Doing bad deeds makes a bad person?

I don't agree with that at all! But before we can even have this discussion, we need to define what is meant by bad?
Well, does it? Personally, no, it does not. In my eyes, there is no such thing as a "bad" person or "bad" deeds.
We are defined by what we do. Do bad things over and over and you become a bad person.

You say you don't believe there is such a thing as bad? What about murder? Is that bad? As Nietzche said, it's always easier to do something the second time. I'm sure John Wayne Gacy had a lot tougher time killing his first young man than his 13th. Do you think, by the time he viewed raping and murdering young men as a routine night out that he might have become a bad man?
Well, does it? Personally, no, it does not. In my eyes, there is no such thing as a "bad" person or "bad" deeds.

Anyone who thinks as you do and even has to ask that question needs to spend some serious time getting in touch with reality!:bugeye:

Try doing any of the things that society considers seriously bad deeds and you'll get a lesson in reality VERY quickly!!!!

(And maybe they'll give you access to a computer in prison and you can come back and tell us all of the things you've learned. How about it?)
I once met a very "bad" person who would bully people around the area which I lived. He then tried it with me and I did something to him to make him realize that it wasn't nice to be bad to others. From that day on he never again bullied anyone that I knew about and left the area after a few years. What I did would be considered "bad" as well but sometimes you must fight fire with fire in order to stop further problems from happening.
Well, does it? Personally, no, it does not. In my eyes, there is no such thing as a "bad" person or "bad" deeds.

huh?! Prisons are full of bad people who have done bad deeds. There are bad parents doing bad deeds every day.
And how the heck is "bad" different than bad.
We are defined by what we do. Do bad things over and over and you become a bad person.

You say you don't believe there is such a thing as bad? What about murder? Is that bad? As Nietzche said, it's always easier to do something the second time. I'm sure John Wayne Gacy had a lot tougher time killing his first young man than his 13th. Do you think, by the time he viewed raping and murdering young men as a routine night out that he might have become a bad man?

He was not a bad man, because there is no such thing as "bad" men.
Anyone who thinks as you do and even has to ask that question needs to spend some serious time getting in touch with reality!:bugeye:

Try doing any of the things that society considers seriously bad deeds and you'll get a lesson in reality VERY quickly!!!!

(And maybe they'll give you access to a computer in prison and you can come back and tell us all of the things you've learned. How about it?)

Just because it's against the law it's not "right?" Is that what you're saying?
The more I think about this the more my mind can't seem to grasp it. I think you're a bad person if you do "bad" things just because... You aren't doing it to help or save anyone or yourself, plus you have to know what you're doing is bad and not care. Because someone who does something that I would consider bad, but if they don't consider it bad or think they are helping others by doing it I don't think I could actually call them a bad person. Like if I thought a law was unjust and I fought against the majority to change that injustice that make's me a bad person in society's eyes, but would that truly make me a bad person? Not to those I was trying to help, I mean to them I would be a hero or martyr. The ultimate "good" person. Right? Or did I get confused somewhere along the way because that's highly probable.
I agree that "Good" and "Bad" are largely and simply different angles of Perspective.

However, there is such a thing as constructive and destructive. Anyone who's been in a real fight knows about that "sick" little feedback you get when you deliver that wonderfully connected punch. The feeling of your opponent getting weaker and you getting stronger. It's the same feeling one get's when kicking over someone's sand castle as a child. It's quite alluring, like some kind of invisible drug.

Conversely, the positive feedback people get when they build that sand castle, the perfect lawn, or a mission that feeds and entire village in Africa. It can also be quite alluring, a feeling of accomplishment, of personal achivement.

Both get easier to do once the first act has been done.

Some might say I have just described good and evil, but I have not. For the kid that makes a sandcastle and will not allow anyone within 10 feet of it, is asking for a beatdown. The missionary that beats the shit out of the people he just provided food because they do not follow the path he wants, is asking for rebellion. And...that old fuck with the "keep off the grass" sign, is asking for gasoline to be "accidentally" poured all over it by a chain smoking litterer.
He was not a bad man, because there is no such thing as "bad" men.

You've said that more than once - let's see you prove it.

And by the way, are you even bothering to read and trying to understand what others are saying here or do you want to do nothing more than keep repeating yourself?
I'm definitely reading what everyone has to say, as of now this topic and the peoples opinions(not just in this thread, I've asked other people too and even wrote a speech on it) is the most interesting thing in my life. Can you define bad or evil? Personal definition or from a dictionary, we can use whatever you like.