Does religion make people dumber?

Whatever it was that I experienced, it was wonderful.

I am sure it was.

I am glad that some people are spared the uncertainty of reality.

What an odd statement. Do you experience pain due to uncertainty?

And that's bad because why? It could also mean that spirit is real and is part of reality.

It's not good or bad. It was simply a statement to show that truth is not a primary value for you.
In other words, close my intellect. Now can you see why people say religion makes people dumber?
Intelligence for it's own sake is a waste. if intelligence prevents you from experiencing joy, then what good is it?

In your case, intelligence closes your heart. It has made you cold and calculating. I would rather have heart.
What an odd statement. Do you experience pain due to uncertainty?
On second thought, uncertainty gives hope. It depends on the topic. Scientists have no idea what caused the big bang. That gives me hope that there is a lot more to discover.

It's not good or bad. It was simply a statement to show that truth is not a primary value for you.
Again, it depends on the topic. I can't help but be disappointed by science. I had hoped we would have discovered hyper-drives and other exotic technologies. Quantum entanglement, so far, is this mysterious method (set of methods) involving phases of wave-functions. Will it lead to exotic new technologies or a richer more elaborate set of natural laws? From some articles I've read, it might lead to some improvements in photography. Oh joy. Truth (physics reality) falls short of what I had hoped.
Very good points Yazata.

It doesn't mean that any particular atheist is going to be smarter than any particular religious person. The distributions have way too much overlap to conclude that.

Yes, that is true, for almost every distribution hehe But distributions show general trends; generalizations, never about 1:1 specific individuals.

And there's the problem that the concept of "religion" takes in a lot of territory. I think that while atheists might have slightly higher IQs than the mostly religious general population as a whole, there are probably religious denominations and traditions that will have higher average IQs than atheists.

A lot of those kind of differences have to do with economic class and amount of education received. And there are certainly religious groupings that have higher average educational attainments than religious non-adherents. (Episcopalians, religious Jews and Buddhists, for example.) On the other hand, groups like the Baptists and Pentecostals tend to be poorer and have less education, thus pulling down the "religious" average as a whole. Roman Catholics as a whole score a little below the national average in educational attainment, but if you removed the large numbers of poorly educated recent Latin American immigrants from their ranks, you might find that Irish and Italian Catholics are better educated than religious non-adherents too.

I think when you break down the religions into cultural/racial groups, then you start to turn the statistics to your favor. Yes, Baptists and Pentecostal denominations are primarily black/african-descent, and are shown more likely to be poor and less educated. But the point of this study was to use the one thing they all share in common, religion, to make the distinction. There are peaks and troughs to every distribution, if you start pointing to the peaks and not the troughs, then you start to cherrypick. Of course, atheists must also have peaks and troughs, and if we start to pick apart differences between North American atheist and Atheists from 3rd world countries, we might see a difference in IQ. but that isn't the point. and nor is picking apart theists.
Intelligence and IQ are overrated? If intelligent people were so happy and fulfilled, they wouldn't have to disparage religious people to make themselves feel better.
Intelligence and IQ are overrated? If intelligent people were so happy and fulfilled, they wouldn't have to disparage religious people to make themselves feel better.
So your assumption is that every intelligent person has to be Debby downer and drag other people into their misery? Please verify this, in addition by your logic there would be no negative emotions at all in the ones who are completely faithful or had a firm belief in a supernatural entity…Then what of the absolutely miserable believers then? Overall what you’re preaching is a religious covered conversion of the timeless phrase “Ignorance is bliss”. However ignorance can be very painful and detrimental if one doesn’t have basic, rudimentary, or simple background knowledge…so I’ll take intellect over faith any day of the week Mazulu. The fire looks pretty until you touch it and can still leave one in awe, but you are more careful around it after the experience of getting burned.
That is too dark a view.
Our advancement in nano technology is a leap forward in our ability to shape our environment and with wisdom, will prevent us from destroying ourselves. The planet doesn't care.
Intelligence for it's own sake is a waste. if intelligence prevents you from experiencing joy, then what good is it?

In your case, intelligence closes your heart. It has made you cold and calculating. I would rather have heart.
So not accepting superstitious ideas make me cold? That's such a narrow viewpoint. Being intelligent doesn't mean I'm Spock. I do in fact, experience joy, and much of it from fiction. But none of it comes from accepting fiction as fact.
So not accepting superstitious ideas make me cold? That's such a narrow viewpoint. Being intelligent doesn't mean I'm Spock. I do in fact, experience joy, and much of it from fiction. But none of it comes from accepting fiction as fact.

I said open your heart. You said opening your heart makes people stupid. I drew the reasonable conclusion that you are a heartless, cold calculating person. Your rebuttal was not about how you are really a warm-hearted yet shrewd person. Instead, you rebutted that you read fiction. OK, so you must be a cold hearted book worm. Happy now?
That is too dark a view.
Our advancement in nano technology is a leap forward in our ability to shape our environment and with wisdom, will prevent us from destroying ourselves. The planet doesn't care.

How does nano-technology prevent us from destroying ourselves? I thought that war protesters did that?
So your assumption is that every intelligent person has to be Debby downer and drag other people into their misery? Please verify this, in addition by your logic there would be no negative emotions at all in the ones who are completely faithful or had a firm belief in a supernatural entity…Then what of the absolutely miserable believers then? Overall what you’re preaching is a religious covered conversion of the timeless phrase “Ignorance is bliss”. However ignorance can be very painful and detrimental if one doesn’t have basic, rudimentary, or simple background knowledge…so I’ll take intellect over faith any day of the week Mazulu. The fire looks pretty until you touch it and can still leave one in awe, but you are more careful around it after the experience of getting burned.

You're such a nerd.
I said open your heart. You said opening your heart makes people stupid. I drew the reasonable conclusion that you are a heartless, cold calculating person. Your rebuttal was not about how you are really a warm-hearted yet shrewd person. Instead, you rebutted that you read fiction. OK, so you must be a cold hearted book worm. Happy now?

The assumption is that one's heart is usually closed when one simply asks for evidence of things asserted. I accept many definitions of spirit that do exist; as a metaphor for the essence of something, as the feeling one gets from a shared experience like church or a rave, as a symbol for having courage and a sense of style. But when you start to accept a definition that also applies to ghosts, it's a short leap from there to burning people for witchcraft.
Intelligence for it's own sake is a waste. if intelligence prevents you from experiencing joy, then what good is it?

In your case, intelligence closes your heart. It has made you cold and calculating. I would rather have heart.

It is a shame that for people to come to religion, it is something you cannot "open your intellectual mind" to, instead you have to open your heart - that is, in my eyes, an argument against religion and not for it. Being intellectual doesn't make you cold and calculating, it just means you are not dumb and gullible. I can't believe someone would even argue against intelligence, but alas, here we are. Yes, you would rather have a heart than a brain. That may represent why religion falls short for many rationale people, who would never give up their ability to think for themselves. We have evolved to develop a higher sense of reasoning and thought, to pull ourselves from the lower ends of sentient existence who only feel pleasure and pain. We can think and differentiate between what is correct and incorrect, but you would rather sink back to "feeling" rather than have the ability to think for yourself. Rather than "I think, therefore I am", you would have "I feel, therefore God is."

As for the query "Does religion make people dumber", well we need only look upon you and your reasoning, to find an appropriate answer. Thank you for coming to represent the statistic.