Does time exist?

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Where did I say duration is zero ?
When you said duration is irrelevant.
So, if duration is not important, then zero is a perfectly good value for it, and your assertion should still hold.

But your assertion does not hold for certain values of duration.

Thus, the value of duration is definitely relevant.

A particle, whose duration is zero, cannot exist and thus cannot interact.

More generally, no interactions of any kind, can occur over a zero duration.
How did you extrapolate , duration is irrelevant to the particle , to particle doesn't exist ?
So, are you now going to imply the particle has duration, but that has nothing to do with the paritcle existing?
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When you said duration is irrelevant.
So, if duration is not important, then zero is a perfectly good value for it, and your assertion should still hold.

But your assertion does not hold for certain values of duration.

Thus, the value of duration is definitely relevant.

A particle, whose duration is zero, cannot exist and thus cannot interact.

More generally, no interactions of any kind, can occur over a zero duration.

To the particle duration is irrelevant . The particle simplely does what it does .

It just moves .
Refer to my last post #565
river your typical one liners, and baseless unsupported claims mean SFA.
You need to support your nonsense with reputable quotes, papers from reputable scientists. Or even quote a reputable book, certainly not some woo nonsense by some nut claiming nuclear war on Mars.
Does time exist?
Time is not just a human construct....Time is measured by sequential events, even something as fundamental as the expansion of space from the BB 13.83 billion years ago.
Simply put,if time is not real, there's a bloody big anomaly! How do we keep everything from happening at once?....Or even have ever happened before? Like I said, we would still be just part of a singularity without any BB! :rolleyes:
Ah .. sorry I get ; so the field exists before the particle ; exists ; thats your point.

Remembering some say you have to have change/ movement to have time, well, the field existed without movement before the disturbance/particle.
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