"Does light move", asked Quantum Quack

Shut your trap . I gotta work with what I have at the moment.
I know and that's your problem. You have 'gotta work with what I have at the moment', which is limited compared to someone like myself who has plenty of time and access to resources to do physics. So if you know you have a limited amount of time and resources to devote to learning physics why do you think you have such amazing insight into it? Why are you so determined to tell people who have spent decades doing the photon experiments I've mentioned that they're wrong?

If you know that due to a lack of time and knowledge you have a flawed grasp of mainstream physics why are you so damn sure that you're right and mainstream physics is wrong? It seems odd to me you can be so opinionated yet at the same time get arsey because you admit to having not got as much time to devote to physics?

Why make claims about the de Broglie wavelength, relativity and quantum mechanics when you haven't learnt much about them and you're unsure of the specifics of the equations involved?

And by the way hotshot its not me who has to be competent in this field it is you
Just because you don't have to be competant doesn't mean you have to be deliberately ignorant and jump to conclusions about areas of physics you know little or nothing about.

I don't have to know much about tax law but I wouldn't argue with a judge about it if I ended up in court. So why do you argue about things you don't have time to know about with people who do?

Sorry to disappoint you but my book is quite old and torn and I can't make out the name of the author as both cover and front pages are missing.
Please list chapter titles then.
Cheez. First book I picked up at pure random out of my collection of science books has book title and author name on 6 pages inside of covers.
Great Cooglymoogly! Book also has complete essential publishing information on spine.

Pet rattlesnake eat spine of your book too?
I know and that's your problem. You have 'gotta work with what I have at the moment', which is limited compared to someone like myself who has plenty of time and access to resources to do physics.
And even then don't do a satisfactory job.
So if you know you have a limited amount of time and resources to devote to learning physics why do you think you have such amazing insight into it? Why are you so determined to tell people who have spent decades doing the photon experiments I've mentioned that they're wrong?
What I asked was a question.

If you know that due to a lack of time and knowledge you have a flawed grasp of mainstream physics why are you so damn sure that you're right and mainstream physics is wrong? It seems odd to me you can be so opinionated yet at the same time get arsey because you admit to having not got as much time to devote to physics?
Who said anything about time. Its about resources more.

Why make claims about the de Broglie wavelength, relativity and quantum mechanics when you haven't learnt much about them and you're unsure of the specifics of the equations involved?
Question not claims.

Just because you don't have to be competant doesn't mean you have to be deliberately ignorant and jump to conclusions about areas of physics you know little or nothing about.
Bla Bla

I don't have to know much about tax law but I wouldn't argue with a judge about it if I ended up in court. So why do you argue about things you don't have time to know about with people who do?
Depends. Bad analogy anyway.

Please list chapter titles then.
Do you really think I'm obligated or something to you?
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I've got to say I don't believe it either. If you bought a book 6 years ago and tore the cover off you should surely still be able to remember who wrote it?

Listen here man what is there to not believe? Why should I give a damn about an anonymous author? The book is not a book anymore its almost torn pages. If I had a scanner I could show you this instant that what I have are pages torn from the book.
Listen here man what is there to not believe? Why should I give a damn about an anonymous author? The book is not a book anymore its almost torn pages. If I had a scanner I could show you this instant that what I have are pages torn from the book.

Convenient that you don't then? Why don't you 'fess up to where all that stuff about the derivation of $$E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2$$ really came from?