Doomsday scenarios in the religions

Before the minor signs ends and the major signs (which are final forerunners of the doomsday) began there will be some kind of agreement/pact between the muslims and christians to fight a common enemy (this common enemy is not mentioned, it can be communism or some other sort of danger), but after they beat this enemy, the christians breach the agreement and start a war with the muslims. This wars and other turmoils will continue for long times and the atrocity and injustice will be widespread all over the people, so that some sincere people they could find a way out of it. Many people will indulge themselves with wealth and wordly things and the values will be misregarded. During this mayhem a noble man (named Muhammed son of Abdellah and his title Al Mahdi: will emerge from Mecca people come to him to lead them in Jihad in the way of God. Then sincere muslims from all over the world will rush to this group to fight the injustice and tyranny and people of balck flag will be with him. The muslim army will advance into the Europe and (possibly) reconquer Constantinopole (this may be a sign that Constantinopole will be captured by the christians before that time). They then marsh further into Europe until they reach Italy and the conquer Italy, too. There will be justice and abundance wherever the Al-Mahdi goes. But then the news comes that Dajjal (the antichrist) has emerged. So everybody rushes back to their home to save himself and his family and the Biggest Evil of All (the upheaval of dajjal) begins... This is the beggining of the major signs of the doomsday.
funny how, at least for the islamic 'oh shit we're all fucked' scenario, it seems to be mostly 'doing the opposite of what allah wants you to do'. wonder if anyone will reach the conclusion - we'd better do what the qur'an says?
Here is the Hopi native american prophecy:

"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease."

1. White guys with guns arrive
2. White people colonize coast to coast
3. Introduction of domesticated cattle
4. Railroads from coast to coast
5. Some have alluded this to be the internet

6-9 Have not happened yet but rivers of stone makes me think of volcanic activity(*cough* yellowstone *cough*)
And dwelling place in the heavens falling with a great crash is self-explanatory.
Since they didn't have many written documents, it's very convenient that their prophecies fit what actually happened.
Here is the Hopi native american prophecy:
This is clearly not "ancient," but was put together after the European occupation began.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels. . . .
The aboriginal North Americans were still living on the Mesolithic/Neolithic cusp (the dawn of agriculture). They had not invented the technology of the wheel and could not have had a word for a concept they lacked.
. . . .the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
Without wheels no one could have imagined the technology of the wagon. Furthermore, Australia and North America are the only two continents where no animal large enough to use for draft was ever domesticated. (No kangaroo-carts, and nobody tried to domesticate a bison. The Eskimos did not even domesticate reindeer/caribou as their cousins in Asia did.) This also argues against the concept of a wagon existing in their culture or language. They had travoises--triangular wheel-less "trailers" that humans and dogs could drag behind them on their one point--but neither a human nor a dog could drag one large enough to inspire the image of a wagon.
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
First you invent the technology of agriculture, which concentrates your population and allows you to invent the technology of cities, which have large enough fires to invent the technology of smelting copper and tin and alloying them into bronze, whch inspires you to create even hotter fires and invent the technology of iron metallurgy. The Indians might have discovered a few iron metorites, but they had no way to melt them and discover that iron could be shaped, so they could not have imagined "snakes of iron."

These particular components are clear evidence that this prophecy was not the pre-Columbian mythology the Indians attributed to their ancestors, but was inspired by European technology they had already observed.
i just read an amazing book, google it by Yehudah Chayoun - regarding all of the talmudic (jewish) perspectives, scary stuff, but if u are jewish all u have to do is eat three meals on shabbos and you are saved!!!!
i just read an amazing book, google it by Yehudah Chayoun - regarding all of the talmudic (jewish) perspectives, scary stuff, but if u are jewish all u have to do is eat three meals on shabbos and you are saved!!!!

Jews do pray before eating a meal, don't they? There you have it...not much different from X'tians...3 prayers are better than one!
If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it.
So if you can find what happened in the past...
It may shed some light on what's about to happen.

Consider these verses from the ancient Mahabharata: ...

"A single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour... a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds... ...the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols... was an unknown weapon, An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death, Which reduced to ashes The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned As to be unrecognisable. The hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white. After a few hours All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire The soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.

This book is verified by accepted peers around the world to be at least 5000 years old.

Civilization and science were very advanced....
We have records Man developed nuclear weapons and used them in a terrible war that destroyed both sides.

Some have said it was the existence of this very text that gave the German's the idea such a weapon could be created in the first place.
They started their atomic bomb research with the intention of recreating this nightmare.

In the Bible when God said " I am going to destroy the world with water" in the days of Noah, did He let man do it.?
In the Genesis account, before the flood there was no record of seasons changing, rain falling, or even a cloud even in the sky.
The Bible said the face of the ground was watered each night from the dew that fell on it.
The world was balanced upright relating to it's orbit around the sun.

Now it's limping through space at a 23 degree angle to the sun causing the storms and seasons.
What knocked it off it's axis just in the last 5,000 years or so?

The "scientific community" in league with the western world in it's mad rush to acquire arms more powerful than their neighbors didn't want us to know the results of the last time this happened. You can't learn from histories mistakes when they have been forgotten, omitted or covered up.

The Bible said this time the world would be destroyed with fire.
Do we need to guess at this late hour how that's going to happen?

Robert J. Oppenheimer was the scientific director of the Manhattan Project: the World War II effort to develop the first nuclear weapons at the secret Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
At the 1945 atomic bomb test he implied his regret after the success of the test, and referred to his knowledge of these Indian texts that tell of a nuclear war destroying the world over 5000 years ago, when he recalled the Bhagavad Gita: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Later when someone asked him if this had been the first atomic bomb ever exploded, he said; "well yes, in modern times".

After the war Oppenheimer was a chief advisor to the newly created United States Atomic Energy Commission and used that position to lobby for international control of atomic energy and to avert the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. After provoking the ire of many politicians with his outspoken political opinions during the Red Scare, he had his security clearance revoked in a much-publicized and politicized hearing in 1954.
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The End Times in the Cthulhu Mythos is blatantly the most terrifying.

Cthulhu wipes out all those who do not serve him. So he's a global threat by religious standards.

Jesus saves; Cthulhu swallows.

"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

Interesting wording. It doesn't say that this happens. It says that we will HEAR about it.
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

Interesting wording. It doesn't say that this happens. It says that we will HEAR about it.

The Bible has a similar verse;
REVELATION 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead [man]: and every living soul died in the sea.
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Visitor, what I mean is that this thing about the poisoning of the oceans is something that we hear about but don't see a lot of. Oil spills do qualify, though. The problem exists and animals do die of it, but we're still in pretty good shape.
Oil spills, poisonous Algae growth and not to forget Volcanic eruptions can unleash high levels of sulphur amongst other materials that would kill most life that lives within water.

However you have to take note that in all these depictions the events are "Dramatic", to some it can be seen like the tale of what happens to bad boys and why you should be good. In most religions they do apply both positive and negative taxis's which are designed just to make people in number tow the line.

an example:
Fictional example said:
If you are good you go to heaven.
If you are bad, you are sent to a place called hell where fires rage and tortures occur on the unworthy and damn for an eternity.

Obviously the Positive taxis exists but it's not as hyped as the negative one.

My personal understanding of an Armageddon or Apocalypse is the very reason why Religion for so many years shunned Science. Basically as people become more enlightened through their own studies and decision making it will eventually be found that there was never a Single true religion and that all of them were false, concocted for mass control over people that feared what they couldn't understand or be allowed to begin to think about.

When we reach that point where religion is realised to be a complete crock, people will choose to get on with their lives and ignore it, some will not accept that religion is a crock and will continue to try and push their dying beliefs on others (These might well be distorted understandings of their religion, since they are putting all that work in to try and keep it going, it becomes personal and therefore corrupted), while others still will try to make it survive by twisting it's views to attempt to consolidate other beliefs/thoughts and opinions that they didn't originally adhere to (i.e. Catholicism has endorsed a number of Scientific projects that originally it would have fought against).

So in short the only "End of the world" is to those that are too constrained in reasoning to be able to move on, everybody else will just move on or adapt.
My personal understanding of an Armageddon or Apocalypse is the very reason why Religion for so many years shunned Science.

Basically as people become more enlightened through their own studies and decision making it will eventually be found that there was never a Single true religion and that all of them were false, concocted for mass control over people that feared what they couldn't understand or be allowed to begin to think about.

So in short the only "End of the world" is to those that are too constrained in reasoning to be able to move on, everybody else will just move on or adapt.

The reason the sacred religious texts did not "embrace" science is because it is light years behind the true spiritual knowledge these texts contain.
They are the wisdom that remained after the unbelief you call science took man to the brink of destruction and over it, again and again.

Science is based on a total lack of faith in the unseen...and the powerful spiritual forces that exist there.
These are the forces that created the worlds.
Without God you couldn't hold yourself together long enough to drive down to the store.

The whole world is under an anointing that falls like rain upon the just and unjust alike.
It is restraining the destructive primitive nature in man to a certain degree.
It is the only reason man has accomplished anything.
God has reserved this age for judgement with allowing man to advance this far.
All God has to do is remove this protective veil upon humanity, and man would self destruct and eat each other alive.

These religious texts are thousands of years old and have dealt with the faults of human nature and recorded what happens when it is unchecked.

The tree of knowledge man chose over the tree of life was said to bring death.
It has over and over and over again.

Nuclear weapons have destroyed this world before.
The ancient texts tell us this.
Nuclear power is nothing new...hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
The mechanism that powers the stars.
Pretty common stuff in some circles wouldn't you imagine?

Oppenheimer referred to these texts when the first bomb was detonated.
He said; "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"

You have no idea what we are dealing with...and you mock elders and wise men alike while accepting a science that creates more death with every discovery.

Gunpowder made guns, cannons, tanks and bombs...
The automobile has killed more than all the wars put together.
Now we have nuclear weapons.

What do you suppose man will do with them?
Do you really think any of this will be used for peaceful purposes?
Will Iran use nuclear power for peace...?
Or any of the others, North Korea, Russia, even the U.S....?
History is full of tyrants, henchmen, mobsters, fascists and genocidal maniacs.

Your "science" is just an excuse they used to pull the wool over your eyes and allow them to ignore the safeguards these time tested spiritual teachings had put in place for sake of our own existence.

The Nazi's got the idea for the atomic bomb from reading the Indian texts that described the last nuclear war that destroyed the entire planet.
America just finished the job.

Didn't know that either?
Well now you do....a little too late I'm afraid.

Maybe you should write this down and bury it really deep somewhere.
Someday someone might dig it up and read it, if anyone will still know how to read.....

Sound familiar?

Now think about how "ignorant" those old religious texts are.
It's not that man can't be allowed to advance further....
He would have self destructed long before now if not for God.
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No, the reason the sacred religious texts did not "embrace" science is because it is light years behind the true spiritual knowledge these texts contain.

Without God you couldn't hold yourself together long enough to drive down to the store.
More speculation.

The whole world blah blah said to bring death.
It has over and over and over again.

Nuclear weapons have destroyed this world before.
The ancient texts tell us this.
Didn't you know that?
Destroyed! Not hardly.
And only if you "believe" that stuff...

The automobile has killed more than all the wars put together.

The Nazi's got the idea for the atomic bomb from reading the Indian texts that described the last nuclear war that destroyed the entire planet.
Umm, no they didn't.
Not even close.
Umm, no they didn't.
Not even close.

Robert J. Oppenheimer was the scientific director of the Manhattan Project: the World War II effort to develop the first nuclear weapons at the secret Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
At the 1945 atomic bomb test he implied his regret after the success of the test, and referred to his knowledge of these Indian texts that tell of a nuclear war destroying the world over 5000 years ago, when he recalled the Bhagavad Gita: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Later when someone asked him if this had been the first atomic bomb ever exploded, he said; "well yes, in modern times".

India has evidence that at least two of it's ancient cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons.

(1) In 1979 a book by David W. Davenport, an Englishman born in India, was published in Italy.
Its title was 2000 AC Diztruzione Atomica, Atomic Destruction 2000. BC.
Davenport claimed to have proof that Mohenjo Daro, one of the oldest cities in the history of human civilization, had been destroyed by an atomic bomb.
Davenport shows that the ruined site known as the place of death by archaeologists was not formed by gradual decay.
Originally Mohenjo Daro, which is more than 5000 years old, lay on two islands in the Indus.
Within a radius of 1.5 km Davenport demonstrates three different degrees of devastation which spread from the center outwards. Enormous heat unleashed total destruction at the center. Thousands of lumps, christened black stones by archaeologists, turned out to be fragments of clay vessels which had melted into each other in the extreme heat.
The possibility of a volcanic eruption is excluded because there is no hardened lava or volcanic ash in or near Mohenjo Daro.
Davenport assumed that the brief intensive heat reached 2000 degree C. It made the ceramic vessels melt.
He further says that in the suburbs of Mohenjo Daro skeletons of people lying flat on the ground, often hand in hand were found, as if the living had been suddenly overcome by an unexpected catastrophe.

(2) Reported in January 1992 by the UK's World Island Review, a construction team discovered the site in Rajasthan, India while preparing to build at a housing development.
The heavy layer of radioactive ash found in a three-mile-square area concealed "an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945," said the newspaper.
After its discovery, the ancient city became suspect as the cause of a high rate of birth defects and cancer in the region. "The levels of radiation there (the city site) have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region," said the newspaper.

Consider these verses from the ancient Mahabharata: ...

"A single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour... a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds... ...the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols... was an unknown weapon, An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death, Which reduced to ashes The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned As to be unrecognisable. The hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white. After a few hours All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire The soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.
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"The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom." —H. P. Lovecraft

Cthulhu loves you. In a sandwich.

Later when someone asked him if this had been the first atomic bomb ever exploded, he said; "well yes, in modern times".
I keep seeing that stated all over the net: I've never seen the original source.
Made up?

Mohenjo Daro: oh yeah. Actually there's a very nasty type of meteor that has very similar effects... I wonder if that could be the answer?

Rajasthan, India: after 8-12000 years with a Fat Man type weapon and it's STILL dangerously radioactive? Hmmm.

Consider these verses from the ancient Mahabharata: ...
Yep, so anyone reading that would think - "Ooh let's build a big bomb" there is NO reference to nuclear weapons or their effects until after the first one has gone off to relate those details to. There are no engineering or physics details to "give the nazis the idea".
Why is it when people like yourself try to defend a religion or of course fabricate a reality based upon your own tangent adaptive capabilities, they often come across as complete Nutbar's.

Yes I know all about the "Sacred texts" and it's just a big bunch of rhubarb.

As for your understanding that "god" helps me get up in the morning, there is no such entity as god. Anyone that believes in a god is truly weak minded to have other people make up such stories and make decisions for them.
Alrighty then.
This is "Doomsday scenarios in the religions"... Right?
Perhaps you have a more realistic doomsday story to tell?

I am all ears...:shrug:
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