Does God have any motives ?

Ted Grant II

Registered Senior Member
Theologians have designed God with a variety of properties.
God is just.
God loves us.
God has always existed.
God is perfect
God is three persons in one
God has infinite power
God knows everything
God is outside of space and time
God created the Heavens and the Earth

From the Bible, we can also discover that God sometimes
has regrets (about the flood)
gets angry (with the Israelites)
likes a contest (with Satan)

The latter properties are not usually included in the theologian's list.

Just taking the theologians favorite properties, it seems that for a very long time, God did nothing, then suddenly burst into action and created the Universe with all it's beauty and dirt.

But given that God is perfect and therefore has no need to get anything, such as food, fun, medicine, warmth etc. it seems that he cannot have any desires, needs, objectives. In short, he cannot have any motives.

If he has no motives, then it explains why he did nothing before the Big Bang.
After all, if one is timeless, then one cannot spend time !

I can see why Superman needs to fight the Joker and rescue Lois Lane
but I can't see why a perfect Superior Being needs to do anything.
Theologians have designed God with a variety of properties.
God is just.
God loves us.
God has always existed.
God is perfect
God is three persons in one
God has infinite power
God knows everything
God is outside of space and time
God created the Heavens and the Earth

From the Bible, we can also discover that God sometimes
has regrets (about the flood)
gets angry (with the Israelites)
likes a contest (with Satan)

The latter properties are not usually included in the theologian's list.

Just taking the theologians favorite properties, it seems that for a very long time, God did nothing, then suddenly burst into action and created the Universe with all it's beauty and dirt.

But given that God is perfect and therefore has no need to get anything, such as food, fun, medicine, warmth etc. it seems that he cannot have any desires, needs, objectives. In short, he cannot have any motives.

If he has no motives, then it explains why he did nothing before the Big Bang.
After all, if one is timeless, then one cannot spend time !

I can see why Superman needs to fight the Joker and rescue Lois Lane
but I can't see why a perfect Superior Being needs to do anything.

Is this where Mrs god comes into the picture?

"Get off your BLEEP BLEEP BLEEPside and do something

You might start by fixing that blank infinite space over there"

God is pure love an purely altruistic... an he shares that love by creatin humans so that those who deserve it can experience his love.!!!

Perty simple realy.!!!

Since it appears bad things happen to EVERYBODY

it seems no cretin human has picked up even one iota of that love

Pretty stupid really

Haha... no... dildos dont have free will -- Gods gratest gift to humans.!!!

I agree

Dildos without free will are a great gift

If dildos had free will they may not want to go where humans want to put them :)

Since it appears bad things happen to EVERYBODY

it seems no cretin human has picked up even one iota of that love

I agree

Dildos without free will are a great gift

If dildos had free will they may not want to go where humans want to put them :)


I do beleive you "get-it":::

Hell will be filled wit humans an Heaven will be filled wit dildoes.!!!
I do beleive you "get-it":::

Hell will be filled wit humans an Heaven will be filled wit dildoes.!!!

Hell seems to be the best option

Hope god in heaven is happy with the company of 7 billion soulless dildos and finds a use for them all

How would any dildo like to be his favourite?

God is pure love an purely altruistic... an he shares that love by creatin humans so that those who deserve it can experience his love.!!!

Perty simple realy.!!!

What of those God created undeserving, and why would he create them?

If they are undeserving, it is God's fault. Right?

And if all knowing, God would have intentionally created undeserving souls. Right?

What of those God created undeserving, and why would he create them?

Except that... God created everbody equal... i thout everbody knew that.!!!

If they are undeserving, it is God's fault. Right?
And if all knowing, God would have intentionally created undeserving souls. Right?

No... the instant sperms get into the egge they combine an the mixture has free will which manifests into a perfect soul.!!!
If the person goes aganst Gods wishes an chooses to sin its ther own fault.!!!

This stuff is all in the Holey Bible for those who know how to discern properly.!!!


As comformation... no true Christan in this forum disputes my revelations.!!!
Except that... God created everbody equal... i thout everbody knew that.!!!

If equal, then we should all end the same way. The abominations linked show how unequal we all begin.

No... the instant sperms get into the egge they combine an the mixture has free will which manifests into a perfect soul.!!!

Do you see the abominations shown in that link as choosing to be abominations?

If the person goes aganst Gods wishes an chooses to sin its ther own fault.!!!

Since God is said to be unknowable and unfathomable, how can we know God's wishes.

Further, Yahweh is shown to be a genocidal son murdering prick. Should we really follow the wishes of such a prick?

As to your notions of the free will we do not have. Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.
That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy."

But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.

If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin. That being the case, for God to punish us for following the instincts and natures he put in us would be quite wrong.

As comformation... no true Christan in this forum disputes my revelations.!!!

There are no true Christians as Jesus said that true Christians would be able to do all he did and more.

Who have you seen do the things as the lies in the bible say Jesus did?

Except that... God created everbody equal... i thout everbody knew that.!!!

Funny bout that

If we are all equal I should know what you know

ie god created everybody equal


you should be unaware of that nugget of info like me


Last time I looked in the mirror I didn't look like Hugh Jackman

When I got my bank statement I did have more than a drunken bum

But not as much as Richard Branson

I also own a motorcycle not jet

I couldn't help noticing when I woke up Melanija Knavs (now Trump) wasn't in the bed


Sure we are all clones

No... the instant sperms get into the egge they combine an the mixture has free will which manifests into a perfect soul.!!!
If the person goes aganst Gods wishes an chooses to sin its ther own fault.!!!

Pity the mixture isn't / wasn't given foresight as to their up coming life

I'm sure many wouldn't even bother being born

Heaven looks a great option

Hold the Pearly Gates lord I'm a coming now

If equal, then we should all end the same way. The abominations linked show how unequal we all begin.
Do you see the abominations shown in that link as choosing to be abominations?

All the deformities/illnesses in that video are of the devil an i refuse to watch it.!!!
An besides... all those horrors are caused by the sins of the parents/gran-parents/etc...

I dont sin... but even if i did... as a true Christan i woud be forgiven by God an reborned as pure as snow.!!!

Since God is said to be unknowable and unfathomable, how can we know God's wishes.

Seek an ye shall find.!!!

Further, Yahweh is shown to be a genocidal son murdering prick. Should we really follow the wishes of such a prick?

To say or thank that is an unforgivable sin... so......

As to your notions of the free will we do not have. Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.
That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy."

But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.

Simply put::: The livin God is proof in itself that God is not culpable.!!!

And if all knowing, God would have intentionally created undeserving souls. Right?.!!!

Let me esplain it this way::: If you didnt have free will you woud be just as likely to eat dirt insted of pie for supper.!!!
Me... i jus finished eatin some apple/rhubarb pie for supper Cause I Chose To... see what i mean.!!!

If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin. That being the case, for God to punish us for following the instincts and natures he put in us would be quite wrong.
I sined when i was young but i quit... for example::: I quit masturbatin when i was 12... so.......

There are no true Christians as Jesus said that true Christians would be able to do all he did and more.

Who have you seen do the things as the lies in the bible say Jesus did?

Wit my own eyes i saw a preecher make a boys short leg grow as long as his other leg... i saw a travelin preecher raise the dead... ive seen an herd people speek in gibberish... ive seen blinded people run around the church wit-out trippin or bumpin into anythang... ive seen an herd of people who handle posin an eat snakes wit no ill effect... an not to brag... but i personaly saved a girlfrind from hell... so.......

Funny bout that

If we are all equal I should know what you know
ie god created everybody equal or
you should be unaware of that nugget of info like me
Last time I looked in the mirror I didn't look like Hugh Jackman
When I got my bank statement I did have more than a drunken bum
But not as much as Richard Branson
I also own a motorcycle not jet
I couldn't help noticing when I woke up Melanija Knavs (now Trump) wasn't in the bed
Sure we are all clones

Thats all non-sinse in Gods eyes as you woud know if you only beleived as i do.!!!

Pity the mixture isn't / wasn't given foresight as to their up coming life

I'm sure many wouldn't even bother being born

Heaven looks a great option

Hold the Pearly Gates lord I'm a coming now

Grate post... i can feel the presents of the Holey Gost in the forum.!!!

EVERYTHING is in the bible

Just as EVERYTHING is in the Tarot cards

if you know how to discern properly

Thats true... but God is in charge of one an the Devil is in charge of the other.!!!

Learn which is which an you will be saved.!!!

Well that settles EVERYTHING:)

You welcome... an no pressure... but my open invitation to join my church "NACA" is for everbody.!!!
Me... i jus finished eatin some apple/rhubarb pie for supper Cause I Chose To... see what i mean.!!!

Mixing rhubarb with the pure and holy apple

is a unforgivable sin

Ye shall rot in hell

The Church of the Holy Ordained Apple of Knowledge
