Does god make mistakes?

Crunchy Cat said:
Wow... out of curiousity, has the part of your body's brain that gives
you your sense of self been damaged in some way?

nah... it's normal to feel impersonal (god) when you've achived mirvana

Hapsburg said:
And so is god. :p

yeah.... but in my beliefs (mind), the mind (or self) is the same as "god".
Interesting... and to think all this time I've been accusing some family
members of being lazy when they really have been achieving mirvana.
Crunchy Cat said:
A fly is today's result of a long line of adaptations to environmental
pressures. It has no purpose other than what it's DNA insturcts it to
do (such as survive... feeding spiders is not one of those instructions).
That is a very oversimplified viewpoint. You obviously don't understand that there are multiple levels of functionality for an organism, or you wouldn't be so narrow in your description.
cole grey said:
That is a very oversimplified viewpoint. You obviously don't understand that there are multiple levels of functionality for an organism, or you wouldn't be so narrow in your description.

Those 'levels of functionality' as you put it are a result of everything else
adapting to the environment the fly is a part of. Regardless, it doesn't change
the truth that flies have no genetic instructions to sacrifice themselves so
spiders can eat.
I once told God He made a mistake and he banished me from His kingdom.

Now look at me, a horny has-been with a skin condition and nobody to play with.

That’s the last time I open my mouth. :eek:
Crunchy Cat said:
Regardless, it doesn't change
the truth that flies have no genetic instructions to sacrifice themselves so
spiders can eat.
Genetic instructions are not purpose, they are chemical forces which create tendencies.

Also, does God have a genetic structure? If not, and you attribute purpose to genetic instructions, then you conclude that God can't make mistakes.

Ok, so now that you admit there are other factors, admit that your oversimplification is an oversimplification.
kole grae:

Genetic instructions are not purpose, they are chemical forces which create tendencies.

Yes. Like making stupid posts.

Flies (and all creatures) are the genes method of producing more copies of itself. No purpose or forethought involved. The more sophisticated a reproduction and delivery mechanism, the more genes that get copied to make more copies. That's it. End of story. Now, you can all go jump off a cliff because life is truly pointless and you are nothing but a sack of chemical insurance agents for your genetic future. Filter yourselves out. Bye.
superluminal said:
No purpose or forethought involved.
Maybe if you knew how to read you would realize that I was arguing against genes creating a purpose for an organism.

Beyond that, your reduction resides on one simple level and crunchy's on another, either one taken as truth becomes contradictory to the other levels.

Since you have no purpose - it is a given that it is meaningless for you to discuss this topic. Nice talking to your gene-replicator anyway, even as empty of purpose as you claim to be.
Like, yeah. I've got nothing to say.
I am disillusioned and tired.
Who knows why.

Satyr ...
of course God makes mistakes. the only rolemodels he has are humans and animals. we're teaching him to make all the mistakes that we keep making
cole grey said:
Genetic instructions are not purpose, they are chemical forces which create tendencies.

Genetic instructions create structure and behavior of the structure. There
is a goal to these instructions... a purpose. To survivee and reproduce.

cole grey said:
Also, does God have a genetic structure? If not, and you attribute purpose to genetic instructions, then you conclude that God can't make mistakes.

The question assumes 'God' exists of course... and hypothetically if the
Christian 'God' were to exist then he royally fucked up with Lucifer.

cole grey said:
Ok, so now that you admit there are other factors, admit that your oversimplification is an oversimplification.

It was an oversimplfication if I were educating an audience on all aspects
of evolution. It was accurate and all that was necessary to demonstrate
that a fly is not instructed to lay down it's life for a spider.
random god crock

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i'm done.
You people just babble and babble and babble and babble. Never quite saw the allure to this Religion section until recently.
How can you stand it if not to poke at?

But everything to their limit.

Check mate.
gendanken said:
random god crock

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i'm done.
You people just babble and babble and babble and babble. Never quite saw the allure to this Religion section until recently.
How can you stand it if not to poke at?

But everything to their limit.

Check mate.

I find the psychology behind:

* Gaining belief
* Removing belief
* Substituting beief

absolutely fascinating. What better way to explore this than in the Religious
section of the forum?
Gendanken - "babble, babble, YOU PEOPLE just babble, babble, babble, and babble.
Also, babble, babble."

If God knew what was going to happen, there is at least one level on which the first group of people wasn't a mistake.

So no, if someone knows eveything that will happen and proceeds along a course of action, there can be no "mistakes".

However, the spirit of babble-on has descended upon the thread now, and I don't care anymore.
If 'God' wanted Lucifer to wig out then I agree no mistake was made;
however, there are many indications that this was not his intention, ergo,
a mistake was made. If 'God' knew the mistake would be made from the
get-go then that makes 'God' an idiot.