, we know cries from Muslims who claim mistranslations is a strawman, but I'd thought to ask anyways.

Only if you translate it correctly. :)

And no its not contradicted at all.
What I find most puzzling, and perhaps it is why I am what I am, is how theists readily admit they have no proof of God yet insist that Hell is the real thing. Huh?

I suppose if I become a soul sent to hell that I take my pain receptors with me. I mean, I will feel pain I guess. You just burn in a fire that presumably doesn't need oxygen or fuel and never goes out. My soul must also be made of some pretty special stuff if it is burn for eternity without being totally consumed.
Moreover, in traditional Christian practice and belief, babies who die before they are Christened go to limbo, and cannot be buried in a church graveyard. So no matter what their parents call them, they are not Christians.

Hence they go to hell.
I suppose if I become a soul sent to hell that I take my pain receptors with me. I mean, I will feel pain I guess. You just burn in a fire that presumably doesn't need oxygen or fuel and never goes out. My soul must also be made of some pretty special stuff if it is burn for eternity without being totally consumed.

Good point. The assertions of theists with the soul, hell and our physical laws appears to only apply at their discretion.

The mechanisms that theists claim but are unable to discriminate of the soul interacting with the physical world contradict those very assertions.
Ever had anyone close to you die? There is more than one way to burn. And not all of them can be reduced to biology.
Ever had anyone close to you die?

Of course, what a silly question. Who hasn't? In fact, a hockey buddy died of cancer only three months ago. His picture dons my music studio so I may see him daily, remember him and toast his life.

There is more than one way to burn. And not all of them can be reduced to biology.

Ah yes, the deluded theist will create any number of creative events based on the mystical and magical kingdoms they so immensely enjoy that do little to contribute to anything other than promoting and codifying their myths and superstitions.
Of course, what a silly question. Who hasn't? In fact, a hockey buddy died of cancer only three months ago. His picture dons my music studio so I may see him daily, remember him and toast his life.

I'll take that as a no.
I'll take that as a no.

You may take that as you wish, but your track record would demonstrate you only take that which is based on myth and superstition as truth.

Now, if you're done trolling...
You may take that as you wish, but your track record would demonstrate you only take that which is based on myth and superstition as truth.

Okay I'll leave you to your rational arguments.

Like assumptions about a hell you don't believe in:rolleyes:
Okay I'll leave you to your rational arguments.

I know, they are foreign concepts to you.

Like assumptions about a hell you don't believe in

I don't have to assume anything, you're cult wrote the book on the assumptions. So, there's little wrong in logically comparing them to another cults assumptions on the same topic. What's wrong with that?
limbo is a catholic construct, not all christians are catholics.

Yes :) A construct they chose to later pull down. A supposedly infallible pope in the past said it was and a supposedly infallible pope later said it was not. LOL Now there is a contradiction clear as day.

One caused my the traditions of man being added to the scriptures. Because men who where not gilded by the Holy Spirit attempted to explain something the they did not understand and got themselves ever deeper into confusing mess.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Up to a few years ago, most Catholics thought that Protestants were doomed to hell, and vice versa.
Among Protestants, if you were a member of the Plymouth Bretheren, you would have thought that all Catholics and all but a few of your fellow sect were destined for the pit as well.

It's called bigotry.
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did i say catholics weren't christians?
let's see. (checks post)

i can't see where i said catholics weren't christians.
M*W: No, you didn't say it. I was referring to several christians on the forum. Just a comment.
Only if you translate it correctly.

I had just noticed this little gem of a strawman argument. I have found quite a few translations of the Quran, many of them very much the same.

The issue here, and what Sam is dishonestly alluding to, is not so much in the translation, but the interpretation that is in dispute.

This neither supports or refutes the fact that everyone wishes everyone else not of their ideologue to burn in hellfire.

It's merely a red herring.