Does religion make people dumber?

No. That humans have no ability to understand god

What good would that do? So you can destroy all hope? All magic? All passion? All creativity? All spirit?

The wave function is the tip of the iceberg. The wave-function exists and is part of reality. The wave-function is the smallest unit of spirit. It interpenetrates everything. The wave function is how the Holy Spirit, spiritual experiences, and spirits interact with our physical universe. Do you understand?
What good would that do? So you can destroy all hope? All magic? All passion? All creativity? All spirit?

The wave function is the tip of the iceberg. The wave-function exists and is part of reality. The wave-function is the smallest unit of spirit. It interpenetrates everything. The wave function is how the Holy Spirit, spiritual experiences, and spirits interact with our physical universe. Do you understand?

I see

The thing is though by understanding god gives YOU the ability to connect with god on ALL levels , this is a truth , is it not ?

I don't believe in god , but I would think that god would not hide from you who god is , would god....?
Well can you through knowledge , come to know god ?

What do you mean by knowledge? Do you mean personal experience? Do you mean the Holy bible and religious texts? Do you mean scientific knowledge slanted by non-belief? What do you mean by knowledge?
That is incorrect. "Citta" generally refers to emotion as opposed to intellect, so they do actually differentiate between feelings and thought. Everyone does.

Nonsense. Not all thoughts are emotional in nature, and plenty of people are paid to make emotionless decisions. What do you think rationality is?

They are. They can influence each other, but they don't have to.

From Wiki,
Citta as a mindset can become "contracted" (i.e., unworkable), "distracted", "grown great", "composed", or the opposite of such qualities (M.I.59). It can be dominated by a certain emotion, so as to be "terrified", "astonished", or "tranquil." It can be "taken hold of" by pleasant or unpleasant impressions (M.I.423). A host of negative emotionally charged states can pertain to it, or it may be free of such states, so it is vital to develop or purify it: "For a long time this citta has been defiled by attachment, hatred, and delusion. By defilement of citta, beings are defiled; by purity of citta, beings are purified" (S.III.152).[15]

Attaining a purified citta corresponds to the attaining of liberating insight. This indicates that a liberated one's state of mind reflects no ignorance or defilements. As these represent bondage, their absence is described in terms of freedom.[16]..