Does God Philosophise?

Psychotic episode
Surely you're aware that memory is not totally reliable.

... yet somehow I can remember how to start the car every day

Direct familiarity produces a conditioned reponse a la Pavlov's dog.

never encountered a normative description in scripture?

They all echo God's philosophy for us only. No evidence that He ponders His own existence.

I don't have the extra baggage containing a god to carry around. My mind is not overburdened by the weight of a divinity. Overindulgence in religious philosophy is producing fatty deposits on your mind. You might want to exercise it properly with a steady dose of reality if you want it to be sharp. ”

or alternatively

I don't have the extra baggage of atheism to carry around. My mind is not overburdened by the weight of a material reductionism. Overindulgence in empiricism is producing fatty deposits on your mind. You might want to exercise it properly with a steady dose of reality if you want it to be sharp.

Mine's carry-on, yours will fill a cargo hold.

In your defense I will say that even metaphysics and all that's associated with it is a product of nature. ”

I guess the next question is whether this is a metaphysical claim

Your guess is not, but the question could be.

Nature has endowed us with a mind capable of conjuring up metaphysics. It also enables minds to believe the stars are windows to heaven and that there are canals on Mars. ”

you forgot to also add that it enables us to believe that everything is materially reducible

I not the one attempting to come up with an alternate reality.

Here you go again, beyond human comprehension. Beautiful, I was waiting for that. ”

I argued that the topic cannot be approached by a conditioned human standard

I like the part where you said explaining God is totally useless.
We think of God in terms of Perfections. In this sense, whenever we recognize anything that really seems to be 'perfect' then that, verily, is the Voice of God. Indeed, that is why they have always said that certain Poets or Musicians, writers and such, were 'Inspired' which is to say that they were inspired by God.

Even some Performances. I've been with groups, where everybody sucks a little bit, but that on the night of the Performance, it all seemed to take on a Life of its own. Where everyone seemed to be lifted by the same Tide. The Group takes the complements from the audiance all right, but among each other they are honest enough to say 'Wow'. When Perfection strikes, thats God.

I would think God has a philosophy of life, how one should live and behave and so forth but....... Do you think God ponders His own existence? I mean what's good for the goose should be good for the gander. If we can do it then God should be able to, or should a God have no reason to wax philosophic?

If an omniscient God has no need to philosophize then it stands to reason that the acquiring of knowledge lessens the need to philosophize. Know more, philosophize less. Know it all & don't bother, it's a waste of time.
it stands to reason that the acquiring of knowledge lessens the need to philosophize. Know more, philosophize less. Know it all & don't bother, it's a waste of time.

There are two Ways to knowledge -- Induction and Deduction.

By induction we move from the particular to the general, that is we notice the trend of particular events and infer the existence of general trends.

By deduction we go quite the other direction and apply the Generalizations to what we might expect of the behavior of particular things.

If there is a God who knows EVERYTHING, well, He doesn't need to learn about methods of dealing with limited knowledge for maximum effect. But Finite Beings of Limited Capacity must learn every shortcut and efficiency possible in order to make the most of their bad bargain.

By the Way, Science has now become just as Accusatory as God. We are now told that we may not Generalize... that we NEVER have enough particular instances by which to make a valid Generalization. They say we need to come up with Federal Grant Money for proper Scientific Studies. Only then can Knowledge have the validity given to Religion.
No, god doesn't need philosophy. God can't die, so god has nothing to worry about. Also, god knows everything, so god doesn't need to think about anything because god has already figured everything out.

This is assuming god exists and is omnipotent, of course.
God can't die, so god has nothing to worry about.

This I find a very interesting line. The more I think of it, the more it rings true. What exactly does God have to worry about or why would He worry at all? All the more reason for the almighty to stay away.

Is philosophy really a worry? I suppose it could be. Is there a difference between pondering existence as to paying the rent on time? I can get philosophical about my existence but can I do the same knowing the rent is due?

I suppose that if I have no job plus a lot of time on my hands and the rent is due then I should have ample opportunity to philosophise. However if I'm busy working to pay the rent the I have less time available to philosophise.

That's it....God has no worries because he works 24/7 (why I don't know). The poor guy has no time for himself. Although being omniscient throws a wrench into that theory.
Psychotic episode

Surely you're aware that memory is not totally reliable.

... yet somehow I can remember how to start the car every day

Direct familiarity produces a conditioned reponse a la Pavlov's dog.

never encountered a normative description in scripture?

They all echo God's philosophy for us only. No evidence that He ponders His own existence.
there are however clear indications how one has to act before they can even begin to venture in to understanding god's nature ...

I don't have the extra baggage containing a god to carry around. My mind is not overburdened by the weight of a divinity. Overindulgence in religious philosophy is producing fatty deposits on your mind. You might want to exercise it properly with a steady dose of reality if you want it to be sharp. ”

or alternatively

I don't have the extra baggage of atheism to carry around. My mind is not overburdened by the weight of a material reductionism. Overindulgence in empiricism is producing fatty deposits on your mind. You might want to exercise it properly with a steady dose of reality if you want it to be sharp.

Mine's carry-on, yours will fill a cargo hold.
actually a tentative argument is more like a finding a suitable corner in a circular room to stage yourself

In your defense I will say that even metaphysics and all that's associated with it is a product of nature. ”

I guess the next question is whether this is a metaphysical claim

Your guess is not, but the question could be.
given that the entirety of nature is an exclusive approach of metaphysics, I doubt it

Nature has endowed us with a mind capable of conjuring up metaphysics. It also enables minds to believe the stars are windows to heaven and that there are canals on Mars. ”

you forgot to also add that it enables us to believe that everything is materially reducible

I not the one attempting to come up with an alternate reality.
alternative to what?
your take on it?

Here you go again, beyond human comprehension. Beautiful, I was waiting for that. ”

I argued that the topic cannot be approached by a conditioned human standard

I like the part where you said explaining God is totally useless.
probably just a pavlovian response to your alternative take on reality
This I find a very interesting line. The more I think of it, the more it rings true. What exactly does God have to worry about or why would He worry at all? All the more reason for the almighty to stay away.
Interesting that you bring this up because the only way for an omnipresent entity to go away is if the beholders (ie "us") have the ability to fall into illusion

Is philosophy really a worry? I suppose it could be. Is there a difference between pondering existence as to paying the rent on time? I can get philosophical about my existence but can I do the same knowing the rent is due?
Life (for us in illusion at least) is full of anxieties. Philosophy offers a solution to those issues that even paying the rent cannot ressolve
I suppose that if I have no job plus a lot of time on my hands and the rent is due then I should have ample opportunity to philosophise. However if I'm busy working to pay the rent the I have less time available to philosophise.
Philosophy is catalyzed from the recognition of key issues of existence as problematic. Maybe if you are busy working so much you could ask yourself why you have to labour like an ass who carries a huge burden just to be fed a mouthful of grass from the owner (when here is plenty of grass simply growing on the side of the road)

That's it....God has no worries because he works 24/7 (why I don't know). The poor guy has no time for himself. Although being omniscient throws a wrench into that theory.[/QUOTE]
God has no worries because he is not subject to illusion
Interesting that you bring this up because the only way for an omnipresent entity to go away is if the beholders (ie "us") have the ability to fall into illusion

I have a feeling it's not 'if'.

Life (for us in illusion at least) is full of anxieties. Philosophy offers a solution to those issues that even paying the rent cannot ressolve

I haven't heard one solution to anything yet.

Philosophy is catalyzed from the recognition of key issues of existence as problematic.

The only problems are of your own making.

God has no worries because he is not subject to illusion

Is God the same guy who creates perfect beings that aren't. If He has no worries then why does He need praise? If He has no worries why issue commandments? If He has no worries why concern himself with Satan? If He has no worries why write religious texts? Simple fact is, if He has no worries then everything is the way its supposed to be.
Psychotic Episode
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Interesting that you bring this up because the only way for an omnipresent entity to go away is if the beholders (ie "us") have the ability to fall into illusion

I have a feeling it's not 'if'.
There you go with your values again

Life (for us in illusion at least) is full of anxieties. Philosophy offers a solution to those issues that even paying the rent cannot ressolve

I haven't heard one solution to anything yet.
if you accept this world as the be all and end all, sure, there are no solutions forthcoming from a mouth full of rotting molars.

Philosophy is catalyzed from the recognition of key issues of existence as problematic.

The only problems are of your own making.
one such key issue is death. I would be curious to hear how you suggest we make ourselves die ....

God has no worries because he is not subject to illusion

Is God the same guy who creates perfect beings that aren't.
our perfection (and therefore worry-free state) depends on being agreeable to god - I think you are intelligent enough to observe the default position ...

If He has no worries then why does He need praise?
he doesn't
Its us who need to be agreeable (if we want perfection, that is)

If He has no worries why issue commandments?
you would prefer a god that sits back while the living entities are in illusion?

If He has no worries why concern himself with Satan?
God is worried by satan?
If He has no worries why write religious texts?
once again buddy, that's for us, not him

Simple fact is, if He has no worries then everything is the way its supposed to be.
the material world is generated to gradually exhaust and diminish the aberrant behaviour, offering perverted reflections of what is the living entity's rightful claim in the spiritual world
if you accept this world as the be all and end all, sure, there are no solutions forthcoming from a mouth full of rotting molars.

LMAO....A mouth full of rotting molars? Religious philosophy has entered the realm of dental hygiene.....funny as hell.

Philosophy is catalyzed from the recognition of key issues of existence as problematic.

The only problems are of your own making. ”

one such key issue is death. I would be curious to hear how you suggest we make ourselves die

Being dead isn't much of an existence?

our perfection (and therefore worry-free state) depends on being agreeable to god - I think you are intelligent enough to observe the default position ...

God has no worries therefore He doesn't philosophise. Good enuf for me.

If He has no worries why issue commandments? ”

you would prefer a god that sits back while the living entities are in illusion?

I like God the way He is right now....nowhere to be found. Doesn't mean He sits around, means He isn't here. All your philosophising is moot, no practical importance.

the material world is generated to gradually exhaust and diminish the aberrant behaviour, offering perverted reflections of what is the living entity's rightful claim in the spiritual world

The aberrant behavior of materially generated beings? Are you blaming God for our shortcomings?
Psychotic Episode

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
if you accept this world as the be all and end all, sure, there are no solutions forthcoming from a mouth full of rotting molars. ”

LMAO....A mouth full of rotting molars? Religious philosophy has entered the realm of dental hygiene.....funny as hell.
If you think rotting molars are a problem it must be your own making

“ “
Philosophy is catalyzed from the recognition of key issues of existence as problematic.

The only problems are of your own making. ”

one such key issue is death. I would be curious to hear how you suggest we make ourselves die ”

Being dead isn't much of an existence?
yes, that's a key problem witth it

“ our perfection (and therefore worry-free state) depends on being agreeable to god - I think you are intelligent enough to observe the default position ... ”

God has no worries therefore He doesn't philosophise. Good enuf for me.
because we philophosize when we worry?

“ If He has no worries why issue commandments? ”

you would prefer a god that sits back while the living entities are in illusion? ”

I like God the way He is right now....nowhere to be found. Doesn't mean He sits around, means He isn't here. All your philosophising is moot, no practical importance.
well good luck making yourself at home then

“ the material world is generated to gradually exhaust and diminish the aberrant behaviour, offering perverted reflections of what is the living entity's rightful claim in the spiritual world ”

The aberrant behavior of materially generated beings?

Are you blaming God for our shortcomings?
There may be key problems about possessing free will, but I would rather have free will than be bereft of it ... how about you?
obedience to your way of thinking?

Don't forget free to think like me. All this from a mouthful of rotten molars. Greenberg, all I ask is for a level playing field:eek:

I'm convinced, God doesn't philosophise, I don't think He'd waste time on religion for one thing. Philosophy is not required for a being that's omniscient. The more you know the less one philosophises. I'm surprised that both you & Greenberg are still practicing it. :rolleyes:

If one continues to philosophise more than ever then they must be farther away from the truth than before if the rule Know more philosophise less is correct, but both of you break the rule.... oh sorry, no you don't.;)
Don't forget free to think like me. All this from a mouthful of rotten molars. Greenberg, all I ask is for a level playing field:eek:

I'm convinced, God doesn't philosophise, I don't think He'd waste time on religion for one thing. Philosophy is not required for a being that's omniscient. The more you know the less one philosophises. I'm surprised that both you & Greenberg are still practicing it.
If one continues to philosophise more than ever then they must be farther away from the truth than before if the rule Know more philosophise less is correct, but both of you break the rule.... oh sorry, no you don't.;)
out of curiosity, how do you distinguish between thinking and philosophy?
Psychotic Episode

If There may be key problems about possessing free will, but I would rather have free will than be bereft of it ... how about you?

Okay... on One Side, Without Free Will, we can behave perfectly, with Perfect Moral Responsibility, with Perfect Knowledge... no one ever misses the toilet, everybody always has an Orgasm. In the Second Case, with Free Will, all Certainty is exploded, all confidence in Good is undone, and Goodness and Perfection become hit and miss, even int he Best of circumstances.

So why this Advocacy of Free Will?

If Free Will is so inextricably mixed with Evil, who but Evil would defend Free Will.

If Perfect Goodness should come without Choice, would we all not Choose not to Choose?

Indeed, all Eastern Philosophies of Transcendence and Ultimate Goodnesses involve the subjugation of the Ego, that part of us that insists upon Free Will, and involves the Surrender to that Higher Aspect that Leaves us No Choice.
And without free will there's no point to existence since all we'd be doing is following a pre-written script.
Let's just skip to the last paragraph and see if the butler did it...
Oh, but wait, the writer already knows who did it, and there's only him to read it.
We're nothing but a mental masturbation of god's?
That's worthwhile...:rolleyes: