Does religion lead to a happier life?


Registered Senior Member
Statistics show that theists are happier than atheists. So, don't worry about God, be happy.
Drugs doesn't lead to a happier life. There's withdrawal. Addiction. Crime. Brain damage. Not even close to happy.
Those aren't statistics, that's an article that says, "statistics say...". It also suggests eating properly.
Oh yeah...that dude's an expert.

I love how the theists keep telling me I'm unhappy....when in fact, I happy as a pig in shit.

This is from your link.

" Statistics tell you the following:

Those that are married are far happier than those that are not.
Those that have some kind of faith or religion are happier
Those that go to bed at night and sleep an average of 8 hours
Those that have friends and family
Those that are mentally and physically healthy.
Those that have a regular schedule to live by."

So where does these statistics come from. There's nothing there to prove anything except what one man is telling you about HIS own statistics because he doesn't provide any links to where he derived them from. Anyone can make up their own views of statistics that they find but when they don't show us where they came from I get very suspicious.
Not only that the "statistics" come from a debatable source; but how do you measure happiness?
You just can´t go around asking people: "Do you believe in God? Are you happy?" or viceversa. The statistics you would get would be widely innacurate.
Personally, I think most religions are repressive of certain human conducts, and you just can´t live a fulfilled life with certain restrictions imposed by "God". On the other hand, atheists are just as influenced as the theist regarding to the "rules of society".
Atheism or theism have no relationship with happiness, sex has more relationship to happiness.
Religious people like to pretend they are happy. Actually happiness is not a worthy goal. In some conditions, it is not appropriate to be happy. Being happy all the time in spite of conditions is kind of crazy.
Isn't the thought of death with no after life depressing? Of course, theists are going to be happier.
It would be like never being allowed to sleep. Death deprivation would be like torture. Ever see Zardoz, with Sean Connery?
You may be happy on the outside, but deep inside you, lies great unhappiness. :(:(:(

Bullshit! How do you know what's inside of me? There's not one thing in my life that I would have different. I'm a shit-load happier than my super-christian sister and brother-in-law...they're fucking miserable.
Bullshit! How do you know what's inside of me? There's not one thing in my life that I would have different. I'm a shit-load happier than my super-christian sister and brother-in-law...they're fucking miserable.

So much sorrowness seeping through in your posts. Like a lost soul hungry for love and fulfillment, always out of reach. Poor thing.