"Does light move", asked Quantum Quack

I haven't seen anything to retort Alphanumeric. Not a single piece of evidence worth discussing about evidence of the photon actually travelling from A to B.
There's tons of evidence. I just listed a few examples, I quote myself :
"Firstly, that isn't the holy grail. That's just another example of your dishonesty. Secondly, there's plenty of evidence for travelling photons, such as light from distant galaxies being affected by things the photon has passed near to, having been redshifted by universal expansion, light possessing absorption spectra of material it's passed through, BECs being able to slow light down in a way which we can control in real time, particle detectors, various quantum field theory effects to do with the photon turning into matter/antimatter pairs. Then there's evidence for the photon itself, such as Compton scattering and the photoelectric effect."

Remember I said there's a difference between 'Evidence for the photon travelling in a vacuum without any interactions" and "A photon travelling"? Obviously not.

In fact you have stated if I remember that it is impossible and you call me a hypocrit! bah!
No, I didn't say anything of the sort. I said there's plenty of evidence and in theory it's possible to meet your criteria given sensitive enough equipment. If I said 'It's impossible' link to that post. Otherwise you're a liar. Again.

I suppose you can show a theory that predicts the gravitational constant to be exactly constant universally then and provides a uniform method for it to exist? .....provide a link please
Newton's gravity views G as constant. GR views G as constant. It's only when you start putting in extra dimensions or quantum field theory you find you have 'running couplings' and then the behaviour is still entirely describable.

Are you claiming the G in the Einstein Field Equations isn't constant in GR? Can you provide a source?

With out evidence of a travelling photon SR isn't worthy of any serious consideration...IMO which I might add I am fully entitled to.
Utter nonsense.. Even if th photon doesn't exist as a particle, electromagnetic effects are governed by Maxwell's equations and they have special relativity symmetry. Special relativity has, for more than 100 years, allowed us to accurately describe nature. It's pretty much the best theory of nature we have as it works for all forces, quantum and gravity.

You're entitlted to your opinion but it's utterly without basis.

naah! you have declared the evidence impossible already then you try to cover your arse with slander and vitriol. Sorry but it don't wash.
No, I declared and then demonstrated you were wrong. Special relativity might well be wrong on some level but not for the reaons you claim.

And attempting to discredit me is useless because I got the result already and I don't give jack shit about credibility.
You have no result. You think "no photon = no special relativity", which isn't true. You think the only way to provide evidence for the photon is your very particular criteria, which is not true. You have basically accomplished nothing.

As to QED or QM or SR or GR or all the other theories I really don't care what the ramifications are. Not my concern...
Other than the fact many of them are counter examples to your claim that special relativity needs a photon.

The only ultimate claim I am making is that there is no evidence to support the light [EM] effect causation model which is entirely dependant on a photon [EM] traveling across a vacuum.
Light reaches us, across vacuums, from distant galaxies. You have not yet provided a way in which the photon can get from there to here without traversing the distance in between and yet it be affected by the matter between there and here, in precisely the right way that it appears to have moved along at 186,000 miles per second. Some light takes 10 billion years and during that time objects have moved across the path and then out of the way, so the light would only be affected if it were making the journey through the space at a particular speed.

You have utterly failed to retort (or in many cases, even address) actual observations and measurements. The one paper I put infront of you you couldn't understand.

As far as I am concerned that fact is the only major issue regarding Zero Point Theory
A theory which has no results, cannot model anything and if you are the author will be completely devoid of any actual quantitative work since you don't know any calculus.

Tell you what QQ. I'll bet you $500 that you won't get Zero Point Theory published in a reputable journal in the next 6 months. What do you say? And just to be as fair as possible I am willing to format the work into the proper layout that good journals ask for, return the amended pdf to you and then you can submit it to say.... JHEP. Up for it?
I haven't been following the thread, but it seems to me that movement is a necessary part of reality. You are alive, therfore there is movement. Unless you are trying to describe the world in terms of 'strings', but in that case there are still vibrations along the strings that would very much count as movement.
There's tons of evidence. I just listed a few examples, I quote myself :
"Firstly, that isn't the holy grail. That's just another example of your dishonesty. Secondly, there's plenty of evidence for travelling photons, such as light from distant galaxies being affected by things the photon has passed near to, having been redshifted by universal expansion, light possessing absorption spectra of material it's passed through, BECs being able to slow light down in a way which we can control in real time, particle detectors, various quantum field theory effects to do with the photon turning into matter/antimatter pairs. Then there's evidence for the photon itself, such as Compton scattering and the photoelectric effect."

Remember I said there's a difference between 'Evidence for the photon travelling in a vacuum without any interactions" and "A photon travelling"? Obviously not.

No, I didn't say anything of the sort. I said there's plenty of evidence and in theory it's possible to meet your criteria given sensitive enough equipment. If I said 'It's impossible' link to that post. Otherwise you're a liar. Again.

Newton's gravity views G as constant. GR views G as constant. It's only when you start putting in extra dimensions or quantum field theory you find you have 'running couplings' and then the behaviour is still entirely describable.

Are you claiming the G in the Einstein Field Equations isn't constant in GR? Can you provide a source?

Utter nonsense.. Even if th photon doesn't exist as a particle, electromagnetic effects are governed by Maxwell's equations and they have special relativity symmetry. Special relativity has, for more than 100 years, allowed us to accurately describe nature. It's pretty much the best theory of nature we have as it works for all forces, quantum and gravity.

You're entitlted to your opinion but it's utterly without basis.

No, I declared and then demonstrated you were wrong. Special relativity might well be wrong on some level but not for the reaons you claim.

You have no result. You think "no photon = no special relativity", which isn't true. You think the only way to provide evidence for the photon is your very particular criteria, which is not true. You have basically accomplished nothing.

Other than the fact many of them are counter examples to your claim that special relativity needs a photon.

Light reaches us, across vacuums, from distant galaxies. You have not yet provided a way in which the photon can get from there to here without traversing the distance in between and yet it be affected by the matter between there and here, in precisely the right way that it appears to have moved along at 186,000 miles per second. Some light takes 10 billion years and during that time objects have moved across the path and then out of the way, so the light would only be affected if it were making the journey through the space at a particular speed.

You have utterly failed to retort (or in many cases, even address) actual observations and measurements. The one paper I put infront of you you couldn't understand.

A theory which has no results, cannot model anything and if you are the author will be completely devoid of any actual quantitative work since you don't know any calculus.

Tell you what QQ. I'll bet you $500 that you won't get Zero Point Theory published in a reputable journal in the next 6 months. What do you say? And just to be as fair as possible I am willing to format the work into the proper layout that good journals ask for, return the amended pdf to you and then you can submit it to say.... JHEP. Up for it?

you are kidding aren't you...do you have any idea what Zero Point Theory is actually worth....? Nope.....try 30-35% of global Annual GDP. And thats just for the under/over unity energy functions...alone not to mention all the other fringe benefits.
So no.. thanks after all the shit you have been throwing not a hope....mate! Randi's marketing contract aint worth jack sh*t and thats even including his lousy $1 million for the psychic/mental health outcomes. which would be at least another 15-18% of annual global GDP
The really ironic thing is that there is only one thing that can make the universal constants [including consciousness] exactly constant universally in absolute terms [ even when undergoing cosmic inflation or expansion] and SRT, because of our traveling photon makes that very thing relative....what a joke....ha
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Why is it you have trouble answering my points, you just do a mass quote and then ignore everything I say, particularly direct questions I ask you? Do you have something to hide?

you are kidding aren't you...do you have any idea what Zero Point Theory is actually worth....? Nope.....try 30-35% of global Annual GDP. And thats just for the under/over unity energy functions...alone not to mention all the other fringe benefits.
So no.. thanks after all the shit you have been throwing not a hope....mate! Randi's marketing contract aint worth jack sh*t and thats even including his lousy $1 million for the psychic/mental health outcomes. which would be at least another 15-18% of annual global GDP
So you've got a theory which will basically solve the world energy crisis? If you actually knew enough physics to have come up with an over unity working machine (despite having no experience with any actual physics, no experience with experiments and very little grasp of even basic mechanics) you'd also know that it'd be worth more than just 15% of the global GDP.

So why are you still a noone with nothing to show for it? Surely if you have such an amazing result whether or not someone else has spotted a photon is irrelevant? If you've got the results, everything else becomes irrelevant, surely? Or could it be you don't have any results and nothing to back up your claims.

The really ironic thing is that there is only one thing that can make the universal constants [including consciousness] exactly constant universally in absolute terms [ even when undergoing cosmic inflation or expansion] and SRT, because of our traveling photon makes that very thing relative....what a joke....ha
The 'relative' in 'relativity' is to do with relative velocity. Two people moving at different velocities to one another will still measure such things as the fine structure constant as the same.

And if you're including 'conciousness' in your 'universal constants' then you aren't using the usual meaning of the term. When someone says 'universal constants' to a physicists its assumed they mean such things as the mass of the electron, it's electric charge, Yukawa couplings etc. Nothing to do with conciousness, they are coefficients in Lagrangians which describe particular parts of nature. You have failed to understand the terminology and you misuse it as a result. Thus your claims about 'universal constants' are utterly irrelevant.
Of course Alphanumeric you do realise that any comprehensive universal theory must include life and consciousness or haven't you gone that far in your thinking yet?
To incorporate the observer into the observation is and has always been the ultimate challenge both in physics and philosophy...

Consciousness is a essential part of any TOE and I am surprised you have somehow ignored that fact or simply didn't know it or learn about it....

SR makes the only thing that can provide for absolute universality of the constants relative by using relative velocity to provoke time dilation outcomes that according to SR lead to relative-simultaneity on a single HSP of zero time duration.
It may be true that relative velocity provokes dilation effects but not necessarilly true that may lead to non-simultaneity issues.

You can have velocity invoked dilation and yet maintain simultaneity on the HSP. But to do this you have to know how the light effects observed can be acheived with out the need for a travelling photon as it is the travelling photon that generates the need for non-simultaneity or relative simultaneity on the single HSP.

So the flying Pig called photon has much to be responsible for....and given that he is unable to be evidenced as flying in the end YOU have much to be responisble for for believing blindly in something and building your entire scientific edifice around it.

So as far as I am concerned I'll just get on with what I have to do and leave you snorting around the pig pen.....as every post you make only confirms even more strongly that the flying pig is going to stay just that...a mythical imaginary God of science's creation.
Consciousness is a essential part of any TOE and I am surprised you have somehow ignored that fact or simply didn't know it or learn about it....
No, a theory of everything provides you with a description of all fundamental interactions. Getting emergent properties is another thing.

QED explains all chemistry and therefore all biology and therefore conciousness. But it doesn't all for modelling of the brain, the equations are too hard.

And it's funny you try to take a pot shot at my level of learning when I have beaten you to a pulp time and again over the actual details of physics. That's why you refuse to answer my questions.

SR makes the only thing that can provide for absolute universality of the constants relative by using relative velocity to provoke time dilation outcomes that according to SR lead to relative-simultaneity on a single HSP of zero time duration.
This is simply a flat out lie. And stop saying 'According to relativity', how can you know what relativity says when you admit you don't read it?

So the flying Pig called photon has much to be responsible for....and given that he is unable to be evidenced as flying in the end YOU have much to be responisble for for believing blindly in something and building your entire scientific edifice around it.
Still refusing to engage in a discussion on the plethora of phenomena I've mentioned. Do you think noone notices? That magically people are blind to the fact you can't back up your claims, you ignore when you're proven wrong and never accept any evidence?

You ignored my questions again. What are you afraid of?
No, a theory of everything provides you with a description of all fundamental interactions. Getting emergent properties is another thing.

QED explains all chemistry and therefore all biology and therefore conciousness. But it doesn't all for modelling of the brain, the equations are too hard.
I see you don't realise that consciousness is as emergent as gravity is...sorry my mistake, I assumed you knew....oh well....another topic to put aside for another rainy day.....

And it's funny you try to take a pot shot at my level of learning when I have beaten you to a pulp time and again over the actual details of physics. That's why you refuse to answer my questions.
hey I never claimed to have multiple degrees via a university education like you do.. You're the one with the sign up that says. "I Alphanumeric am supposed to know what I m doing" not me...and beat me to a pulp with a fictional flying pig called photon is like trying to beat some one up with an imaginary feather...."ohhh aghhh stop it tickles...."

This is simply a flat out lie. And stop saying 'According to relativity', how can you know what relativity says when you admit you don't read it?
so tell the world what generates the need for relative simultaneity? And show how deep your understanding of your pet subject is?
and I bet you will eventually get round to saying more or less the same thing I just did:

SR makes the only thing that can provide for absolute universality of the constants relative by using relative velocity to provoke time dilation outcomes that according to SR lead to relative-simultaneity on a single HSP of zero time duration

btw it took nearly six months of debate to arrive at the above statement so it ain't going to be easy for you to get there....

Still refusing to engage in a discussion on the plethora of phenomena I've mentioned. Do you think noone notices? That magically people are blind to the fact you can't back up your claims, you ignore when you're proven wrong and never accept any evidence?
only because effects are actually off topic unless they directly relate to evidence of a photon actually travelling...which of course you have admitted can't be provided. So what are you actually saying apart from defensive egocentric waffle?
You ignored my questions again. What are you afraid of?
if I knew the person asking the questions actually wanted real answers I would be more than happy to but so far all it has been is bait and switch to drag out key elements of Zero Point Theory for your furtive note taking.
"Even cranks have something to offer sometimes" I can almost hear you say to yourself...a freebie of insight that might win you the nobel....ha what a joke...

If you want to go defend SRT go to the cesspool board and have play with MacM, might give you a buzz you never know...
Alphanumeric said:
Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
"With out evidence of a travelling photon SR isn't worthy of any serious consideration...IMO which I might add I am fully entitled to. ”

Utter nonsense.. Even if th photon doesn't exist as a particle, electromagnetic effects are governed by Maxwell's equations and they have special relativity symmetry. Special relativity has, for more than 100 years, allowed us to accurately describe nature. It's pretty much the best theory of nature we have as it works for all forces, quantum and gravity.
No, a theory of everything provides you with a description of all fundamental interactions. Getting emergent properties is another thing.

QED explains all chemistry and therefore all biology and therefore conciousness. But it doesn't all for modelling of the brain, the equations are too hard.

And it's funny you try to take a pot shot at my level of learning when I have beaten you to a pulp time and again over the actual details of physics. That's why you refuse to answer my questions.

The only thing wrong with ylour education AN is the void in your, the student's, ability and determination to sift through incoming information critically. See below for a short
discussion on tyhe first of so called [thousands] of "experiments" that "accurately describe nature"

Some preliminary question AN:

If light is traveling as a wave through space what is the medium for the wave? I mean this in the sense that the medium for a tsunami is ocean water.

That QED “explains” all, please provide references that consciousness is explained by QED.

Are you aware of JS Bell and his provocative statement that a qm model void in express nonlocally force centers are incomplete?

Do any of your maths include nonlocality?

Regarding relativity and from Einstein’s “Relativity” published in 1916 I offer the following comments. Can you respond using the words of AE in “Relativity”? The following refers to chapters 1 - 7 in the book.

In Ch. 6 AE states regarding the determination of the velocity of a man walking on a moving train with respect to the embankment as,

W = w + v

Where W is the man’s velocity wrt an observer on the embankment, w is the velocity of the man relative to the train and v the velocity of the train wrt the embankment.

In ch. 7 AE states:

“…De Sitter was also able to show that the velocity of propagation of light cannot depend on the velocity of motion of the body emitting the light”.

In ch 5 AE states:

“If, relative to the K , K’ is a uniformly moving co-ordinate system devoid of rotation, then natural phenomena run their course with respect to K’ according to exactly the same general laws as with respect to K’ This statement is called the principle of relativity.

In Ch 7 AE discusses the man walking with a twist:

It is obvious that we can here apply the consideration of the previous section (ch 6), since the ray of light plays the part of the man walking along relative to the carriage. The velocity W of the man relative to the embankment is here replaced by the velocity of light relative to the embankment [c]. w is the required velocity of light wrt the carriage and we have [c = w + v] w = c - v. The velocity of propagation of a ray of light relative to the carriage comes out smaller than c.

But this comes into conflict with the principle of relativity set forth in Section 5 (Ch 5) …, the law of the propagation of light in vaccuo must according to the principle of relativity, be the same for the railway carriage as a reference-body as when the rails are the body of reference.”

This last statement is true enough. The Gallilean-Newtonian laws are identical on all inertial frames of reference. A flying pig, for instance will have one measured relative velocity wrt one inertial frame of reference, but a different relative velocity wrt another inertial frame moving with a different velocity.

But here, AE is exposed as the charlatan and liar by arbitrarily claiming that measuring the speed of light in vacuuo as c from the inertial frame of reference of the embankment means that all inertial frames of referenced must also measure c as the relative velocity of frame and light velocity.

But the fun stuff is in the man walking scenario.

Starting with W = w + v where W is the man’s speed relative to the embankment then substituting c for W and arriving at c = w + v we have an insoluble AE predicament. We all know that W is the sum of w + v, or in other words, the man’s speed as seen from the embankment is the sum of w, the man’s speed relative to the carriage plus the velocity of the carriage. But De Sitter, quoted by AE stated that the velocity of light was independent of the velocity of the source of the light, hence w the velocity for the man relative to the carriage cannot be substituted for \by the speed of light relative to the carriage because of De Sitter. Therefore in the statement c = w + v we must subtract the velocity of the carriage from w to arrive at c = w - v + v or c = w.

Or as AE stated w = c - v which is the true and accurate expression for the relative velocity of light and the carriage as seen from the embankment. The embankment observer measures c and then measures v he makes the subtraction and determines the relative velocity of light and carriage.

When AE said “The velocity of propagation of a ray of light relative to the carriage comes out smaller than c.”, he was correct yet he fails to remind the reader than the expression for which the substitutions were made were all relative to the embankment and his next crime of asserting that the result “comes in conflict with the principle of relativity” . By stating that the law of propagation of light must be the same for sure, but the measured velocity in vacuuo does not imply or hint at the claim that light must be treated differently than flying pigs.

The observer on the carriage, having read De Sitter, knows that light and the man cannot be treated the same and that the relative velocity of the man relative to the carriage, w = W - v cannot be treated the same as light where c = v + w where w must be corrected by subtracting v from w when w is the light speed wrt the carriage.

Finally, c is measured from the embankment and the measured relative velocity of light and carriage is correctly w = c - v. The light can originate anywhere and the results are the same.

On page 145 of relativity AE discusses the eclipse experiments of 1919 and he lists the data from 7 of what is actually dozens of data points - some experiment huh? This data presumably shows the observed deflection wrt the undeflected rays. Check the Internet for discussions of the resolution of the telescopes used in measuring the stars positions during the eclipse and after where 1 cm was the maximum resolution and where “the comparison photographs amounted to a few hundredths of a millimeter only.” Non-public available data has the stars located all over the place which leaves the selected “agreeing” data suspect itself.

AN, it is clear to the world that you are unfamiliar with the concept of critical thinking and that you adopted the balm as presented by your professors and mentors - this is a condition not unique to yourself, the ill is endemic.

Respond to the “relativity” material using only the book if you are so able. Take your time there is a lot to cover here. Parenthetically, all your examples of "photon" motion are mere observations of detectged signals- nothing is inferred or expressed regarding photon motion. You, like the bulk of those laboring to support the standard models have merely assumed along with the earliest Greeks Zeno et al that light moves.
If light is traveling as a wave through space what is the medium for the wave? I mean this in the sense that the medium for a tsunami is ocean water.

Now thats a question I was dying to ask but I didin't want Alphanumeric to finally work out what a vaccum is....heee hhee...but now that it has been asked:
What the hell is a vacuum of space any ways AlphaNumeric, we know it offers no drag on anything even mythical photons [re:MM experiments] don't experience any "drag" so tell us all your thoughts on what vaccummous space actually is...You know the volume of what ever in between our Earths atmosphere and the surface of the moon for example...Vat is dis thing called vacuuuum? And is it uniform though out the universe or somehow relatively simultaneous as your pet theory's HSP usage reckons it is?
I see you don't realise that consciousness is as emergent as gravity is...sorry my mistake, I assumed you knew....oh well....another topic to put aside for another rainy day.....
Conciousness is the emergent properties of the electrochemical reactions in our brains. It's an enormously complicated electromagnetic system. Writing down Maxwell's equations or the Lagrangian for QED doesn't allow you to immediately describe conciousness. Writing down the Lagrangian for a space-time allows you to describe gravity immediately. So you're incorrect.

hey I never claimed to have multiple degrees via a university education like you do.. You're the one with the sign up that says. "I Alphanumeric am supposed to know what I m doing" not me...and beat me to a pulp with a fictional flying pig called photon is like trying to beat some one up with an imaginary feather...."ohhh aghhh stop it tickles...."
I have one degree. I just happen to also have a masters and am close to a PhD. And I've correct your incorrect claims and your lies on special relativity, quantum mechanics, and physics in general. You're been caught lying a great many times.

so tell the world what generates the need for relative simultaneity? And show how deep your understanding of your pet subject is?
and I bet you will eventually get round to saying more or less the same thing I just did:
You didn't answer my question. Why should people listen to you when you say "Relativity says....." when you admit you don't read it? Its a simple enough question.

only because effects are actually off topic unless they directly relate to evidence of a photon actually travelling...which of course you have admitted can't be provided. So what are you actually saying apart from defensive egocentric waffle?
They are evidence for a multitude of photon properties. None of which you're retorted.

The only thing wrong with ylour education AN is the void in your, the student's, ability and determination to sift through incoming information critically.
Wow, I can actually see bandwidth being wasted when you post. It's amazing. You're the guy who whined about Newton's Shell Theorem yet cannot actually do calculus well enough to understand it and you want to talk to me about critically analysing information properly?!

If light is traveling as a wave through space what is the medium for the wave? I mean this in the sense that the medium for a tsunami is ocean water.
Strawman. You presuppose a classical interpretation (ie an aether) by the way in which you ask the question. The photon is a perturbation in an electromagnetic field, its a packet of electromagnetic energy. It isn't an oscillation in a fluid. No doubt you'll not accept this as anything which isn't immediately graspable cranks tend to denounce.

That QED “explains” all, please provide references that consciousness is explained by QED.
QED explains all electromagnetic interactions. Conciousness is electrochemical. Unless you claim there's something ethereal to conciousness?

Are you aware of JS Bell and his provocative statement that a qm model void in express nonlocally force centers are incomplete?
Bell's work says that if the universe is local then it is fundamentally non-deteministic. I'm certain I'm more familiar with it than you. Would you like to go through Bell's Inequalities?

Do any of your maths include nonlocality?
It's something which reguiarly crops up in theoretical physics as a concept or a property.

It is obvious that we can here apply the consideration of the previous section (ch 6), since the ray of light plays the part of the man walking along relative to the carriage. The velocity W of the man relative to the embankment is here replaced by the velocity of light relative to the embankment [c]. w is the required velocity of light wrt the carriage and we have [c = w + v] w = c - v. The velocity of propagation of a ray of light relative to the carriage comes out smaller than c.
Well done on blind quoting without a jot of understanding.

At small velocities (like men walking and trains moving) you add velocities as normal, V = v+w. But at relativistic speeds, ie high fractions of the speed of light, you add them relativistically, $$V = \frac{v+w}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{vw}{c^{2}}}}$$. The latter reduces to the former if v,w << c. If you know any calculus you'll know how to do a Taylor expansion of the relativistic formula to get the non-relativistic one as a limit. You think there's an inconsistency because you failed to actually understand the book you quote. And you complain I don't evaluate information properly. :rolleyes:

The rest of your post is similarly based on ignorance.....
You're been caught lying a great many times.
And you've been caught with a flying pig called photon....

and you really don't know where to hide it....try under the bed or in the sand with your head.

Please explain how your answer to this:
only because effects are actually off topic unless they directly relate to evidence of a photon actually travelling...which of course you have admitted can't be provided. So what are you actually saying apart from defensive egocentric waffle?
being this:
They are evidence for a multitude of photon properties. None of which you're retorted.
makes any sense what so ever?
Conciousness is the emergent properties of the electrochemical reactions in our brains. It's an enormously complicated electromagnetic system. Writing down Maxwell's equations or the Lagrangian for QED doesn't allow you to immediately describe conciousness. Writing down the Lagrangian for a space-time allows you to describe gravity immediately. So you're incorrect.

I have one degree. I just happen to also have a masters and am close to a PhD. And I've correct your incorrect claims and your lies on special relativity, quantum mechanics, and physics in general. You're been caught lying a great many times.

You didn't answer my question. Why should people listen to you when you say "Relativity says....." when you admit you don't read it? Its a simple enough question.

They are evidence for a multitude of photon properties. None of which you're retorted.

Wow, I can actually see bandwidth being wasted when you post. It's amazing. You're the guy who whined about Newton's Shell Theorem yet cannot actually do calculus well enough to understand it and you want to talk to me about critically analysing information properly?!

Strawman. You presuppose a classical interpretation (ie an aether) by the way in which you ask the question. The photon is a perturbation in an electromagnetic field, its a packet of electromagnetic energy. It isn't an oscillation in a fluid. No doubt you'll not accept this as anything which isn't immediately graspable cranks tend to denounce.

QED explains all electromagnetic interactions. Conciousness is electrochemical. Unless you claim there's something ethereal to conciousness?

Bell's work says that if the universe is local then it is fundamentally non-deteministic. I'm certain I'm more familiar with it than you. Would you like to go through Bell's Inequalities?

It's something which reguiarly crops up in theoretical physics as a concept or a property.

Well done on blind quoting without a jot of understanding.

At small velocities (like men walking and trains moving) you add velocities as normal, V = v+w. But at relativistic speeds, ie high fractions of the speed of light, you add them relativistically, $$V = \frac{v+w}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{vw}{c^{2}}}}$$. The latter reduces to the former if v,w << c. If you know any calculus you'll know how to do a Taylor expansion of the relativistic formula to get the non-relativistic one as a limit. You think there's an inconsistency because you failed to actually understand the book you quote. And you complain I don't evaluate information properly. :rolleyes:

The rest of your post is similarly based on ignorance.....

Consciousness is the emergent properties of the electrochemical reactions in our brains. It's an enormously complicated electromagnetic system. Writing down Maxwell's equations or the Lagrangian for QED doesn't allow you to immediately describe consciousness. Writing down the Lagrangian for a space-time allows you to describe gravity immediately. So you're incorrect.

In re the consciousness of web weaving spiders an experiment was conducted where one laid s[pider egg in England was flown to the US where it hatched alone. The spider immediately began weaving a web- How did the spider know how to do this? Did he solve one of your differential equations?
MAybe the secret was stored cleverly in the spider DNA that builds proteins, only.
AlphaNumeric said:
Wow, I can actually see bandwidth being wasted when you post. It's amazing. You're the guy who whined about Newton's Shell Theorem yet cannot actually do calculus well enough to understand it and you want to talk to me about critically analysing information properly?!

I understand the calculus. When you solve the integral wrt the ‘ring’ add a mirror image ring located in the ½ shell farthest from the test mass m. Collapse all the masses on the two rings at the ring centers. Take the forces of each concentrated point masses and calculate the total force on m due to the two rings - one ring closest to m the mirror image ring farthest. When you have calculated the force of the two mass concentrations then calculate where the force is located i.e. R^2 = F/GmM. The shell integral does not calculate where the force originates. You haven’t noticed this have you?

The easiest way to see the error in the shell theorem is to take any one differential mass in the ½ sphere closest to m and find its mirror image mate. From inspection each pair tells you that the center of force for the combination will always be on the ½ sphere closest to m.

The shell integral that results as F = GmM/d^2 says, ” The force of the mass of a shell on a test mass located a distance d from the center of the shell." The shell theorem locates the shell only and it says nothing about where the force center is located.

AlphaNumeric said:
Strawman. You presuppose a classical interpretation (ie an aether) by the way in which you ask the question. The photon is a perturbation in an electromagnetic field, its a packet of electromagnetic energy. It isn't an oscillation in a fluid. No doubt you'll not accept this as anything which isn't immediately graspable cranks tend to denounce.
I just asked how do you explain the 'media' of the light and I used water as an example of a wave and a media.

The EM field you discuss in which the perturbation is occurring is an intrinsic characteristic of the photon is it? When the photon behaves like a small massive object does this alter the characteristics of your “perturbed EM field” and does this object move through space like a solid object? ever? and
that moves through a vacuum in space. Is this correct?

AlphaNumeric said:
QED explains all electromagnetic interactions. Consciousness is electrochemical. Unless you claim there's something ethereal to consciousness?

How do you know that consciousness is purely electrochemical? Or better, what are the forces in a developing fetus that guaranteed that my facial appearance, my morphology, was unambiguously similar to my mother’s facial characteristics? Where are the blueprints stored and how are they accessed that permit me to be similar to my mother? How do you[/] remember the past?

AlphaNumeric said:
Bell's work says that if the universe is local then it is fundamentally non-deterministic. I'm certain I'm more familiar with it than you. Would you like to go through Bell's Inequalities?
I am not playing games with you. I understand Bell to say that there are no ‘local hidden variables’ .

AlphaNumeric said:
It's something which regularly crops up in theoretical physics as a concept or a property.
Strange it is that this subject seems to be a closely guarded secret.

AlphaNumeric said:
Well done on blind quoting without a jot of understanding.

At small velocities (like men walking and trains moving) you add velocities as normal, V = v+w. But at relativistic speeds, ie high fractions of the speed of light, you add them relativistically, $$V = \frac{v+w}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{vw}{c^{2}}}}$$. The latter reduces to the former if v,w << c. If you know any calculus you'll know how to do a Taylor expansion of the relativistic formula to get the non-relativistic one as a limit. You think there's an inconsistency because you failed to actually understand the book you quote. And you complain I don't evaluate information properly. :rolleyes:

The rest of your post is similarly based on ignorance.....
Your statement re ‘small velocities” assumes relativity theory. The book “Relativity” and the parts discussed up to Ch 7 are in the process of developing SRT - can you see the difference? Your esposition here was premature.

If one confines himself to the book “Relativity” one finds the errors in AE’s reasoning. First he says W = v + w where W is the speed of the man as seen from the embankment, so far so good and w the speed of the man relative to the train/carriage. Then AE substitutes c for W again as seen from the embankment. w now becomes the speed of light relative to the train; that is AE substitutes light relative to the carriage for the man’s velocity relative to the carriage. We know that W = w + v is correct and that the man’s velocity as seen from the embankment is the sum of w, the man’s speed relative to the train plus the train speed relative to the embankment, but w(light) cannot be substituted for w(man). Ou should be aware of the habitual mode of thinking you are in.

The problem here of course is that per AE agreeing with DeSitter that the speed of light is independent of the speed of the source of the light hence it makes no sense to add w, the speed of light relative to the carriage, for any reason without subtracting the speed of the train first - light ain‘t the man, got it?. So when e see c = w + v ,or as AE stated it w = c - v measured from the embankment where both c and v are measured relative to, that the relative speed of light and carriage frame as seen from the embankment is exactly c - v.

If you want to make the substitutions that AE made, then from c = w + v we must subtract the velocity of the train from w as, unlike the man, w is not affected by the carriage velocity v, so our expression is c = w - v + v a correct statement for the relative velocity of light and carriage or c = w as it should be. AE switched frames on you AN and you refuse to see it. I know you can see it but you refuse.

AE scammed us when he said that the SOL in vacuuo means that all measurements of the SOL must result in the same Value for the relative velocity of frame and light for all frames which is a croc of SRT BS.

Your v, w << c statement above was not mentioned by AE in the development of SR when he said that w = c -v is a contradiction of relativity expressed in Chapter 5.
Can you confine your arguments to AE’s statements in “Relativity”?:shrug:
I understand the calculus.
Obviously not as you couldn't do what is little more than a childs homework.

The shell integral does not calculate where the force originates. You haven’t noticed this have you?
Force is a vector and in order to derive the Shell theorem you must account for the direction various bits of the shell pull in.

We know that W = w + v is correct
Except it isn't. It's only approximately true because the train and man are moving so slowly compared to light. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity-addition_formula#Derivation explains the difference between the approximate Galilean addition of velocities compared to the exact relastivistic one. The Galilean one is known to be false, you can measure it in experiments.

Rather than preaching about how Einstein is wrong because you only flicked through his book actually read the book. You tyry to say things like "You missed that one, didn't you!" when you utterly failed to grasp what that book is saying to you,
How do you know that consciousness is purely electrochemical? Or better, what are the forces in a developing fetus that guaranteed that my facial appearance, my morphology, was unambiguously similar to my mother’s facial characteristics? Where are the blueprints stored and how are they accessed that permit me to be similar to my mother? How do you[/] remember the past

A better way of asking this question would be to ask:
"What allows human beings individually and ability to observe and exeprience reality in a way that is predominantly objective, or shared as if all persons have the same window to look out on to the universe with?" How is this objective porthole [consciousness] acheived? and how is it a universal constant? [ aka objectivity ] so much so that given survivable conditions that consciousness is available any where in the universe?

IMO the use of a traveling photon to model light effect causation makes objectivity a relative concept [subjective]
As it forces upon us the notion that every single conscious perspective is independently derived as the underpinning connectivity that affords objectivity is no longer possible. In other words if one accepts the traveling nature of a photon to be valid then one would observe total insanity right across the human race and any entity that relied upon consciousness to move or make decisions. As the independently derived world of universal view would compound over a very short time into utter chaos. The relativistic universe assuming a theoretical starting point would last probably no longer than about 100 years maximum before it's coherency was so undermined as to be untenable. As the same constant is involved in the coherency of substance and dimension this is not just a "perceptional" state of chaos either but one that effects every single pixel of 4 dimensional spacetime whether observed or not.

[high resolution, long distance doppler effect studies would show significant errors [ as every source of light would be independently derived and producing thus invariance of light would be non-existent] if our photon actually had to travel and as far as I am aware doppler effect studies show a steady and consistant state of affairs which to me indicates that the photon cannot be traveling]
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I'd like to repeat this question though:
Now thats a question I was dying to ask but I didin't want Alphanumeric to finally work out what a vaccum is....heee hhee...but now that it has been asked:
What the hell is a vacuum of space any ways AlphaNumeric, we know it offers no drag on anything even mythical photons [re:MM experiments] don't experience any "drag" so tell us all your thoughts on what vaccummous space actually is...You know the volume of what ever in between our Earths atmosphere and the surface of the moon for example...Vat is dis thing called vacuuuum? And is it uniform though out the universe or somehow relatively simultaneous as your pet theory's HSP usage reckons it is?
Originally Posted by AlphaNumeric in the Absoloute rest thread:

You say that as if the only way to get evidence for the photon is through a single effect. That's not true and you know it. You simply want to continue spreading the lies you've been saying in Pseudo into this forum.

You seem to think distances can only be defined by the length a physical object can traverse in a quantity of time. That's not true. The distance from London to New York is not dependent upon how long I take to measure it. The distance a jet will have travelled from London to New York will dependent on a length of time, since the distance it travels is its velocity times its speed. But the distance from its starting place to its ending place is not time dependent.

If I wanted to work out the distance between the two cities I'd use spherical coordinates and work out where C is the geodesic between the two cities and ds is a line element on the Earth's surface. Assuming (for the sake of discussion) they are at equal latitudes then you find that the length is where r is the radius of the Earth, is the change in longititude and is their latitude (equator is 0). Where's the time dependent component in that?

Ah yes, the crank method of "Mainstream science is too complicated for me therefore it is wrong. My explaination will only need high school level maths at most as that's the best I can do".

It's funny that despite the internet being awash with cranks who proclaim basic arithmetic is all you need to describe the universe not one of them has actually got anywhere. Strange, isn't it?

maybe you would like to explain how anything can exist when there is zero duration in time for it to do so? if duration t=0 how can anything exist?
as far as I know the only thing that can "no-exist" is pure space with out anything in it... [ other wise referred to as vacuum,space, void, nothingness, zero space, infinite space, or zero*infinty dimensional space]
Don't you know how to compute space-time intervals using metrics QQ? It's the bread and butter stuff of relativity, which you claim to have been working with for 20 years. Can't you work out how to parametrise paths and find their length? I teach 1st years doing basic calculus that. If you can't do it then you demonstrate you don't have the knowledge to understand quantum mechanics or relativity.
Don't you know how to compute space-time intervals using metrics QQ? It's the bread and butter stuff of relativity, which you claim to have been working with for 20 years. Can't you work out how to parametrise paths and find their length? I teach 1st years doing basic calculus that. If you can't do it then you demonstrate you don't have the knowledge to understand quantum mechanics or relativity.
Don;t you understand that to compute space time intervals with a flawed theory would be a grave mistake.....and I note you can't answer the question can you?
maybe you would like to explain how anything can exist when there is zero duration in time for it to do so? if duration t=0 how can anything exist?
as far as I know the only thing that can "no-exist" is pure space with out anything in it... [ other wise referred to as vacuum,space, void, nothingness, zero space, infinite space, or zero*infinty dimensional space]
Don;t you understand that to compute space time intervals with a flawed theory would be a grave mistake
You have yet to demonstrate it is flawed. All your attempts to attack it have been strawmen or simply artefacts of your ignorance.

.....and I note you can't answer the question can you?
It's not even a valid complaint, your question. It's currently 1.05pm (give or take some seconds) here in the UK. That means that within the last 2 minutes there was an instant of time when it was exactly 1.04pm. Did I and everything else cease to exist at that instant? What about the instant 2 seconds ago? Or now or last week? Time is a continuum of instances, just as space is a continuum of places. The fact you fail to grasp how continuums work doesn't mean that they are fundamentally flawed. You, yet again, equate your inability to grasp something with errors in it.
To sum up:
A poster Alphanumeric encapsulates the issue with these words:
So if you are defining 'space' as a vacuum then it's not possible until someone can measure gravitational disturbances due to single photons
and yes I am defining space as a vacuum just as the 2nd postulate as proposed by Albert Einstein has.

and that is what this whole thread is about.

  • Why is it necessary for a photon to travel across a void that may not exist for a massless object?
  • Why propose a light causation model and not seek to verify that models validity?
  • Why do we assume that that void has dimension for anything other than objects of Mass?
  • Why do we give vacant vacummous space a value it has not demonstrated?
  • Why remove an ether conceptially and replace it with another version of the same thing?
When space could be considered to have no value at all except to objects of mass?
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