Does religion need God?

But seriously, whats the point ?
God creates these beings, give them ego and then rewards them for negating it.
If this is the sole purpose for us being here, it's a very shallow one. Why create us in the first place ?

The ego is necesary for survival in society, it is as God-made as technology. The ego is a false center, created as a defense mechanism.
There comes a time in life were you notice this things, you notice the pattern of your thoughts, the cyclic pattern of how your life goes around. If you repress this things (give blind sight to them), you will continue with your old patterns, but if you recognize this patterns, you will be able to understand them; and with understanding comes trascendence of the artificial (man-created ideals).

The real will never go away with understanding, only the fake vanish.
The ego is necesary for survival in society, it is as God-made as technology. The ego is a false center, created as a defense mechanism.
There comes a time in life were you notice this things, you notice the pattern of your thoughts, the cyclic pattern of how your life goes around. If you repress this things (give blind sight to them), you will continue with your old patterns, but if you recognize this patterns, you will be able to understand them; and with understanding comes trascendence of the artificial (man-created ideals).

The real will never go away with understanding, only the fake vanish.

I'm sorry but this answers non of my questions.
I'm sorry but this answers non of my questions.

That is because nobody holds the answer; you ask me why does God created us in the first place? Nobody, absolutely nobody can answer you that question.
The thing is, it is not meant to be answered; that is why the ancient Greeks said: "Homo nosce te ipsum". Because that is all that we can do as individuals.
Once you know yourself, you have no need to answer that question, because it answers by itself.

Osho gives the best answer I have ever heard to that very same question:

"Let it be settled once for all: nobody can believe without disbelieving. Every belief is a cover-up for disbelief.
Belief is only the circumference of the center called doubt; because the doubt is there you create belief. The doubt hurts, it is like a wound, it is painful. Because the doubt is a wound it hurts; it makes you feel your inner emptiness, your inner ignorance. You want to cover it up. But hiding your wound behind a roseflower -- do you think it is going to help? Do you think the roseflower will be able to help the wound disappear? Just the contrary! Sooner or later the roseflower will start stinking of the wound. The wound will not disappear because of the roseflower; in fact the roseflower will disappear because of the wound.
And you may be able to deceive somebody else who is looking from the outside -- your neighbors may think that there is no wound, but a roseflower -- but how can you deceive yourself? That is impossible. Nobody can deceive himself; deep down somewhere you will know, you are bound to know, that the wound exists and you are hiding it behind a roseflower. And you know the roseflower is arbitrary: it has not grown in you, you have plucked it from the outside, while the wound has grown inside you; you have not plucked it from the outside.

The child brings the doubt in him -- an inner doubt, that is natural. It is because of the doubt he inquires, it is because of the doubt he questions. Go with a child for a morning walk in the woods, and he brings so many questions that you feel bored, that you want to tell him to shut up. But he goes on asking.

From where are these questions coming? They are natural to the child. Doubt is an inner potential; it is the only way the child will be able to inquire and search and seek. Nothing is wrong about it. Your priests have been telling you a lie, that there is something wrong about doubt. There is nothing wrong about it. It is natural, and it has to be accepted and respected. When you respect your doubt, it is no longer a wound; when you reject it, it becomes a wound.

Let it be very clear: doubt itself is not a wound. It is a tremendous help, because it will make you an adventurer, explorer. It will take you to the farthest star in search of truth, it will make you a pilgrim. It is not unhealthy to have doubt. Doubt is beautiful, doubt is innocent, doubt is natural. But the priests have condemned it down the ages. Because of their condemnation, the doubt which could have become a flowering of trust has become just a stinking wound. Condemn anything and it becomes a wound, reject anything and it becomes a wound."

That is because nobody holds the answer; you ask me why does God created us in the first place? Nobody, absolutely nobody can answer you that question.
The thing is, it is not meant to be answered; that is why the ancient Greeks said: "Homo nosce te ipsum". Because that is all that we can do as individuals.
Once you know yourself, you have no need to answer that question, because it answers by itself.
But you can think about it. What could possibly be a purpose for creating anything ? It makes no sense.

The child brings the doubt in him -- an inner doubt, that is natural. It is because of the doubt he inquires, it is because of the doubt he questions. Go with a child for a morning walk in the woods, and he brings so many questions that you feel bored, that you want to tell him to shut up. But he goes on asking.
HUH !? Don't you think it's wonderful to answer a kids questions about nature ? I will never tell them to shut up, in fact I like explaining it to them.
Bored ? Never !
But you can think about it. What could possibly be a purpose for creating anything ? It makes no sense.
You are constantly creating with your thoughts, what is the purpose of creating those things? It makes no sense.

HUH !? Don't you think it's wonderful to answer a kids questions about nature ? I will never tell them to shut up, in fact I like explaining it to them.
Bored ? Never !

LOL, you are right, it is wonderfull to give answers to the kids; but that is just an example, that is just a way of saying that kids ask TOO MANY questions, and that is natural. Why do you look for the part were you don´t agree with? That is a modern Buddha talking, and he is just giving an example; the mayority of people would get bored after hanging out with a child for 4 hours, constantly asking questions, that you don´t know the answer to, which makes him ask even more. The fact that you wouldn´t get bored is totally irrelevant to this argument, but maybe it will fit in some thread in "about the members" section.
That part of the explanation is just an example of how questioning nature is a natural, God-given virtue; and kids are the best example because they are pure, with no junk in their minds.
You are constantly creating with your thoughts, what is the purpose of creating those things? It makes no sense.
I agree :shrug:

LOL, you are right, it is wonderfull to give answers to the kids; but that is just an example, that is just a way of saying that kids ask TOO MANY questions, and that is natural. Why do you look for the part were you don´t agree with? That is a modern Buddha talking, and he is just giving an example; the mayority of people would get bored after hanging out with a child for 4 hours, constantly asking questions, that you don´t know the answer to, which makes him ask even more. The fact that you wouldn´t get bored is totally irrelevant to this argument, but maybe it will fit in some thread in "about the members" section.
That part of the explanation is just an example of how questioning nature is a natural, God-given virtue; and kids are the best example because they are pure, with no junk in their minds.
Oh ok. :)
I wasn't looking for anything to disagree with. I just couldn't 'do' anything with the rest of it. Sorry :eek:
I agree :shrug:

Oh ok. :)
I wasn't looking for anything to disagree with. I just couldn't 'do' anything with the rest of it. Sorry :eek:

lol, there is really nothing to "do" with the rest of it; it is just something to "chew on".