Does God have Respect for Life

god respects life enough to perfect it according to his law so that it might be eternal, and free from sickness, suffering, and death, allowing for our free will.

Life isn't perfect. And it isn't eternal either.
Life isn't perfect. And it isn't eternal either.

not yet, duh. when it's perfect, then it will be eternal. we're still working on the free will part. it won't be eternal until we're redeemed (perfected), then reborn into the kingdom (if i understand it correctly).
not yet, duh. when it's perfect, then it will be eternal. we're still working on the free will part. it won't be eternal until we're redeemed (perfected), then reborn into the kingdom (if i understand it correctly).

It will never be perfect. Evolution works on the principle of imperfection, so to speak.
Life isn't perfect. And it isn't eternal either.

why wouldn't life be eternal? even from your materialist perspective, surely there will always be life somewhere in the universe, because energy can't be created or destroyed.
why wouldn't life be eternal? even from your materialist perspective, surely there will always be life somewhere in the universe, because energy can't be created or destroyed.

There are lots of things that have energy and that are not alive.. I don't see your point.
It will never be perfect. Evolution works on the principle of imperfection, so to speak.

so it will stop when we're perfected. sin is like a birth defect. it's genetic. it was perpetrated during the fall of man and will be removed with redemption.
so it will stop when we're perfected. sin is like a birth defect. it's genetic. it was perpetrated during the fall of man and will be removed with redemption.

Huh.. ? That's illogical.
If it will never be perfect, it will never be perfect.
You can't say it will never be perfect until it is :bugeye:
Huh.. ? That's illogical.
If it will never be perfect, it will never be perfect.
You can't say it will never be perfect until it is :bugeye:

it's not illogical. you're just saying that because it's an unusual perspective. after all, if evolution works to eliminate imperfection, then what is it working for? IS logical. doh!
god respects life enough to perfect it according to his law so that it might be eternal, and free from sickness, suffering, and death, allowing for our free will.

Are you saying God intentionally created life to be imperfect, unintentionally created imperfect life or an imperfect god created life?
whats the matter?
they're incapable of discussing or reporting on the cause?

That's not at all the case. If you're trying to tell me you've never heard a religious authority speak on the causes of the strife in that region...
regarding the middle east, at least the political/economical jelly bean jar is considerably larger

yet you see that the cause of rape gets more airplay ....

How so?
given the choice of either raping someone or getting raped, what do you think is the quickest way to get your name out there?

you talked of why things don't add up to your values, so I am just reminding you thats precisely because theism holds different values.

And that's fine. I don't have a problem with religion being a shield against life's hardest realities.
according to your values, no doubt ....

if the origins of law and order are instinct, why do you have the instinct to be free from them?

Who has the instinct to be free from law and order?
it was your angle that there is something fishy about a god that can't trust us without bringing in laws

so you sit on your laurels if you want to know someone?

No. But getting to know someone doesn't involve going to church, giving money to a church, saying prayers, feeling guilty about something you have no control over, or worshiping some invisible deity. You can't compare religious worship to social existence. They are two different animals.
and lo and behold knowing a particular person commonly involves going to particular locations, meditating on how to express one's desires to them, being assailed by issues of guilt/rejoicement over unavoidable issues of reciprocation/obligation etc ...

loss and gain in the material world is the language of suffering

Uh huh. But you have to face those regardless. Why add onto it another level of suffering?

and your statement about real rewards and avoiding suffering wasn't such an attempt?
since material life clearly illustrates how no one is independent, it's not clear what ruse you are trying to pull

I'm not trying to pull any ruse. I'm simply saying that God is not required for you to live a full life, a happy life, or a good life. On the other hand, I believe that worshiping God adds a whole bunch of grief to your life that wouldn't be there without worship.
.... and that folks, are your values speaking
And the notion of God really is silly. If you know you have to do all the things in life that are difficult, suffer the losses and enjoy the gains, why would you then add another layer on top of that?
arguable one could ponder how a life that entails issues of unavoidable attachment to transient things at 100% being quite silly

Why would you burden yourself with things like sin, for example? Why add more grief than necessary?
even a fool can make progress if they can recognize a mistake

The common standard of happiness is to simply go with what is immediately pleasurable. A higher standard is to encounter some sort of difficulty or austerity. Generally it takes some sort of outside pressure to establish that higher cause. At the very least, I assume that you are quite thankful that you were burdened with a study workload for 10-18 years in your early life, even though you could have thought of a thousand better things to do than go to school in your youth.

as if money stays with you

Sure it does. Never heard of a savings account?
I assume that you are also familiar with the costs of living too ....

And again, if I must spend money, I'd rather spend it on things that I care about.
money is simply an expression of desire (at least whatever is left after the cost of living), which again brings us back to values
And when you get right down to it, if I don't like the way the taxes are, I can cast a vote for a candidate that would change that tax system. I at least have a voice in the matter. Where is my voice in the church's scam? Oh, that's right...I don't have one.
even if you were voted in as president you still couldn't implement anything to avoid people paying some sort of tax, so there are a few practical limitations that surround the power of your voice ...
Are you saying God intentionally created life to be imperfect, unintentionally created imperfect life or an imperfect god created life?
free will entails the possibility of imperfection ..... unless of course you are number one in the universe.
That is why there are clear distinctions between god and the living entity, even though both share some qualitative similarities.
regarding the middle east, at least the political/economical jelly bean jar is considerably larger

Yes, because the political and economical fallout from the event matters more. It's real, we can feel it. Not that such a thing has ever been a requirement for anything you believe to be real, but still...

given the choice of either raping someone or getting raped, what do you think is the quickest way to get your name out there?

Get your name out there? What the hell are we talking about? My point was that the consequences of rape are most often primarily psychological as opposed to physical, which is the means.

according to your values, no doubt ....

What do you know of my values? Oh, wait, is this some more of that religious arrogance? Don't pretend for one second that you hold the moral high ground. The fact that you pick and chose your morals out of your book means that you get your moral compass from the same place I do--evolution.

it was your angle that there is something fishy about a god that can't trust us without bringing in laws

That doesn't answer my question, which was "Who has instinct to break away from law and order?".

and lo and behold knowing a particular person commonly involves going to particular locations, meditating on how to express one's desires to them, being assailed by issues of guilt/rejoicement over unavoidable issues of reciprocation/obligation etc ...

But those things are far more natural, far more rewarding, and don't demand anything of you. I never said society didn't have its own rituals, I simply said that they were for real causes, and you'd have to go through them regardless of if you had faith or not. So again, why put yourself through an entirely similar, far more demanding, and far less rewarding system on top of the real one?

and your statement about real rewards and avoiding suffering wasn't such an attempt?

No. But I'm finding it hard to converse with a person who can't answer in more than one sentence. If you really felt you had the right position on this, you'd defend your stance more fully, and counter mine more effectively.

.... and that folks, are your values speaking

That doesn't even deserve a response. You don't qualify it in any way whatsoever, so why should I qualify the response?

arguable one could ponder how a life that entails issues of unavoidable attachment to transient things at 100% being quite silly

But do you argue that? See, it's hard to defend my position when I'm not entirely clear who I'm defending it against. Perhaps you should say "I[/i] argue that a life that entails..." But you don't, because you're not the slightest bit interested in having a real discussion about this. You would rather (and perhaps it's all your capable of) take pot-shots at my stance without any substance, and not really put your own stance on the line.

But to the point of the apparently anonymous opinion posited in your statement, one could argue that such a life is silly. But they'd also have to accept that it's necessary for society to function. What is life without interaction and attachment? Yes, the attachments can be painful, especially when they are broken, but try not having them. How would you find the finer things in life, like love? Like the amazing feeling of having respect for someone or being respected by another?

The common standard of happiness is to simply go with what is immediately pleasurable. A higher standard is to encounter some sort of difficulty or austerity. Generally it takes some sort of outside pressure to establish that higher cause. At the very least, I assume that you are quite thankful that you were burdened with a study workload for 10-18 years in your early life, even though you could have thought of a thousand better things to do than go to school in your youth.

I don't believe the first sentence of this paragraph is true in even the slightest sense. All you have to do is ask a drug addict, or a former drug addict, what getting by on the immediate pleasures does for one's happiness. No, I believe it has been clearly demonstrated that true happiness comes not from the "now" but from the greater body of achievements.

As for the rest of the paragraph, there is no way to compare a childhood and young adult-hood of study that prepares you for the rest of you life, to that of religious worship. There simply is no comparison. Again, the rewards for the study in school is available to you here. The rewards promised for your servitude to God can only be redeemed at death.

I assume that you are also familiar with the costs of living too ....

Yes. All the more reason you shouldn't throw your money at a church. And for the churches to demand that you do pay them, especially in these hard times is, dare I say, sinful.

money is simply an expression of desire (at least whatever is left after the cost of living), which again brings us back to values

No no no. You can't tell us we need to ignore the primarily practical applications of money so we can view the minority of which that goes to our hobbies and egos in a certain negative light.

even if you were voted in as president you still couldn't implement anything to avoid people paying some sort of tax, so there are a few practical limitations that surround the power of your voice ...

A "practical limitation" to the power of my voice is better than having no voice at all.
regarding the middle east, at least the political/economical jelly bean jar is considerably larger

Yes, because the political and economical fallout from the event matters more. It's real, we can feel it. Not that such a thing has ever been a requirement for anything you believe to be real, but still...

given the choice of either raping someone or getting raped, what do you think is the quickest way to get your name out there?

Get your name out there? What the hell are we talking about? My point was that the consequences of rape are most often primarily psychological as opposed to physical, which is the means.
my point is that if something is the actual cause it is plainly obvious when you examine how it is dealt with

according to your values, no doubt ....

What do you know of my values?
what you tell me about them (no, I am not a mind reader)

Oh, wait, is this some more of that religious arrogance? Don't pretend for one second that you hold the moral high ground. The fact that you pick and chose your morals out of your book means that you get your moral compass from the same place I do--evolution.
by "values" I simply mean ...

Beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something)

it was your angle that there is something fishy about a god that can't trust us without bringing in laws

That doesn't answer my question, which was "Who has instinct to break away from law and order?".
I thought I did
"you" (based on your argument)

and lo and behold knowing a particular person commonly involves going to particular locations, meditating on how to express one's desires to them, being assailed by issues of guilt/rejoicement over unavoidable issues of reciprocation/obligation etc ...

But those things are far more natural, far more rewarding, and don't demand anything of you.
the reason you don't notice that they are demanding is because you like them .. which again gets back to issues of values
I never said society didn't have its own rituals, I simply said that they were for real causes, and you'd have to go through them regardless of if you had faith or not. So again, why put yourself through an entirely similar, far more demanding, and far less rewarding system on top of the real one?
religion simply offers a broader scope for those rituals
Just like marriage offers a broader scope for relationship than merely being someone's offspring, sibling or friend.

and your statement about real rewards and avoiding suffering wasn't such an attempt?

No. But I'm finding it hard to converse with a person who can't answer in more than one sentence. If you really felt you had the right position on this, you'd defend your stance more fully, and counter mine more effectively.
well you just changed stance

First you say life is real because you don't have problems
Now you say life is real because you do

Do you want to go for a third variation?

.... and that folks, are your values speaking

That doesn't even deserve a response. You don't qualify it in any way whatsoever, so why should I qualify the response?
I am simply indicating how your argument is completely value based.
You are starting with your values and working backwards to determine what is or isn't valid in the universe.
Whether the universe is also in agreement requires a different sort of argument

arguable one could ponder how a life that entails issues of unavoidable attachment to transient things at 100% being quite silly

But do you argue that? See, it's hard to defend my position when I'm not entirely clear who I'm defending it against. Perhaps you should say "I[/i] argue that a life that entails..." But you don't, because you're not the slightest bit interested in having a real discussion about this. You would rather (and perhaps it's all your capable of) take pot-shots at my stance without any substance, and not really put your own stance on the line.

value based arguments don't warrant a serious shake down
basically they boil down to "its not true because I think its silly"

If you want a substantial philosophical discussion you have to step outside of tentative arguments

If not, why get agitated when I lodge a tentative refutation to your tentative argument?

But to the point of the apparently anonymous opinion posited in your statement, one could argue that such a life is silly. But they'd also have to accept that it's necessary for society to function. What is life without interaction and attachment? Yes, the attachments can be painful, especially when they are broken, but try not having them. How would you find the finer things in life, like love? Like the amazing feeling of having respect for someone or being respected by another?
so why are they mutually exclusive?
I mean the whole introductory assertion of spiritual life is that you cannot avoid attachment and interaction - rather that there is a better option than hedging one's bets in the material world

The common standard of happiness is to simply go with what is immediately pleasurable. A higher standard is to encounter some sort of difficulty or austerity. Generally it takes some sort of outside pressure to establish that higher cause. At the very least, I assume that you are quite thankful that you were burdened with a study workload for 10-18 years in your early life, even though you could have thought of a thousand better things to do than go to school in your youth.

I don't believe the first sentence of this paragraph is true in even the slightest sense. All you have to do is ask a drug addict, or a former drug addict, what getting by on the immediate pleasures does for one's happiness. No, I believe it has been clearly demonstrated that true happiness comes not from the "now" but from the greater body of achievements.
but since people's common standards of happiness are also their common standards of misery, you start to see a pattern evolving

As for the rest of the paragraph, there is no way to compare a childhood and young adult-hood of study that prepares you for the rest of you life, to that of religious worship. There simply is no comparison. Again, the rewards for the study in school is available to you here. The rewards promised for your servitude to God can only be redeemed at death.
actually no
at least I have a different experience
the results are plainly available even in this life

I assume that you are also familiar with the costs of living too ....

Yes. All the more reason you shouldn't throw your money at a church. And for the churches to demand that you do pay them, especially in these hard times is, dare I say, sinful.
capitalism basically asserts that highest substance is capital ...

money is simply an expression of desire (at least whatever is left after the cost of living), which again brings us back to values

No no no. You can't tell us we need to ignore the primarily practical applications of money so we can view the minority of which that goes to our hobbies and egos in a certain negative light.
well desire is where all the dynamics of life happens so it certainly needs to be brought under inspection (or at least introspection) regularly

even if you were voted in as president you still couldn't implement anything to avoid people paying some sort of tax, so there are a few practical limitations that surround the power of your voice ...

A "practical limitation" to the power of my voice is better than having no voice at all.
but practically there is no difference
I thought I did
"you" (based on your argument)

I seek to break away from law and order? In what way? There is no way I gave you them impression that I'm even remotely interested in anarchy.

the reason you don't notice that they are demanding is because you like them .. which again gets back to issues of values

No, I understand what is required of me. But I operate in the real world, I don't have the need to be coddled in the supernatural. I don't need that comfort. I'm not willing to ignore reason. My brain works, I can't just shut it off, which is required of you if you are to be a believer.

religion simply offers a broader scope for those rituals

No, it just offers you more rituals, and less reward.

Just like marriage offers a broader scope for relationship than merely being someone's offspring, sibling or friend.

...? You can marry your offspring or sibling if you want a broader scope for the relationship?

First you say life is real because you don't have problems
Now you say life is real because you do

Do you want to go for a third variation?

Can you even read? I never said that there are no problems in life. The entire time I have said that there is a difference between the problems and struggles in your life, and the bullshit guilt and ritual that a life of service to God entails. I'll say it again, and this time call your mommy in to read it out loud for you, seeing as you're having trouble:

Real life is real. The pleasure and pain of this life is real. When I suffer something here, I feel the effects here.

God isn't real. The rewards offered by the church are fake. The rituals are real and are far worse than any ritual you have to endure in your daily life. You believe in a myth, and you suffer for it.

but practically there is no difference

Not even close.

But have fun giving your money to the church while you feel guilty because you got a boner for the chick on TV. I'll be over here not thinking about how the best time of my life doesn't come until I'm dead.

I thought I did
"you" (based on your argument)

I seek to break away from law and order? In what way? There is no way I gave you them impression that I'm even remotely interested in anarchy.
I was focusing on your

What would you rather have? Go to church and worship all day every day? Or prevent myself from indulging in life's pleasures because some god that someone else worships doesn't trust me enough to be responsible? Please. Your god preaches abstinence, I practice moderation.

my point is that even mundane society doesn't trust you to be responsible, so arguing that you're beyond law and order in relation to something higher than that (or arguing that a god that involves issues of law and order is somehow less valid) doesn't really hold.

the reason you don't notice that they are demanding is because you like them .. which again gets back to issues of values

No, I understand what is required of me. But I operate in the real world, I don't have the need to be coddled in the supernatural.
instead you are coddled by other things, which ironically are not real (in the sense that they are temporary)

I don't need that comfort. I'm not willing to ignore reason. My brain works, I can't just shut it off, which is required of you if you are to be a believer.
all you are not willing to ignore are your values .... and where ever there are values there are issues of belief, etc
Unless you want to argue that you are some super rational guy that doesn't even put a christmas tree up for the kids and simply talks to your partner about your plans for the future in terms of neurons and evolution

religion simply offers a broader scope for those rituals

No, it just offers you more rituals, and less reward.
or alternatively, rewards that your values don't encompass you to accept

Just like marriage offers a broader scope for relationship than merely being someone's offspring, sibling or friend.

...? You can marry your offspring or sibling if you want a broader scope for the relationship?
no less than you can palm off serving one's family and society as an equal or greater occupation than serving god

First you say life is real because you don't have problems
Now you say life is real because you do

Do you want to go for a third variation?

Can you even read? I never said that there are no problems in life.
you said

Because my rewards are real, and do not force me to suffer regardless of my actions.

care to explain in what way your rewards don't entail issues of suffering?

The entire time I have said that there is a difference between the problems and struggles in your life, and the bullshit guilt and ritual that a life of service to God entails.
in what clear way?
I mean surely you are experienced enough to grasp all the BS, guilt and ritual that mundane life already encompasses
I'll say it again, and this time call your mommy in to read it out loud for you, seeing as you're having trouble:

Real life is real.
so it begs the question "what is real"?
(let me guess, your values right?)

The pleasure and pain of this life is real. When I suffer something here, I feel the effects here.
so the next question is whether your experiences and anticipations (aka values) of dualities is sufficient to delineate the length and breadth of the universe.
For instance a drug addict may anticipate that getting of drugs is painful. A reformed addict may anticipate it as pleasurable.
Which one is real? (or more real?)

God isn't real.
and how do you know this?

The rewards offered by the church are fake.
and how do you know this?
(now is a good opportunity for you to show us how you don't ignore rationality)

The rituals are real and are far worse than any ritual you have to endure in your daily life.
actually I would argue its the opposite
rituals (if you want to call them that) are far worse in mundane life are far worse
You believe in a myth, and you suffer for it.
try and establish how you are beyond issues of myth
/grabs popcorn

but practically there is no difference

Not even close.
you are free to provide input to a system where you don't have to pay taxes, but even if you were voted president you couldn't install a system where you wouldn't?
Is this rational?

But have fun giving your money to the church while you feel guilty because you got a boner for the chick on TV.
ok just don't let your wife clue on to it and you will be fine

I'll be over here not thinking about how the best time of my life doesn't come until I'm dead.
have a great time watching TV
Omniscient God, if any, who've created this "dog eat dog" world, engulfed in suffering and death, got to be a maniac. There are no other options. Oh, I've forgot that omniscient things blamed Eve (and us) for everything. It's like designers blaming a building for its fall.

If Christian God exists, he's a monster. Poor us. What for? I've "been" nothing, emptyness for zillions of years. I didn't ask to bring me to life just to be blamed for everything I had nothing to do with.
Omniscient God, if any, who've created this "dog eat dog" world, engulfed in suffering and death, got to be a maniac.
unless issues of death are not the final issue for living entities endowed with eternality

There are no other options.
I just gave one
If you examine theistic philosophy you can find heaps more
Oh, I've forgot that omniscient things blamed Eve (and us) for everything. It's like designers blaming a building for its fall.
or alternatively its like if one's heart is set on falling, we have just the right place where you can feel like home (well almost anyway).
If however you want to accept that this is the best of all possible worlds, then I agree, you run into problems.

If Christian God exists, he's a monster. Poor us. What for? I've "been" nothing, emptyness for zillions of years. I didn't ask to bring me to life just to be blamed for everything I had nothing to do with.
if humans can ultimately be beyond designations of social partitioning, I think it's reasonable to suggest that god can too