Does God love me? Can I trust Him?

there are many unbelievers and suffer their lives due to emptiness of their souls.

Same could be said of many believers. Truth is, faith isn't the key to happiness, or the intangible thing referred to by believers as "the soul." You can believe in God and be miserable. Mother Theresa was (though I tend to think she deserved some misery, after all the misery she caused) and I'm sure there are plenty of atheists and agnostics who feel like they're missing something in life. Things is, that "something" isn't God. It's love, or it's a better career, or a new partner or something.
Same could be said of many believers. Truth is, faith isn't the key to happiness, or the intangible thing referred to by believers as "the soul." You can believe in God and be miserable. Mother Theresa was (though I tend to think she deserved some misery, after all the misery she caused) and I'm sure there are plenty of atheists and agnostics who feel like they're missing something in life. Things is, that "something" isn't God. It's love, or it's a better career, or a new partner or something.

The happiness of believers and unbelievers are different in quality.
Believers have assurance of eternal life.
The happiness of believers and unbelievers are different in quality.
Believers have assurance of eternal life.
You could word this, "They believe that they have the assurance of an after-life."

Believing that they have it is not the same as saying they do have the assurance that they do have the after-life.

men are made of two parts, physical body and mind (soul/spirit),
a body without soul is lifeless.

Science does not deny the existence of other dimension world. Does it?

To deny spiritual world is inconsistent with scientific thinking.

I don't understand the chart. Can you explain?

That's a hilarious chart. But I think it's a misconception that there is only one right religion. According to the Near Death Experience literature, most people go to heaven regardless of their faith or lack of faith. The NDE data is not going to convince the skeptics that life after death is guaranteed; however, if there is life after death, then it's a definite preview of the afterlife. You get to float around in clouds of bliss, etc.

men are made of two parts, physical body and mind (soul/spirit),
a body without soul is lifeless.

Science does not deny the existence of other dimension world. Does it?

To deny spiritual world is inconsistent with scientific thinking.

Dimension has nothing to do with "Spiritual" concepts. Literally, nothing.

You state that man is soul and body as fact. But that is false. Man exists only of Body. There is no evidence whatsoever at all of any soul. It's a piece of fiction.

It absolutely goes with scientific thinking to deny what simply is not there.
Does God love me? Can I trust Him?

No matter how bad I am,
if I believe in Jesus, accepted him as my Savior,
am I saved eternally?

I shall not fear doing any evil, because Jesus will pardon me no matter what kind of evil or sin I may do due to temptation or human nature's weaknesses.

Is Jesus able to violate the cause-and-effect law, cleans my sin and free me, so that the effect of sin is no longer effective on me.

I suppose the question is, how good has life been to you? Better or worse, would you attribute it to your relationship with a god?
Dimension has nothing to do with "Spiritual" concepts. Literally, nothing. You state that man is soul and body as fact. But that is false. Man exists only of Body. There is no evidence whatsoever at all of any soul. It's a piece of fiction. It absolutely goes with scientific thinking to deny what simply is not there.
You wouldn't study any religious concepts using the scientific method. Would you? God is not a particle. The soul is not measured with scientific units. Nevertheless, religion is a very significant part of reality.
You wouldn't study any religious concepts using the scientific method. Would you? God is not a particle. The soul is not measured with scientific units. Nevertheless, religion is a very significant part of reality.

This statement is a self fulfilling prophecy. Things that do not exist cannot be measured because they do not exist to be measured. Everything that exists has potential to be measured.
Dimension has nothing to do with "Spiritual" concepts. Literally, nothing.

You state that man is soul and body as fact. But that is false. Man exists only of Body. There is no evidence whatsoever at all of any soul. It's a piece of fiction.

It absolutely goes with scientific thinking to deny what simply is not there.

Do you have mind, emotion, feeling, esteem?
Can you show me these properties?
Can you analyse them as an object in test tube?
This statement is a self fulfilling prophecy. Things that do not exist cannot be measured because they do not exist to be measured. Everything that exists has potential to be measured.

Again this is false,
how do you measure your emotion?
Do you have emotion?
Can you quantify it?