Does no one have a heart.

I think what some want is the U.S. to donate 150 billion dollars .......... so that each of the 150,000 or so dead people each get 1 million dollars for their families or relatives each in poor countries so that they can live like kings in a poor country. Let's have them live better than people in the donator's own country.
- N

If you think all this money is going to the families of people who are dead, I am surprised you know how to use a computer because that is the stupidest thin I have ever heard, besides - JR

I know the money isn't going to families. My point is that how much money is enough? How much do you think should be given? When does it become too much? You basically call other countries that don't toss in a billion dollars to be cheapskates and that we're not helping enough. It's like other countries donations won't be good enough until each freakin Indonesian person is a millionaire over there (after buildings are reconstructed and all that).

- N
I haven't confirmed this, but I was told that the Red Cross has reached their goal and is no longer accepting donations because they can't spend it elsewhere in good faith, and they have as much as they need (at least for now).
I just checked the Red Cross website and it looks like they are still accepting donations.
I'm not sure what her source was, but it looks incorrect.
"legitimately morally opposed to helping"

What sort of morals are you talking about that opposes assisting the survivors of a Tsunami?
My sort of morals. Are you now mocking my moral code? Jesus christ...
It is immoral to try and "correct" nature. I have nothing against wildebeest but it would be immoral in my view to build a bridge over the nile just so they could cross without getting eaten by crocodiles.
I don't believe there was anything "wrong" about the tsunami so nothing needs to be made "right". It doesn't need "fixing" and it's insulting how we humans are always criticising natures work as though we know better.
Dr. Lou Natic,
Hypothetical Question:
So, you are with your grandmother walking through a park, a tree branch happens to fall on her, if she does not get out from underneath it and rushed to a hospital she will die. She does not have the strength to lift it off herself, although you do and there is a public phone across the street.
Would you
A. Say "oh well granny that’s natures works, bye bye" and keep going on your merry way
B. Lift it off her, run across the street and call for help?
How's that relevent?
My grandmother is a part of me, we're social animals so our family unit is akin to ourselves, we are instinctually inspired to preserve the strength of our family.
Not so with people from another country and so unrelated that they actually have a different phenotype. Humans have been confused by the collapse of family and so they throw their instincts at anything thats close enough, like an orphaned monkey clinging onto a stuffed bear.

They can help eachother.
I'm not against a father swimming over to save his son, that's supposed to happen.
Each family can struggle to survive this natural event. Some families will pull through, other's won't. Those that make it will have earned it and they'll provide quality stock for future generations.
Helping has it's place within social units, not beyond that.
Lou, You make some valid points, as usual, but to be fair, you did miss his poiunt about the telephone and the hospital.
one_raven said:
I just checked the Red Cross website and it looks like they are still accepting donations.
I'm not sure what her source was, but it looks incorrect.
I think you were confusing the Red Cross with Medicin sans Frontieres, who have declared they have sufficient funds now to deal with this crisis and that potential donors should give to other charities .
If it was entirely up to me there wouldn't be hospitals or telephones.
I would take my grandmother home to the family and they would use the telephone to call the ambulance. Because thats what they're like.
Even if I would love to use the telephone and take my grandmother to the hospital, I would prefer it if I didn't have that option. And even if I took my grandmother to the hospital and had her saved by doctors I would still be saying "this is wrong" in my head. It would just be exhibitting my overwhelming family preservation instinct. I'm just an animal, I can't be held responsible for my actions.
I'm not always going to be correct or right. Just because I might want to use a telephone to save my injured grandmother doesn't effect my argument, what I'm saying is if I did that I'd be wrong. Well really it's a tough one, a good social animal should do what they can to save the life of a tribe member. Like I said, I shouldn't have that option.

These counters to my statements are always so predictable and ultimately irrelevent.
"oh yeah, well how would you like it if blah blah blah", maybe I wouldn't like it, tough shit for me.
How are my little feelings going to sway the unshakeable code of the universe?
Jolly Rodger said:
: confused : Does no one have a heart, besides the Australians.

Australia has just committed 1 billion dollars in aid to the countries that were affected by this tsunami, why isn't America or ...
3 things of note:

1) Australia is in the neighborhood
2) they just missed getting hit
3) no one is required to give

it should be from the heart, gov's can say anything, pledge any amount, let those that want to give, give as their hearts tell them to, not as someone says they have to.

And I'm not sure that giving to muslim nations, just so that they will like us, is a good enough reason, it should be because they are human just like us,

common humanity, common suffering, common response
I would love to see how much of the donated money actually gets to the people who need it.

We all know how much trickles down to the needy after the buisnesses, the politicians, and the corrupt charity administrators are done.
I hope you're right sarge.
But I fear a large portion of the money will actually be used to help needy people.
A curious thing is happening on the American front: I hear more from conservatives about criticism of the U.S. than I do actual criticism. Last night I caught an episode of Dennis Miller, and he was still harping on the $35m bit. It was a sad spectacle.
Dr. Lou:

Your "morals" are sadly misplaced. You appear to have read somwhere that we are "all just animals" and taken a simplistic view of interspecies kin relationships and based a whole sad life philosophy around that. I imagine that you are very young, or you have a terrible bitterness locked away somwhere, or both. Natural disasters are niether good or bad in an absolute sense. That's obvious. But how we react toward fellow humans, and even other species that are suffering, is hardwired into us by evolution (species-altruism is just as natural as inter-tribal altruism). You need to examine your theory and self reflect a little (actually a lot).
sargentlard said:
I would love to see how much of the donated money actually gets to the people who need it.

We all know how much trickles down to the needy after the buisnesses, the politicians, and the corrupt charity administrators are done.

Yeah, good point, sarge. How many more politicians/generals/local bigwigs are going to become significantly richer all of a sudden because the whole region is now drowning in cash instead of waves? Wild Nature (capital N) can knock you around, but if you really what to be f'd over, you have to rely on your fellow Humans. :rolleyes: :bugeye:
Jollly Rodger said:
Australia has just committed 1 billion dollars in aid to the countries that were affected by this tsunami, why isn't America or England, or even the European union committing the same (in ratio worth:donation) or more??
The US has given SO MUCH money. How can you be so ungrateful as to think that the US is so stingy?

You know what? We didn't have to give anything! It is not our problem. Yet the US went beyond its call of duty, and donated a LOT OF MONEY. It's more than you have.

Quite frankly, if you want to bitch about how little the US contributed, GO OUT AND GIVE THEM YOUR OWN DAMN MONEY!!!! Until you give millions of dollars in aide, I stand by my opinion.
I have a heart.....

it pumps all the time.....

if it stops i would die, surely.

jolly roger is nobby
But how we react toward fellow humans, and even other species that are suffering, is hardwired into us by evolution (species-altruism is just as natural as inter-tribal altruism). You need to examine your theory and self reflect a little (actually a lot).
Partially correct.

Altruism is hard-wired into us when it benefits the individuals genetic material (eg. Parents helping offspring, brother helping sister, uncle helping cousin).

Helping out strangers thousands of kilometres away, who will never help us spread our genetic material, is NOT hard wired into us.