All you're doing here is playing with language. You can't stop time from existing merely by renaming it to "age" or something. Tacitly, you keep admitting that time exists, despite your silly claim to the contrary.
Stuff which exist is always in motion (changing) therefore everything is incapable of happening at once
Change presupposes time. Motion presupposes time.
AGE (frequently confused with TIME) a period between two arbitrary markers
A period, eh? A period of what? Yes, that's right: a period
of time.
NOW is a moment during which the whole of the Universe is in existence.
And five minutes ago is another moment where the same thing was true. And five minutes from now. All are
During NOW everything is happening - separated by distance (ie not at a single location)
Is it your claim, then, that nothing happened in the past, and nothing will happen in the future? Keep digging that hole.
This formula illustrates two important properties of gravity. First, the mass of the bodies increases the force; the larger the mass, the larger the force. Second, the distance between the bodies will reduce the force.
You are shifting the goalposts. This is not how you previously talked about "properties". I'm onto your game.
An assertion but as mentioned before AGE is confused with TIME in common language
No it isn't. Age is simply a measure of a period of time, or a time interval. If your age is 5 years, it only means that the period between your birth and the present has a duration in time of 5 years.
People do not use the words "age" and "time" synonymously. There is no confusion. Well,
you might be confused, but nobody else is.
Stuff AGEs it does not TIMEs
That's because "time" is not a verb, whereas "age" is both a noun and a verb. You're just playing games with language here, nothing more. The fact that time isn't a verb doesn't mean it doesn't exist, as you are no doubt aware. Stuff doesn't stapler, either, but that's not an argument against the existence of staplers.
Well compare 12 inches in a foot (inches don't exist - have I got that correct?)
Compare it to what? An inch is not distance, any more than an hour is time. You seem to be confusing units of measures with the thing they are measures of. That's been true throughout this thread, with you.
How many TIMES in a year?
As many as you want (other than zero). Which, once again, only goes to show that time exists.