Does no one have a heart.

Typical liberal naivity: "Throw money at it and things will magically get better."

The Australian government doesn't even have a heart godammit. Its all public opinion, beaurocracy, whim and political rivalvry. No opposing politician has the balls to even voice dissent on such touchy issues, so they highball it. (Perhaps even something to do with the importance of south asia on the Australian economy)

Where did the number $1 billion come from? Sounds an awful lot like being topped off to me. Even Canada's 'measly' 80 million will be largely pocketed by contractors and those who don't directly benefit.

'Goodwill money' always has strings attached.
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Xerxes said:
Typical liberal naivity: "Throw money at it and things will magically get better."

The Australian government doesn't even have a heart godammit. Its all public opinion, beaurocracy, whim and political rivalvry. No opposing politician has the balls to even voice dissent on such touchy issues, so they highball it.

Where did the number $1 billion come from? Sounds an awful lot like being topped off to me.

sorry i was wrong it is 1 billion strait up and then 0.8 billion over the next 5 years. just look it up in a web search
Well it's kind of in Australia's interest since they're in the same region as where the tsunami hit. I'm sure if something happened in Canada, the U.S. would shell out a lot more due to being neighbors. And besides, how much should be sent? It's not as if inflation and cost of living there is the same as it is here. Sure, $350 million (not even counting private donations as well, mind you) is nothing if a city in the U.S. got demolished, but we're talking shacks and poor housing out there. The money gained so far from all nations is plenty for that region.

It just seems as if some people and countries are having a fit of penis envy trying to see who's is bigger. It's nice to see Australia donating that much, but it should hardly be the norm from all countries for every natural disaster that happens. Do the richer countries always have to be the top money-givers? Heck, I'm glad to actually see other countries donating more than them for once.

- N
Neildo said:
Well it's kind of in Australia's interest since they're in the same region as where the tsunami hit.
- N

*cough, cough* September 11, i really wouldn't think Americans would have that shorter memory, a day or two after that happened Australia, John Howard committed it's forces to helping America find who was responsible. Come on don't be one of those stupid Americans that just say we are made everyone else is shit
Jolly Rodger said:
I agree although I think if you can give more why not.

And what if these countries can't give more?

There is a war. Bush is spending billions of dollars on it. Don't expect him to be able to give more than he has.
Well it's kind of in Australia's interest since they're in the same region as where the tsunami hit. - me

*cough, cough* September 11, i really wouldn't think Americans would have that shorter memory, a day or two after that happened Australia, John Howard committed it's forces to helping America find who was responsible. Come on don't be one of those stupid Americans that just say we are made everyone else is shit - Jolly Rodger (pirates are all about the money :p )

Exactly where do you get that I think that "we are made (?) and everyone else is shit"? The only person saying anyone is shit is you. You're saying that nobody has a heart, only the Australians do because they donated the most aid for people affected by the tsunami. I sure as heck have never called any other country that donates their money to other countries in times of need a cheapskate all because my country happened to have been the top money donator numerous times. I'm glad Australia is giving that much money to help others, but I'm not gonna call others cheepskates and neither should you just because you happened to be the ones to have donated the most this time around. Your high donation doesn't devalue other countries donations.

I say it's in Australia's interest to donate the most money to the people affected by the tsunami because they live in that region themselves. I would expect neighboring countries to be helping out the most, do you not? If something bad happened elsewhere in the world, I would expect the neighboring countries of that area to be helping out a helluva lot as well. It would look bad if a country just turns a blind eye to their neighbors in times of need.

My question still remains though, do you expect the richer nations to always have to be the top money-givers of every disaster that happens? Why can't some other country win the "top aid giver" award too? Who said it earlier, the U.S. is 3rd or something (at least top 5) in the total amount of aid given or somewhere around there. That's not good enough in your eyes? It's not as if the U.S. is saying screw you and winds up being in 30th place or something like that, even during times of war. What a greedy little ass you are. Oh wait no, sorry, we are for keeping our money and not being #1 this time around, again, in the amount of aid given for this disaster. You can't even take pride in knowing that this time around you were the most helpful nation for your neighbors in a time of need, you have to belittle others as if this is somehow a burden for you in that you gave the most aid this time around. Yeah, that REALLY shows you actually care, mmhmm. (sarcasm)

Oh, and the other question, again. Exactly how much aid do you think the people in Southeast Asia should have receieved from other countries? Total it all up and it's a hefty amount. Don't forget to add in the cheap prices down in that region which makes the donated amounts worth even more.

- N
i wish i could go there in those affected areas and do save and love and take care of as many childrens as i can.but i cannot go because i have no way to go there so i only see what the good parts of this worl;d is doing ..mostly US australia germany and othere nations with big heart and souls.may GOD bless them all the way :)
NOTE,, on wedansday the 5 th of jan.2005 CNN in its regular programs was showing a small baby girl of 4 years she was from indonasia (i can not recal her name now )and she lost both here parents and was sitting with a male distant family member.SO pls tell me about that girl name or if any one has her photo saved . then mail me her photo .many thanks . my mail is
I don't think these subjects are comparable. War is war (no matter what reasons, or good or bad) and donating shitload of money to some people on the other side of the world is not necessary.
I think what some want is the U.S. to donate 150 billion dollars (more than Australia, yay, and to be expensive like the Iraqi war, yahoo) so that each of the 150,000 or so dead people each get 1 million dollars for their families or relatives each in poor countries so that they can live like kings in a poor country. Let's have them live better than people in the donator's own country. I bet the people that suffered from the hurricanes in Florida wish they receieved that much help from their own government. Let's make everyone millionaires! Heck, I'm about to start a flood in my own house to become a millionaire!

Some people have no perspective.

- N
Neildo said:
I think what some want is the U.S. to donate 150 billion dollars .......... so that each of the 150,000 or so dead people each get 1 million dollars for their families or relatives each in poor countries so that they can live like kings in a poor country. Let's have them live better than people in the donator's own country.
- N
You really don't know what your talking about buddy, if you have followed this disaster at you would realize a lot has gone wrong besides death, buildings, fishing boats, water supplies and hospitals have all been destroyed, there is so much destruction over there, The money will be going to an array of things, just to mention one of the things money is going to is the construction of a tsunami warning system, which isn’t just a building, it is a big operation with highly sophisticated components placed all over the Indian ocean that beams up messages to a satellite. Not that cheap. If you think all this money is going to the families of people who are dead, I am surprised you know how to use a computer because that is the stupidest thin I have ever heard, besides
Avatar said:
I don't think these subjects are comparable. War is war (no matter what reasons, or good or bad) and donating shit load of money to some people on the other side of the world is not necessary.
these aren't just some people over the other side of the world, there are people who are suffering from a natural disaster.
As I said before, what about when the Australians when they were all in, on the war against terrorism. My country France wanted nothing to do with it.... Although Australia all the way on the other side of the world were all in, wanting to help the Americans because of what had happened on sept. 11, there has been no terrorism in Australia they just wanted to Support a nation that had been given a raw deal....
So, I think that's Australia's problem, spending money on other than its' people.
And anyways I think that by donating that money Australia is just ensuring that all those people don't come as refugees to its' coast. OK, we give you money to build a new house, but you stay at your side of the ocean.
Avatar said:
So, I think that's Australia's problem, spending money on other than its' people.
And anyways I think that by donating that money Australia is just ensuring that all those people don't come as refugees to its' coast. OK, we give you money to build a new house, but you stay at your side of the ocean.
Yesterday Australia offered to take in many refugees and children who don't have families anymore, without any processing, with housing provided and flights to Australia for free so I don’t know where you are coming from with that statement? Please think or read something before you make off handed comments you might offend an Australian, after all they haven’t done anything wrong, I think you are just reaching now……
Or is it you are just trying to justify why America shouldn’t have to give money by making up stories why Australia had to?? Because if that’s the case, you’re a sick individual. Just except that Australia has given quite a lot of money, I mean I wish France or the European Union would give more but as was said before in this thread
Preacher_X said:
America is donating less then two days cost of the current Iraq war.
Don’t give me that “America doesn’t have any money” because that just horseshit.
My statement was what reasons I might have had if I were the government of Australia.
The fact australia even has a "spare billion" bothers me. They either shouldn't be taxing the citizens so much or they should have used that fucking money already in australia for australians.

And don't so disrespectfully take my moral objection to helping so lightly. No one tells muslims to "get over it" when they're sprayed with pigs blood, and my objection to helping asia has had alot more thought put into than there objection to being sprayed with pigs blood.
Where's the money going? Helping "chan" re-establish his bear bile farm? Or assisting the "li" family in getting their dog restaurant back on it's feet? It makes me sick to think about it.

The only good that could from this is if the mongol hordes take over the world they might remember we gave them a billion dollars. But they probably won't, knowing mongols they'll consider our generosity to be a weakness and they will punish us for it.
I can't say that object to helping, but I can't help but wonder how much money Kuala Lumpur, for example, is getting from this and how much money they spent to build the Petronas Towers for no reason than to state "We have arrived" and to have the bragging rights.
Not just Malaysia, specifically, I wonder if we would be considered callous iof we took into account how much money the different regions had and how much was frivilously spent.
Kinda like that old story abour the squirrel that stored his nuts for the winter.
Would the accusations of being callous be deserved?
Yeah fair call raven, although, it doesn't really make a difference. They should have saved some money for a rainy day, yes, although they didn't, and there is no need to punish them with letting them suffer.
Look how much the public has donated for this cause, these are all people that want to give money, they don't care about these buildings or the money the have spent frivolously all they care about is helping get these people back on there feet. I hope if where I live was ever showered with asteroids or hit by a huge earthquake or tornado and there was as much destruction as there is in that region that the rest of the world would come to help out even if all the Politians were spending money stupidly