Does God Philosophise?

The Flower has no free will. The Candle Flame has no free will.

When I am playing the piano most perfectly the feeling is that I have lost Free Will and fallen into Perfection.

The arguments for Free Will seem to be influenced a great deal by Propaganda Preconditioning. There has to be som REASON why people are so ready to support all sorts of dirt and evil against the Light and Goodness of Perfection. Free Will is nothing more or less than letting the Pig roll in his own filth. All the Propaganda for Free Will, well, the Rich Pigs must be putting it out... in Books, in Movies... now in Video Games. Oh, I bet Rap Music is FULL of Free Will. It must be. Certainly Perfection has nothing to do with it.

And without free will there's no point to existence since all we'd be doing is following a pre-written script.
Let's just skip to the last paragraph and see if the butler did it...
Oh, but wait, the writer already knows who did it, and there's only him to read it.
We're nothing but a mental masturbation of god's?
That's worthwhile...:rolleyes:
The Flower has no free will. The Candle Flame has no free will.

When I am playing the piano most perfectly the feeling is that I have lost Free Will and fallen into Perfection.

The arguments for Free Will seem to be influenced a great deal by Propaganda Preconditioning. There has to be som REASON why people are so ready to support all sorts of dirt and evil against the Light and Goodness of Perfection. Free Will is nothing more or less than letting the Pig roll in his own filth. All the Propaganda for Free Will, well, the Rich Pigs must be putting it out... in Books, in Movies... now in Video Games. Oh, I bet Rap Music is FULL of Free Will. It must be. Certainly Perfection has nothing to do with it.
what pleasure do you gain from perfectly behaved rocks?