Oh, I see, What you're really asking is if Buddhism is a religion? There are some that say it is and there are some that say it isn't. On the side that say it is are those that say that it makes claim that can't be verifed objectively and therefore is a religion. On the side of those that say it isn't a religion are those that say that Buddhism is actually as close as we will ever come to a science of mind and that it makes no claims that a person can't verify for themself. These people often however jettison certain beliefs associated with Buddhism like "reincarnation" and "karma" basically because these beliefs are in contradiction to their preconceived notions about how reality is. So, the choice is really up to you about whether or not there can be religon without God and how you choses to define religion (or God for that matter, because to futher complicate matters it is pointed out that Buddhist conception of Buddha-nature is remarkably similar to certain Christian descriptions of God).