Doomsday scenarios in the religions

Okay a little Scifi story just to keep you happy.

2012 the Einstein Podolsky, and Rosen bridge is breached. This event signifies a dawning of a new age, an age where out past can be observed from the future, where our future can interact with our past.

All those religions that people have followed for years are turned to during this time to be observed, people want to see their messiah and have a chance to interact with their god(s). They are greatly disappointed by events, their religions are proven to be complete fallacies.

If the rule of "No interaction with the past" was followed, the religions we have now would not exist. Some religious leaders decide they have to intervene to save their religions, they identify their historical flag barer's and begin to "Act" out the stories that had been past to them for generations as anecdotes.

Of course they have to keep this secret from the world, as they are now in "Gods Domain", they are the ones shaping the world, manipulating the thoughts of man and Acting out what they believe our world should see. We of course exist in the "future", which could be defined as a "Heaven" since "Only the children may enter."

Since those religions in the past can not just be allowed to be malformed by those that would use them for their own purposes, Scientists across the globe attempt to intervene. Within the documentation, the anecdotal stories passed down from generation to generation they planet the seeds to success for the future. They place "Abstract" portions of current sciences, ideologies and of course our future concerns into all religions. (This ties religions together as one, as the death of any would mean a loss in the datastream.)

Concerns in regards to those countries that have now stepped into "Super power" positions with their war games and nuclear development requires an approach to warn them. Obviously politicians from one country trying to infer the dangers of another countries ambitions in regards to nuclear development is seen as more than just "foreign policy" it can actually be seen as invasive and undermine relations between those countries. So the creation of Abstract stories placed into the religions of those regions to try and teach about the concerns and apply the understanding to never make those mistakes is born. (The texts you tried to refer to).

How does this all tie to a Doomsday, you might ask? Well if events portrayed became a reality, all religion would be seen a lie. It would be understood that our past was interfered with by our future. The God(s) we look to that see's all and knows all, is *US* further ahead in time, capable of seeing our past, our history, our mistakes and our endeavours. The concerns of corruption in regards to this system arises and a new type of war rages, not through the use of guns and bombs, but a war with time. History has more tipex clouding it's annals then you'll ever know.

The Doomsday is a mixture of the truth being made known and some truth being lost to that Tipex being penned by those that try to control the seats of power, manipulate justice and otherwise have the thumb over us. No God(s) to put the world right by this point ;)

[This is a copyrighted plotline, reuse at your Peril!]
MOD: TheVisitor, if you'll post your preaching the 4th time, you'll be banned for a few days. Or maybe more.
Eternal return

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eternal return (also known as "eternal recurrence") is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self-similar form an infinite number of times. The concept has roots in ancient Egypt, and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the notion is supported in the book of Ecclesiastes.[1][2][3] With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the concept fell into disuse, though Friedrich Nietzsche briefly resurrected it.

In addition, the philosophical concept of eternal recurrence was addressed by Arthur Schopenhauer. It is a purely physical concept, involving no "reincarnation", but the return of beings in the same bodies. Time is viewed as being not linear but cyclical.

The basic premise is that the universe is limited in extent and contains a finite amount of matter, while time is viewed as being infinite. The universe has no starting or ending state, while the matter comprising it is constantly changing its state. The number of possible changes is finite, and so sooner or later the same state will recur.

Physicists such as Stephen Hawking and J. Richard Gott have proposed models by which the (or a) universe could undergo time travel, provided the balance between mass and energy created the appropriate cosmological geometry. More philosophical concepts from physics, such as Hawking's "arrow of time", for example, discuss cosmology as proceeding up to a certain point, whereafter it undergoes a time reversal (which, as a consequence of T-symmetry, is thought to bring about a chaotic state due to thermodynamic entropy).

The oscillatory universe model in physics could be provided as an example of how the universe cycles through the same events infinitely.

Peter Lynds has proposed a model in which time is cyclic, and the universe repeats exactly an infinite number of times. Because it is the exact same cycle that repeats, however, it can also be interpreted as happening just once in relation to time.[4]

Indian religions

The concept of cyclical patterns is very prominent in Indian religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism among others. The Wheel of life represents an endless cycle of birth, life, and death from which one seeks liberation. In Tantric Buddhism, a wheel of time concept known as the Kalachakra expresses the idea of an endless cycle of existence and knowledge.[5] A notable new religious movement called the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University teaches that this "eternal return" happens once every exactly 5,000 years in an identically repeating cycle [6] ending with a total annihilation of humanity via an imminent and desirable Nuclear Holocaust, civil war and natural disaster [7] information which is generally hidden from non-members.[8]


Now here's what I posted earlier you censored as preaching.
It was a response to the sci-fi story by Stryder...

Let's compare the two.


Originally Posted by Stryder
Okay a little Scifi story just to keep you happy.

The God(s) we look to that see's all and knows all, is *US* further ahead in time, capable of seeing our past, our history, our mistakes and our endeavours.

This part is true.
It's in the Bible...except it's both further ahead and further back in time
How can this be?

No mater how hard you try to hold on to a slips through your hand like grains of sand.
Then before you know it, it's Monday again.
Ever have that feeling?
Everything in time is in a cycle, repeating over and over.
Doesn't nature try to teach us this?

God created ....all of this.
Directly - indirectly through physical laws He set in motion.
Time however long it lasts, is just a temporary "bubble" inside of eternity.
Any way out, either forwards or backwards in time, leads to exactly the same place.
Everything that has a beginning, has an end.
It's a cycle.The way of all the earth.
But outside of this cycle......there is God, and eternity.

Man is a triune being....having body, spirit and soul.
That soul is a child of God, connected..... to God, a part of God.
That's how the seer's or prophets could know the future and see all things in the past and present.
They accessed it from the mind of God, which their soul is a part of.


That was my post you censored in bright red lettering, like I was a child that had done something wrong.

How is this preaching?
It is saying the same thing as the Wikipedia article.
Is this off topic?

Look, I'm not here to push my views on anyone else.
When I look back at my own posts from the past, some of them look pretty simple minded to me.
My understanding is constantly growing.
I get excited when I find out something new and want to share it with others.
Many times it's the sharing, the debate with others here that leads me to the new discoveries.
And I think that's what this should be about.
The free exchange of ideas, not censorship or restriction by anyone unless it gets offensive.
We can't leave it to others to change the world.
It might just be you that gets an idea that will make a difference, or inspire someone else to...

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Okay a little Scifi story just to keep you happy.

The God(s) we look to that see's all and knows all, is *US* further ahead in time, capable of seeing our past, our history, our mistakes and our endeavours. The concerns of corruption in regards to this system arises and a new type of war rages, not through the use of guns and bombs, but a war with time.
[This is a copyrighted plotline, reuse at your Peril!]
Yes, this story was copyrighted by Ben Bova. It's called Orion.

Pretty good series of books, too. But Bova beat you to it.
Thanks for the link, just read the first 12 pages or so .......looks pretty wild.

He wrote these in memory of Alfred Bester...."The Demolished Man" author.
Didn't know that. Although I have read The Demolished Man. It's been a while, but I believe it's about a guy who murders someone and the "death" penalty is basically wiping your mind and rebuilding your personality from the ground up so you can become a productive member of society again. Well, not really you, but your body anyway.
Didn't know that. Although I have read The Demolished Man. It's been a while, but I believe it's about a guy who murders someone and the "death" penalty is basically wiping your mind and rebuilding your personality from the ground up so you can become a productive member of society again. Well, not really you, but your body anyway.

Like an early version of "The Minority Report"

E.s.p. remote viewers employed by governments and multinational corporations to prevent crime and control the population, only in "Minority Report" they judged you guilty before you commit the crime...

I mentioned in an earlier post something about how "seers" or "prophets" could access knowledge of the past, present, and future.

Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us [is] for the king of Israel?

And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that [is] in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber.

I believe this happens when a person is born without the "wall" that separates the conscious and subconscious mind, as is present in the rest of us "normal" people.
They can access the subconscious and the enormous abilities there while they are still a "vision".
The rest of us have to go to sleep to access the subconscious, and dream things which may still have significance but are usually expressed in symbols that have to be properly interpreted.

The governments would be attempting to duplicate this rare inherited ability in training their "remote viewers".
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Mod note: Post by TheVisitor deleted. A fairy tale is not actual history and can't be used in a scientific discussion as a statement of fact.

TheVisitor, if you wish to seriously discuss your wild speculation, please do so in the Pseudoscience subforum.

Mod note: Post by TheVisitor deleted. A fairy tale is not actual history and can't be used in a scientific discussion as a statement of fact.

TheVisitor, if you wish to seriously discuss your wild speculation, please do so in the Pseudoscience subforum.

Its not a fairty tale
Text deleted by moderator.
Warning to TheVisitor - continual reposting of a post deleted by moderator is a breach of Sciforums rules and may get you banned for a few days, at first.
TheVisitor has been banned for repeated reposting of deleted material and for spamming other CR threads.
Doomsday scenarios in the religions .....

There are plenty of good ones, many of which sound similar in ways.
The Islam prophecies sound much like Armageddon in the bible, both talk of an Anti-Christ...
The Ragnarok final war sounds much like the post millineal battle of Gog and Magog in the bible....

There is so much that could have been said's a terrific topic, but...

When I quote the Bible's doomsday scenarios I'm "preaching" and Avatar deletes my posts.

I was once a moderator of a science board....20 years ago.
As long as the MOD's on this board are allowed to use their personal preferences any way they please censoring posts without some kind of oversight, there is little hope to have any meaningful discussions.

So I think I'm done here.
This is TheVisitor...

Signing off for good.
Most toss their heads at religious prophecies so I'll toss one in that can be kept track of.
Smith or Young of the Mormon church stated that the end of the world would not transpire untill a Mormon temple had been built in every country on earth. Now mind you this prophecy was made at least 100 years ago when most who knew Mormons felt for sure it was a dieing religion. Go do a google on how many countries at present have their temples.
I have had a curisousity about the doomsday scenarios and especially the signs of the end time. It is illustrated quite in detail in the Islamic texts. Some signs like widespread draught and famine. People killing each other while not knowing why, a big treasure being found in the Tigris (or Eupherates I think), The big wars, the Dajjal, the black-flagged warriors, the return of the Christ, the Al-Mahdi,... I wonder what are the signs in the other religions and whether the are similar.

Yes, its an interesting subject---especially since our out-going President was a "born-again" believer and the fate of the world, for a while, rested in the hands of a man who would have loved to have been the one who "brought Armageddon and the 'return' of Christ."

In my book, I have the following:

"We can imagine the grim, final and massive exchange of nuclear fire power and the ensuing crash in human numbers on Earth. We should also add the damage done by new epidemics, ones infecting us, our crops and our livestock.

So, finally, there would indeed be the much-longed-for "End Times" (or "Qiyamah” to Muslims), the one so eagerly awaited for thousands of years by billions of fanatical believers of the world’s old “spirit”-based WV systems. The "missing (Mahdi) leader" or “the Hidden (Shiite) Imam,” Quetzalcoatl (and midnight 12/21/2012), the Hindu coming of Kalki, Krishna, the Hopi Blue Star (UFO) Kochina, the Fifth Buddha, the cosmic regeneration and reuniting with Mazda, the Messiah of Judaism, and a returning Christ would all be seen looming through the mists.

But it would all be mere illusion. Instead of a vast panorama of spectacular phantom beings parading to our rescue, there would be nothing except sulfurous smoke, radiation, and the few surviving members of our now depleted race. Even they would all be divided still by the same old religions all still claiming to be “the Truth” and “the Light” in a world that had suddenly and dramatically become darker. The faithful would have all been wrong again.""

Yes, its an interesting subject---especially since our out-going President was a "born-again" believer and the fate of the world, for a while, rested in the hands of a man who would have loved to have been the one who "brought Armageddon and the 'return' of Christ."
I don't think he was any more sincere about his fundie religion than he was about his university studies, his military service, his desire to punish the people responsible for 9/11 (who were, after all, his hand-holding buddies the Saudis), or his declaration of "mission accomplished."
Simple. The elimination of homo sapien as the sole controlling force on the planet would fix most of our current problems. Strong general AI would make the perfect 'god' for the godless, as it will be able to think so much faster than us. It would be a natural leader, and with the embrace of it's pragmatic logic, our mortal coils cease to have meaning, except perhaps as an example of obsolescence.