Dose bible oppresses women?


nation of moral
Registered Senior Member
few of what i found

The Bible Convicts Women as the original Sinners, (ie. Eve picking from the forbidden tree){Genesis 2:4-3:24}

The Bible says "The Birth of a Daughter is a loss" {Ecclesiasticus 22:3}.

The Bible Forbids Women from Speaking in church {I Corinthians 14:34-35}.

In the Bible, divorced Women are Labeled as an Adulteress, while men are not {Matthew 5:31-32}.

In The Bible, Widows and Sisters do Not Inherit Any Property or Wealth, Only men
do{Numbers 27:1-11}

"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives" {Deuteronomy 22:28-30}

One must ask a simple question here, who is really punished, the man who raped the woman or the woman who was raped? According to the Bible, you have to spend the Rest of Your Life with the man who Raped You.

The Bible also asks Women to wear veils as in Islam {I Corinthians 11:3-10}, (for those who look at Hijab as thing that oppresses women in Islam)

what do you think?
The Bible says a lot fo things. It was religious custom of the people at the time. It might not be now. The Bible also says that people caught stealing should be executed. Ahould christians kill thiefs?
Girls only have value as they are virgins. A girl who gives up her virginity becomes a complete loss, or of as little price as a Whore House would pay for her.

So there were laws designed to protect the Price of a Virgin. They call the deflowering of a Virgin a "rape" but only in the sense that it involved sexual relations without a Marriage Purchase Agreement with her father. When apprehended the 'seducer' must pay a fine equivalent to a Dowry and must secure the girl's future with Marriage. Such a Law protects both the Girl and the Girl's Father who had property rights in his daughter.

the Scriptural reading that says that a Father is placed at a loss by having a daughter, gives recognition that the eventual 'owner' of a girl -- the Husband -- must remunerate the Father for the expenses he incurred all the while he was raising her. This Law, which acts to compensate Fathers for having daughters, does much to save the Girls, for otherwise, if Fathers were not allowed to seek remuneration, the tendency would have been to allow female infants to die in infancy, or even to have their 'noses pinched' -- to be suffocated soon after birth. We need only look at India and China where there are laws limiting the number of births, while not putting an explicit premium on female babies -- the girls are being aborted or 'pinched', in favor of sons.
People who say that women were the original sinners are daft.

The Devil would obviously have to be the first sinner.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You are [deleted]

I was speaking in reference to the Societies and Economies of the Bible. Of course today girls have other avenues for revenues. In addition to selling themselves to the whorehouses, they can now sell themselves to the Factories.

Anyway, Medicine Woman is an example of what happens when people are insufficiently educated. Although she tosses out all criterias for a solid Morality, she is perfectly ready to Judge Ancient Societies by the Norms of a Modern Society. I try to explain that the Ancient Laws were bending over backwards to protect the interests of its girls, and these modern ignorant saucy things only have insults for me. She should go back to Grade School and see if she can learn something the next time through.
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§outh§tar said:
People who say that women were the original sinners are daft.

The Devil would obviously have to be the first sinner.

No one disputes that the Angelic Rebellion occurred before the Sins of Adam and Eve; however, the Sins of the Angelic Rebellion were not the First Cause of much of Humanity's Bad Karma. Yes, we can see that Eve was seduced by the Serpent as Adam was subsequently seduced by Eve. But still, obedience to God should have outweighed the interests of any temptation.

I don't suppose too many people here are interested in your particular brand of misogyny. If you must hold such views, please keep them to yourself.
I was speaking in reference to the Societies and Economies of the Bible. Of course today girls have other avenues for revenues. In addition to selling themselves to the whorehouses, they can now sell themselves to the Factories.

Leo, there's nothing wrong with a prostitute, know the difference. Prostitute sell themselfs for profit, a whore gives it away for free.

The woman that sells herself to the factory gives her time for compensation, she's not to be a slave of men. She is a producer of values, and she values herself more than say the prostitute who gives up morality for a bit of cash. While the woman working is got pride, and self esteem, the whore and prostitute lack these. So there's no comparison.

How do you pay your bills Leo? Do you whore yourself to the church for compensation, or do you whore yourself to some factory, do you whore yourself to some company, or do you whore yourself for yourself (self-employed), if the latter is the case then you whore yourself to the consumer that may buy your services what ever they may be.

The means to sustain life, of self is no different than yours than it is to a woman. Your a male shobinist pig for making such comparison as a whore to an individual who rather work for herself.

The real whores Leo are your priests, who don't do shiet but live by the donations of the gullible such as yourself. (DIG DEEP IN YOUR POCKETS, AND REMEMBER GOD BLESSES THE GIVER, "we rather have the kind that folds than the kind that jingle) Eddie Murphy's comming to America.

In essense Leo your religious churches are the biggest whores out there, they are selling themselves daily for parishoners for the mere profit. Thus the true nature of the church live by the efforts of others!.

Leo Volont: Anyway, Medicine Woman is an example of what happens when people are insufficiently educated.
M*W: I'm probably more educated than you, Leo. I don't judge ancient societies, because the truth about these societies, especially the xian ones, are blurred beyond belief.
Leo Volont: I try to explain that the Ancient Laws were bending over backwards to protect the interests of its girls, and these modern ignorant saucy things only have insults for me.
M*W: Well, its been a couple of generations back when I was called "a saucy thing," but even though I hate your guts, I will take that as a compliment, as my grandchildren are almost grown.
Leo Volont: She should go back to Grade School and see if she can learn something the next time through.
M*W: What I've learned, I didn't learn in grade school. It is you who are the ignorant one.
ILikeSalt said:
The Bible says a lot fo things. It was religious custom of the people at the time. It might not be now. The Bible also says that people caught stealing should be executed. Ahould christians kill thiefs?

Are you saying that bible came for limited period and its rules can not bet set today?
Leo said:
So there were laws designed to protect the Price of a Virgin. They call the deflowering of a Virgin a "rape" but only in the sense that it involved sexual relations without a Marriage Purchase Agreement with her father. When apprehended the 'seducer' must pay a fine equivalent to a Dowry and must secure the girl's future with Marriage. Such a Law protects both the Girl and the Girl's Father who had property rights in his daughter.

what are you saying?
If beautiful women rejected an ugly man, then the ugly man rapes here next day and then he can have here? What law is that?

Leo said:
try to explain that the Ancient Laws were bending over backwards to protect the interests of its girls,
Are you saying that Bible is only for ancient laws? It dose not suit you societies anymore?

Yes, we can see that Eve was seduced by the Serpent as Adam was subsequently seduced by Eve.

I Quran, Eve is innocent and Adam (the man) who did the sin. He was not seduced by Eve he was seduced by Satan. Satan told him if you eat from the tree you will never die and you will be a king.
James R said:

I don't suppose too many people here are interested in your particular brand of misogyny. If you must hold such views, please keep them to yourself.

So we can speak of Religion as long as we do not make reference to Moral Behavior?

Besides, the topic of this Thread is Women. Don't threaten me for replying to it. If you don't like the direction the thread points, then pull the thread. I didn't start it. If you listen you might learn something.
Godless said:
Leo, there's nothing wrong with a prostitute, know the difference. Prostitute sell themselfs for profit, a whore gives it away for free.


Actually whores and prostitutes are the same thing. 'Prostitute' is the more euphemistic, and is used as the legal term... but it means "whore".

yes, 'whore' is the word used to insult promiscuous girls who 'give it away', but it is not being used correctly, as most words used as insults are not being used with literal exactitude.
Godless said:
How do you pay your bills Leo? Do you whore yourself to the church for compensation, or do you whore yourself to some factory, do you whore yourself to some company, or do you whore yourself for yourself (self-employed), if the latter is the case then you whore yourself to the consumer that may buy your services what ever they may be.


Yes. If you have been following my other threads on various topics you might have anticipated that I do not think it is entirely just that a Select Priveleged 1% of the Population can live entirely in Leisure, while the other 99% are effectively their Slaves.

I do not believe in Exploitation and will not make arguments justifying it.

What is your argument anyway, that since I work for a living, I should believe that women should be exploited for Sex. Great! And the moderators have a problem with me.

So I believe everybody in Society should share in doing the necessary work. But satisfying the sexual needs of the relatively wealthy is not what I would consider necessary work.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I'm probably more educated than you, Leo.

If you honestly consider yourself educated, then you simply do not get out enough. Just look at the dimestore second-hand propagandas you spout. Go back to school and grow a few gray hairs. In 20 years you will look back with shame that you now had called yourself 'educated'.

Oh! I neglected to finish your post. You are already old. then there is no hope for you. Irreparably silly is what you must be.
7x7 said:
Are you saying that bible came for limited period and its rules can not bet set today?

Legal Codes are written to deal with Legal Problems. Where the Bible is only presenting a Legal Code we cannot suppose that Divine Revelation is involved. Moses only brought the 10 Commandments down from the Mountain... all the rest of the Mosaic Laws are simply human interpretations and legalistic expansions. Well, our Doctors of the Law are at least as capable to inferencial thinking as those old Jews.

but getting the Perfect Balance in the Law is difficult, because it is not something we can very well experiment with. Personally I think all intentional and deliberate crimes of property should be Capital. Thieves SHOULD BE killed. Right now, the light penalties for theft make Crime for Profit a viable career path for many. If each thief was hung the morning after a jury of their peers found them guilty of calculated and deliberate theft, then I think that professional theft would virtually disappear from our Society.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Warel, donut id awso sa dut yoo shud b noice 2 vem? I recun u shud oppruss un muderashun but nut 2 mutch.

The Web has a tacit understanding, and it is a charitable one, that we will not bring attention to grammatical and spelling errors. does it not save us all some time not to worry about second drafts and all that editing?

As long as you understand what the point is, there is no reason to be busting their bowls.
Yes. If you have been following my other threads on various topics you might have anticipated that I do not think it is entirely just that a Select Priveleged 1% of the Population can live entirely in Leisure, while the other 99% are effectively their Slaves.

And how do you think that 1% made it Leo?. It is because of them that society has moved forward, it is because of capitalist, that we are able to communicate on this forum, capitalism provides for your welfare, a garbage man lives better today than king of anciet Egipt. Because of capitalism you can sit your ass on that chair n type absurdities on your computer. Are you envious that others are doing better than you Leo?. I'm a capitalist, I work, but at the same time I invest in the market for my future, I earn a decent living I don't consider myself a slave. I work because I choose to do so, other than gripe about others having more than I, I'm inspired that they are able to "EARN IT". Rather than ask for handouts, and fool the gullible to live off the efforts of others. Do you realise how many Church leaders are included in that 1%?. How do you supose they stole it Leo?. by taking advantage of people like yourself. Gullible, mindless mystics.
