Does god make mistakes?

1. God does not exist, and a noneistant entity cannot make mistakes.

2. Even if it did exist, of course it would make mistakes. Everything makes mistakes, even an omnipotent/scient/present being.

3. Yes, quantum there is a possibility that there are multiple gods. It's called polytheism. Thing, the chances of polytheism being right are about the same as monotheism's chances of being right: nada. zip. zilch. none. nothing. jack shit.
What the fuck do you think it means? It means "everything, everyone, every creature or entity makes mistakes. It is unavoidable. No matter what you are, you are going to slip up and make a mistake".
Damn,'re not that stupid to not understand what the sentence "everything makes mistakes" mean, are ya?
hapsburg sez- "It means "everything, everyone, every creature or entity makes mistakes. It is unavoidable. No matter what you are, you are going to slip up and make a mistake". "

Oh, sorry, I thought there was a possibility that you were making a valid statement, i.e., not the massive generalization quoted above. Do babies make "mistakes"?

By this anthropomorphic reasoning, God is a man in the sky. God must piss and shit too, I suppose.

P.S. don't get angry, it reduces blood flow to certain parts of the brain.
Yes, babies make mistakes. They learn from them, such as "don't stick my penis in the wall socket!" or somesuch things.

And, anyway, there is no god, and therefore it cannot make mistakes and piss and shit, as IT DOES NOT EXIST.

P.S) I'm not angry.
Hapsburg, does insects also make mistakes... I know you said that every creature does, but... I don't think insects make any mistakes. But it may seem as they make mistakes, from a human viewpoint. Insects don't think they make mistakes, but that's because they're not humans, and they don't know what a mistake is because mistakes doesn't exist for them.

§outh§tar said:
By your own words, you shouldn't be talking about God. At all.

I'm using the word God because most people prefer and understand that word better.

Quantum Quack said:
so you think there can be more than one God?

The same God (self) exists within all things. If two humans have found themselves (God), then they are not two me's but only one. They are not restricted by their body anymore and they would feel omnipresent. The self clothes itself in all kinds of bodies, but there is only one self. God is like light. It is one, but if we separate it with our consciousness, we can find many different colors (gods) in it.
So, on one level the babies are simply doing a perfect job (with no mistakes), at learning whatever it is babies are supposed to learn, if that is the process by which babies are supposed to learn.
Does god make mistakes?
Quantum Quack said:
well does he?
well if youre talking about the Old Testicle God,who drowned the whole world and everyone on it,b/c he created imperfect humans...then yes!

and he sure as hell didnt do a better job the second time,look as near as your appendix,which serves no purpose whatsoever and can even kill you,so God if it created all is one fucked a-hole

wanna see more of gods greates mistakes?
Yorda said:
Hapsburg, does insects also make mistakes... I know you said that every creature does, but... I don't think insects make any mistakes.

And that fly intentionally flew into the spider web?
Crunchy Cat said:
And that fly intentionally flew into the spider web?

No, but it's not a mistake to fly there. It's just life.

"Mistake" is an illusion created by the human mind, because we separate everything: good and evil, right and wrong. In reality, they don't exist. No human can honestly say that good and evil exists, as a part of nature, independent from our mind.
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Yorda said:
No, but it's not a mistake to fly there. It's just life.

"Mistake" is an illusion created by the human mind, because we separate everything: good and evil, right and wrong. In reality, they don't exist. No human can honestly say that good and evil exists, as a part of nature, independent from our mind.

The dictionary disagrees with your statement:

mistake - An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.

This applies directly to the fly. I make mistakes all the time and I KNOW
that the morally 'good', 'evil', 'right', 'wrong', are man-made subjective
concepts that play no role in 'mistake' making.
That's an emotional reaction that shows two things:

* You care (otherwise you would not have posted).
* That you acknowledge you have been contradicted and don't like it.

Either way, it's a great validation of truth.
Crunchy Cat said:
That's an emotional reaction that shows two things:

* You care (otherwise you would not have posted).

Yorda (the person) cares about it but I don't. But I don't care if I care or don't care about it.

* That you acknowledge you have been contradicted and don't like it.

Don't say that or I might kick your ass. Dictionaries are human creations, who cares about them. They hold no truth and every word that has been spoken in human history is an illusion.

Either way, it's a great validation of truth.


Crunchy Cat said:
That's an emotional reaction that shows two things:

* You care (otherwise you would not have posted).

Thanks for explaining that, I agree.

* That you acknowledge you have been contradicted and don't like it.

True. It's just a natural reaction.

Either way, it's a great validation of truth.

Indeed :)
Yorda said:
Yorda (the person) cares about it but I don't. But I don't care if I care or don't care about it.

Don't say that or I might kick your ass. Dictionaries are human creations, who cares about them. They hold no truth and every word that has been spoken in human history is an illusion.


Thanks for explaining that, I agree.

True. It's just a natural reaction.

Indeed :)

:eek: Yorda, do you have multiple personalities?
The fly did a good job of providing needed protein to the spider.
This is the purpose of some flies isn't it?
I mean if it weren't for these clumsy "food" flies, the spiders would die off.
A fly is today's result of a long line of adaptations to environmental
pressures. It has no purpose other than what it's DNA insturcts it to
do (such as survive... feeding spiders is not one of those instructions).
Crunchy Cat said:
:eek: Yorda, do you have multiple personalities?

I'm like God - I have infinite personalities, which means that I have no personality. When you realize the self (God), then you will understand that your person is just a reflection coming from the body, and that you are not your body (or person), but the creator of them!
Genesis 6:6 Yahweh regretted having made human beings on the earth and was grieved at heart. And Yahweh said, 'I shall rid the surface of the earth of the human beings whom I created - human and animal, the creeping things and the birds of heaven - for I regret having made them'.

The implication at this time is that he had made a mistake, indeed regretting ever making humans in the first place.

And of course it just gets worse from there. The entire bible is one big "humans are a mistake" novel, showing how time and time again, from the very dawn of humanity, mankind has fucked up everything. We did not make ourselves that way, and thus the mistake is purely on gods part.
Yorda said:
I'm like God - I have infinite personalities, which means that I have no personality. When you realize the self (God), then you will understand that your person is just a reflection coming from the body, and that you are not your body (or person), but the creator of them!

Wow... out of curiousity, has the part of your body's brain that gives
you your sense of self been damaged in some way?