Does religion make us better people?

These are not atheist charities.
They are simply organized by secular interests

I would like to know some atheist charitable organization in the Chicago area , give an address please , so I can check it out.. because many so called atheist groups just ask donation for themselves
Or does it in fact make us worse people? Are we better people for believing in sin and judging people for their thoughts and actions? Are we better people denying ourselves pleasure and self-fulfillment for the sake of meriting some afterlife reward? Are we better people for believing based on authority and tradition rather than on reason and evidence? If you are religious, how has religion made YOU better? If you are atheist or agnostic how would it have made you worse?

I am religious. Am I? I believe in our ability to pray and ask God the Father to do things for us (me) in the name of My Lord Jesus Christ. So I consider myself a Christian but I don't go to any church, either that or I could go to any and every church if I feel like it. I've come on to Sciforums appearing to be full on, but really that in itself has not been my style previously. Yet it was something I wanted to happen at some point in my life.

Does this make me a better person? Well I hope it does, for I have made vows to not to lie. And I don't steal (certainly helps when you have a good income), I try and do all things in the spirit of love. In each situation I look for the right thing to do, and not really thinking about the 10 commandments but the commandment to love one another.

Now if there was a war and I had hidden my friend in my house and the enemy come and asked me a question about them "like do you know where they are?" do I lie to save their life or not?

Thank God that hasn't happened yet, but if it did, I would lie, to save my friend's life. But then what happens if they threaten to shoot me if they find that I was telling them a lie? So would I tell a lie hoping to save my friends life knowing if they catch me out they would then shoot me? I could say "yes" I would, but I really just hope that I'm never tested like this because that is getting quite tricky isn't it?

So I do think I am much the same as before but in general a whole lot more truthful and trustworthy.
"'Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg.

Then the goodness of those good people is not really good. It's evil.
I repent of the evil I did and ask for forgiveness to whom I did the evil, then I ask God for his mercy
So if you disobeyed god you would seek his forgiveness? why would you disobey god?
If you are a believer in God or an atheist, whether or not you're a "good" person will show in your attitudes and actions towards others. Proof is always in the pudding. ;)

I saw a movie last night called The Butler and it was based on a true story depicting the civil rights movement in the US. Many of the bigots portrayed in the movie were white "Christians." So, I don't like labels, they're meaningless. If you're a good person, your actions will reflect it.

Religious or not.
So if you disobeyed god you would seek his forgiveness? why would you disobey god?

I believe there are things intentional disobedience and our natural reaction to conditions is were we are supposed to work to overcome our outbursts .
If you are a believer in God or an atheist, whether or not you're a "good" person will show in your attitudes and actions towards others. Proof is always in the pudding. ;)

I saw a movie last night called The Butler and it was based on a true story depicting the civil rights movement in the US. Many of the bigots portrayed in the movie were white "Christians." So, I don't like labels, they're meaningless. If you're a good person, your actions will reflect it.

Religious or not.

A good person is not born a good person have done work on it's character by modifying it to improvement, I believe we are all born as selfish animals
I believe there are things intentional disobedience and our natural reaction to conditions is were we are supposed to work to overcome our outbursts .
So disregarding the intentional disobedience. I must ask you then if God or Jesus appeared in front of you in the flesh, and you knew it was them beyond doubt, and they said that joe bloggs next door was bad, or your husband/wife was bad, and they asked you to smite them, would you disobey? given the alternative was an eternity of suffering. Don't come back and say they would not ask you that, they have asked people the very same in the past. It is just a Yes, I would disobey, or No, I wouldn't disobey.
So disregarding the intentional disobedience. I must ask you then if God or Jesus appeared in front of you in the flesh, and you knew it was them beyond doubt, and they said that joe bloggs next door was bad, or your husband/wife was bad, and they asked you to smite them, would you disobey? given the alternative was an eternity of suffering. Don't come back and say they would not ask you that, they have asked people the very same in the past. It is just a Yes, I would disobey, or No, I wouldn't disobey.

I have yo come back and say that could not be god , he give the command not to kill .
So disregarding the intentional disobedience. I must ask you then if God or Jesus appeared in front of you in the flesh, and you knew it was them beyond doubt, and they said that joe bloggs next door was bad, or your husband/wife was bad, and they asked you to smite them, would you disobey? given the alternative was an eternity of suffering. Don't come back and say they would not ask you that, they have asked people the very same in the past. It is just a Yes, I would disobey, or No, I wouldn't disobey.

Reminicent of the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, who God commanded to sacrifice to him on an altar. Struggling against his own sense of what was right and wrong, Abraham finally decided to obey God. But God stays his hand at the last minute. This is held up in Judeo-christian tradition as a virtuous act--a sign of the ultimate faith. But faith in what? Faith in a voice you hear in your head? Unquestioned submission to a command as the ultimate moral act? Andrea Yates probably heard voices in HER head assuring her that her kids were demon-possessed. That drowning them in the bathtub would ultimately save their souls. So she did it. No God appeared to stay her hand. And no souls were saved that day, least of all her own.

I have yo come back and say that could not be god , he give the command not to kill .
You haven't answered the question would you obey or disobey which?

I did ask you not to come back and say god would not ask you that, god has asked people the very same in the past.

It is just a Yes, I would obey, or No, I wouldn't obey. so would you obey or disobey which? yes or no, It's not rocket science.
You haven't answered the question would you obey or disobey which?

I did ask you not to come back and say god would not ask you that, god has asked people the very same in the past.

It is just a Yes, I would obey, or No, I wouldn't obey. so would you obey or disobey which? yes or no, It's not rocket science.

You are trying to pin me down . You will attempt to compare me to the case of Abraham and I would say God did not ask Abraham to sacrifice Izak ..
To be fair to the discussion . I will say no I will not kill
Reminicent of the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, who God commanded to sacrifice to him on an altar. Struggling against his own sense of what was right and wrong, Abraham finally decided to obey God. But God stays his hand at the last minute. This is held up in Judeo-christian tradition as a virtuous act--a sign of the ultimate faith. But faith in what? Faith in a voice you hear in your head? Unquestioned submission to a command as the ultimate moral act? Andrea Yates probably heard voices in HER head assuring her that her kids were demon-possessed. That drowning them in the bathtub would ultimately save their souls. So she did it. No God appeared to stay her hand. And no souls were saved that day, least of all her own.


Did God asked Abraham to sacrifice IZak or was it a voice in his head ?
Did God asked Abraham to sacrifice IZak or was it a voice in his head ?
Have you experienced the Word of God? In the Bible there were visions of text. But even then it is a internal vision for it is only the person seeing the vision that sees it.
There was the story of the writing on the wall. You'd know it, where the writing was therefore all to see.