Dose bible oppresses women?

7x7 said:
what are you saying?
If beautiful women rejected an ugly man, then the ugly man rapes here next day and then he can have here? What law is that?

That is simply not how the Society worked. You imagine that an Ugly man is given opportunities to socialize with Virginal Girls. No! Before he could touch a virginal daughter, he would be killed.

But, yes, if the Ugly man was successful in raping a virgin, one thing is certainly sure, in that Society she would no longer be eligable for Marriage. People don't like to hear it, but the truth is that such a girl would become a social outcast -- an untouchable. In that case, the Wisest Judges of the Day considered it justice for the Raper to be obligated to support the girl for the rest of his life with no chance of divorce. You could kill the guy, but then you might as well kill the girl too, because the father can not take her back live with her Virgin Sisters -- her trauma and life experience would be a poison to them. And he could not keep his woman daughter in with his own wives.

Besides, in those days Marriage was mostly a matter of purchase anyway. Daughters did not have a great deal of say in the matter.

Now that I think about it, this Law you mention might be the Foundation of the Marriage by Theft customs that have been part of Middle East Culture. If you think that the Father is asking to high a Dowry for a daughter that you have an understanding with, then you use the Marriage by Theft Law in your own favor. You just 'elope'. Elopement is considered Rape Enough. The Father afterward cannot kill his son-in-law and must respect the Marriage.
Leo Volont said:
The Web has a tacit understanding, and it is a charitable one, that we will not bring attention to grammatical and spelling errors. does it not save us all some time not to worry about second drafts and all that editing?

As long as you understand what the point is, there is no reason to be busting their bowls.
Wot? y u bursting mi bawlls? :( u know wot i meen :mad: Thurrs opposed to be a takkid undatansting thet u willnut mek fun awf mi righting.

Nah, you're right. I can actually tolerate errors within a post, its when the titles are fucked up that I get annoyed because you have to read them and when you do you feel like a retard. :( This one pushed me over the edge. Atleast "women" was in the correct context I suppose, i really hate "how to impress a women?".

On topic; human beings oppressed women when the bible was written. It was just the norm so ofcourse the god they invented shared their general feelings. I don't think the character "God" out of the greatest selling novel of all time "the bible" was supposed to be a liberal from the future.
In order to appreciate the role of New Testament womanhood, one must, by way of contrast, consider the plight of ancient woman as she stood in the world in general.

In the antique Greek world, women were considered inferior to men. Aristotle viewed women as somewhere between slaves and freemen. Wives led lives of seclusion and practical slavery.

In Rome women enjoyed greater practical freedom, though not legal, than in Greece, but licentiousness was rampant. Chastity and modesty among women were virtually unknown (note Paul’s reference to female homosexuality in Romans 1:26). Wives were truly second–class persons; more honor was shown to a man’s mistress than to his wife.

Though the Jewish opinion of womanhood during the time of Christ needed considerable improvement – a male’s morning prayer expressed thanks to God that the petitioner was neither a Gentile, a slave, or a woman – such attitudes were the result of heathen influences. [no root in scripture whatsoever]

While women were somewhat legally inferior under the law of Moses, practically speaking, wives and mothers in Israel enjoyed the greatest of dignity. Mothers were to be honored (Ex. 20:12) and to rebel against, or show disrespect for one’s mother was a most serious offence which could be punished by death (Deut. 21:18ff; 27:16).

“Though the Hebrew woman was under the authority of her father and later of her husband, she enjoyed considerable freedom and was not shut up in the harem . . .Though women did not ordinarily inherit property, in a case of a sonless home the daughters might inherit (Num. 27). It was a man’s world, but Hebrew law protected woman’s person. Rape was punishable. Harlotry was forbidden” (Lewis, 425).

Edersheim pointed out that the Hebrew husband

“was bound to love and cherish his wife, to support her in comfort, to redeem her if she had been sold into slavery, and to bury her, on which occasion even the poorest was to provide at least two mourning fifes and one mourning woman. He was to treat his wife with courtesy, for her tears called down Divine vengeance” (n.d., 270)

If it be objected that the Old Testament practice of polygamy, along with its ease of divorce for men, placed women in an unfavorable status, it may be replied that such matters were tolerated in that “moonlight” dispensation due to the “hardness” of Israel’s hearts (Matt. 19:8), and were to be abolished with the introduction of the “better” system.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that..

Then you know didly squat!!. A garbage man today, works for the City hence government, an average amount paid is $13ph to start + benefits, insurance, 401k plans, the works. He probably owns a car, lives or owns a home, with running water, electricity, has the comfort of owning a bed, furniture, tv, the likes of what American capitalism has been able to provide him with. If he were to get sick, his insurance and doctors have the capabilities to quickly cure him.

The king of Egypt, had servants, no running water, electricity was non-existent, there was no such thing as a mattress, no other form of entertainment, other than screwing slave women. He had to take bath in the river, if they got sick more than likely fased death constantly, did not live long, life was harsh, even for a king.

Dr Lou Natic said:
Wot? y u bursting mi bawlls? :( u know wot i meen :mad: Thurrs opposed to be a takkid undatansting thet u willnut mek fun awf mi righting.

Nah, you're right. I can actually tolerate errors within a post, its when the titles are fucked up that I get annoyed because you have to read them and when you do you feel like a retard. :( This one pushed me over the edge. Atleast "women" was in the correct context I suppose, i really hate "how to impress a women?".

On topic; human beings oppressed women when the bible was written. It was just the norm so ofcourse the god they invented shared their general feelings. I don't think the character "God" out of the greatest selling novel of all time "the bible" was supposed to be a liberal from the future.

Wow! Somebody that actually acknowledges a point. That does not happen very often.

But about the Thread. Nobody is pretending that all the Legal Codes from the Old Testament are explicitly from God. Moses only brought the Ten Commandments down from the Mountain. The Legal Codes were the expansions and amplifications upon the basic Principles of the Ten Commandments. They were respected because Moses was respected, and not because Moses lied to everybody and said that God was speaking in his ear while he was making all those legal decisions.

Oh, this brings to mind a Trick of the Prophet Mohammed. Nobody would believe a word Mohammed said unless he pretended to go into a trance and say that the Decisions he made were directly from the Mouth of God. Honestly, he once even used the trick when the question was whether the town could use more than one dog catcher. So right there in the Quaron is a passage in which we are supposed to think that God must consider the pros and cons of one Kennel or two to handle the stray pets. But there are no indications that Moses and the Hebrews were nearly that softheaded and credulous.
Godless said:
The king of Egypt, had servants, no running water, electricity was non-existent, there was no such thing as a mattress, no other form of entertainment, other than screwing slave women. He had to take bath in the river, if they got sick more than likely fased death constantly, did not live long, life was harsh, even for a king.


So, if you were King of Your Own World, and did not have a TV set or Computer, you think that your only entertainment would be to screw the slave girls.

I've talked to working class morons who honestly would not know what to do with leisure time. But if we look at English Literature, largely written by Leisured Authors about those of a Leisured Society, we find that there are a few occupations to take up the time of a Gentlemen. Hunting, Riding, Shooting, The Arts, Farming, Gardening, Archetecture, Religion, Politics. The Chinese had a list of 64 Arts which a Gentlemen would have to become familiar with in order to be considered Cultured. Given all the Wealth and Power a Civilization had to offer, I suppose an intelligent man could find something to interest himself with outside of the Bedroom.
Medicine Woman said:
Leo Volont: Anyway, Medicine Woman is an example of what happens when people are insufficiently educated.
M*W: I'm probably more educated than you, Leo. I don't judge ancient societies, because the truth about these societies, especially the xian ones, are blurred beyond belief.

Leo if you would have only had 10% of education MW has, you would have been talking sense. :p Good to see you again MW.
skywalker said:
Leo if you would have only had 10% of education MW has, you would have been talking sense. :p Good to see you again MW.

Okay, this is how Academia works -- you pay them money and they give you pieces of paper. As long as you give them money, they will give you pieces of paper.

Education never made a stupid silly person smart. Yes, exposure to an Educated Mileau should make a difference. Afterall, Ivy League College Educated People are statistically Liberal. So it must have some effect.

But how can you explain when a supposively educated person is only violently ignorant and silly. I have known educated people and she simply can't fool me as well as she must be fooling you.
Godless said:
Then you know didly squat!!. A garbage man today, works for the City hence government, an average amount paid is $13ph to start + benefits, insurance, 401k plans, the works. He probably owns a car, lives or owns a home, with running water, electricity, has the comfort of owning a bed, furniture, tv, the likes of what American capitalism has been able to provide him with. If he were to get sick, his insurance and doctors have the capabilities to quickly cure him.

The king of Egypt, had servants, no running water, electricity was non-existent, there was no such thing as a mattress, no other form of entertainment, other than screwing slave women. He had to take bath in the river, if they got sick more than likely fased death constantly, did not live long, life was harsh, even for a king.


Well, what you are doing then is comparing the societies of two different era and ignorantly coming to such a conclusion.

The King achieved far more than a garbage man would (not to belittle trash collectors or anything) but that's the way it is. He had far more wealth than a trash collector amasses from his job, much more security in life than a trash collector, slaves at his every whim feeding him and giving him baths and warming his bed. This is your harsh life compared to having a tv set displaying idiot programs in an apartment in a smog infested city? :rolleyes:

P.S. Electricity was not non-existent then, as it isn't now. No need to be silly about that too. Electricity has been existence since thunderstorms and before.
But, yes, if the Ugly man was successful in raping a virgin, one thing is certainly sure, in that Society she would no longer be eligable for Marriage. People don't like to hear it, but the truth is that such a girl would become a social outcast -- an untouchable. In that case, the Wisest Judges of the Day considered it justice for the Raper to be obligated to support the girl for the rest of his life with no chance of divorce. You could kill the guy, but then you might as well kill the girl too, because the father can not take her back live with her Virgin Sisters -- her trauma and life experience would be a poison to them. And he could not keep his woman daughter in with his own wives
Until now I can't understand, what the sin the raped women did to deserve all of that?

Maybe women can give me an idea if she wishes to live with man raped here of to live alone without marriage?

Now that I think about it, this Law you mention might be the Foundation of the Marriage by Theft customs that have been part of Middle East Culture. If you think that the Father is asking to high a Dowry for a daughter that you have an understanding with, then you use the Marriage by Theft Law in your own favor. You just 'elope'. Elopement is considered Rape Enough. The Father afterward cannot kill his son-in-law and must respect the Marriage.
what this? I don't get you, what do you mean? What cultures are you talking about?

Oh, this brings to mind a Trick of the Prophet Mohammed. Nobody would believe a word Mohammed said unless he pretended to go into a trance and say that the Decisions he made were directly from the Mouth of God.
A trick?
Nobody would believe him?
A trance?

I hate when few claim that they know Islam better than muslims themselves.

You can chose (lair or insane)?

You attack Prophet Muhammad so much here, what is the level of hate do you have for him?
skywalker: Leo if you would have only had 10% of education MW has, you would have been talking sense. :p Good to see you again MW.
M*W: Thank you, skywalker! You made my day!
**Well, what you are doing then is comparing the societies of two different era and ignorantly coming to such a conclusion.

That's just an illusion when people have their head buried up their ass!!.

You've seem to not understand that the advancement of our society far provides a better life to a common folk, than a king would ever achieve by living off the efforts of others. If an ancient man broke his leg, his chanses of survival were minimal, wether he be king or not, if "our government" employee broke his leg he be taken care off, and his chance for survival is at best non-critical and easily repairable.

**So, if you were King of Your Own World, and did not have a TV set or Computer, you think that your only entertainment would be to screw the slave girls.

It's orgy time.. I only learn from leaders of our past Leo.


The Bogomils and Fraticelli used to practise sexual promiscuity for the greater glory of God (though they probably enjoyed it themselves as well).

Orgies to please god

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Ok Godless :rolleyes:

How many Egyptian kings do you know who suffered/died from broken legs (even though they had slaves and needed not strain themselves)...
I only used the broken leg as an example moron.

An excerpt from anciet Egipt;

Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmose-Nefertiri, who became Egypt's first great God's Wife of Amun, and had a number of children including:


Merytamun - eldest daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)

Tair - daughter of Kasmut

Satamun - 2nd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)

Sapair - eldest son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)

Saamen - 2nd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)

Aahotep - 3rd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (Queen)

Amenhotep I - 3rd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (King)

Satkames - 4th daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died aged ~30)

Henttameh- daughter of Thenthapi

Ahmose - daughter

I'll admit, no broken legs but in todays society with our andvancement in medicine this kids belonging to the king would have survived.

Get the freaking point? Moron.

§our§tar: Electricity was not non-existent then, as it isn't now. No need to be silly about that too. Electricity has been existence since thunderstorms and before.
M*W: The Hellenic word for amber was "electron." When amber is rubbed, it attracts pieces of paper and particles to it by an unseen force or charge called "friction." The term used to describe "friction" is "electrikus" from which the term "electricity" was derived.

The "light" emanating from the Ark of the Covenant was not merely light but electricity. Other such "arks" have been discovered, so the Ark of the Covenant wasn't the ONLY ark. Interestingly, the word "Ark" comes from the word "arc" which is derived from the Latin word "arca" meaning "a chest, box or coffer." Anything hidden in this container is called "arcane" which means "enigmatic." It was dangerous for anyone to get near or touch the Ark of the Covenant lest they be felled dead.

In Moses' time and probably centuries before, there have been stories of Ark-light. In Moses' time, they imagined the arc-light to be the presence of Godf. "Electrikus" was something unexplainable at that time.

I believe the Ark of the Covenant was some type of ancient battery. Electricity has always been perceived as a manifestation of a god associated with mountains! Even the ancient biblical name of God, "El", means "lofty one" and "bright, shining being." All the terms "electricity," "electron," and "electrikus," stem from the words meaning "gods," or "light beings." Therefore, when I use the term I have coined as "the One Spirit of God," I am referring to the life force within humanity called "electricity." Our bodies have what are called "electrolytes." From, the definition of "electrolytes" is:

"Electrolytes are compounds that ionize in water to produce aqueous solutions that conduct an electric current. Nonelectrolytes are substances that do not ionize, remain as molecules, and do not conduct an electric current.
Strength: Strong electrolytes are molecules that ionize 100% (or nearly so) and conduct an electric current well. Weak electrolytes barely or partially ionize; most molecules remaining un-ionized, and conduct an electric current poorly."

It is also a fact that every atom, every entity, has an electro-magnetic force-field around it. Therefore, all power resides with us -- the human race. The "spirit" that flows through humanity, and essentially, through all of creation, is simply electricity. The source of all electricity is the sun, "Helios." Electricity, the "El," "Eloh," and "Elohim," is what the ancients perceived God to be. Nothing more. They "feared" this "light being" because it could strike them dead on the spot! Electricity is the positive force of energy that created us, and when the electric currents leave our bodies, we are no longer able to maintain our physical existence.

Although I've simplified it, God can be explained by science. This website explains God in modern terms:

The One Spirit of God dwells within all humanity. We are the Ark of God.
@ Godless

It always amuses me when you resort to name calling as a defense for your argument. All I did was point out that you were exaggerating your point.
Godless: I only used the broken leg as an example moron.

Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmose-Nefertiri, who became Egypt's first great God's Wife of Amun, and had a number of children including..."
M*W: Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Ahmose Moses? I believe I've read that somewhere. It was quite common for brothers to marry their sisters in ancient Egypt. There's a whole list of them!

To: SourStar: Regarding the broken legs of Egyptian Pharaohs, just because there is no mention in the bible doesn't mean Egyptian royalty never suffered a broken leg!
Godless: I'll admit, no broken legs but in todays society with our andvancement in medicine this kids belonging to the king would have survived.

Get the freaking point? Moron.
M*W: Remember when Clinton fell down at a party with his Hollywood buddies and crushed his kneecap? I call it drunken stupor.

Remember when Bush was said to have been watching a football game and "choked on a pretzel" and fell down and gashed his head? Another drunken stupor!
There are few reasons that Vern has not been banned. I would like to list here what I think some might be.
1 - He is so outrageous that no person can take anything he says seriously.
2 - Give him a few minutes and he will undermine his own statements
3 - He is an easy win. (the same reason the Montreal still has a baseball team) If you're feeling down just find a Vern statement and destroy it. A day old ham sandwich is harder to debate.
4 - He posts too much. If there was no Vern than threads would die sooner. Often some of the best discussions are on his threads. He, of course, is not involved in the genius gab.

Thank you Vern so filling your niche so well. Just try no to fill your @ss with your head so much and have and happy birthday.

M.W. - I thought you had sworn off Vern forever.
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b0urgeoisie: M.W. - I thought you had sworn off Vern forever.
M*W: Yes, b0urgeoisie, I did swear off Vern forever, but I realized I'd become addicted to the creative challenge he'd given me to express myself! As with Vern, there is a fine line between comedy and tragedy.