Does God get a fail in the love category?

Right now it is a mans world, so help us out for now and when we reach parity we will remember you.

I do what I can and from here, all I can do is try to motivate women to demand equality and men to recognize their duty to family and seek justice before women and moral men get fed up.

Men are seen at the top of most organizations sure and it appears that they rule but in reality women do and do not recognize that fact.

There are two ways to war against and capture an enemy and bring him to his knees. Force of arms or control of the economy.

Women already control the economy as the greater spending power.

Let us pray that women never act as men would and use that power because if they are still angry with us men when they do regain their power, we will become the cheap sexual objects and slaves that men have made of women.

Gee, the sun is shining, and you still haven't been struck by thunder for all the bullshit that you spout. If this isn't evidence of God's unconditional love for you, then I don't know what is!

Thanks for sharing your delusion of your sky daddy shoveling coal into the sun.

Tell us why a God who loves unconditionally would create a hell for those he hates?

A loving God would ignore those who reject him. Your vile God prefers to hate and torture us just for ignoring his invisible absentee ass.

Thanks for sharing your delusion of your sky daddy shoveling coal into the sun.

Tell us why a God who loves unconditionally would create a hell for those he hates?

A loving God would ignore those who reject him. Your vile God prefers to hate and torture us just for ignoring his invisible absentee ass.

If only you'd use your imagination for more productive pruposes, other than for making stuff up about people that they didn't say.
If only you'd use your imagination for more productive pruposes, other than for making stuff up about people that they didn't say.

wynn, the "self purported deity" known on these forums as "Greatest (PEBCAK) I am", does not Post anything remotely similar to any positive productive purpose.

Greatest (PEBCAK) I Am, seems only to Post Negative Attacks on any and all "Beliefs" that do not coincide with his own perverted Ideals or Beliefs or Idiotic, Puerile, Ego-Centric Hallucinations and Self-Delusions!

Greatest (PEBCAK) I Am, seems only to be led by an agenda to collect accolades and Acolytes from the Posters in these Forums, and again it seems, predominately and preferably from those Posters of the opposite gender to his own.

Greatest (PEBCAK) I Am has, it seems, shown this consistently in all of the Threads that he deigns to participate in on these Forums.
Does God get a fail in the love category?

All will agree that in loving someone, that love must be shown in works, deeds and actions. This allows for reciprocity which is what makes what would be a one way corrupted love a true two way love.

Believers see God as the greatest lover of mankind yet he does no works or deeds to show us that he loves us.

Love, like faith, without works and deeds is dead. That’s scripture. Love, to be true love, must be shown by works, deeds and actions. The fact that God does not show his love by works, deeds and actions at a personal or collective level means that God does not love us. Some are going to point to the notion that God created them but remember that that is not a provable claim so please do not offer it. Remember that way too high of a percentage of us are born with defects.

Do you believe that God loves us?

Why or why not?


God is also said to love us unconditionally. Yet if we do not love, honor, obey and believe in him, we are condemned and punished. Those are all conditions we must meet to get his love returned to us.

Does God love us unconditionally?


Love and morals developed to enhance interaction and living within groups of people and perhaps other entities.
God was alone and did not need to develop morals and could not love anyone because he was alone for untold millennia.

Is God even able to love?

Its more that the (conditioned) living entities fail at the getting-free-from-the-bodily-concept-of-life category ... which, ironically, is the default for having failed at the love category

Its more that the (conditioned) living entities fail at the getting-free-from-the-bodily-concept-of-life category ... which, ironically, is the default for having failed at the love category

And to prove our love for God, we ought to kick people and piss on them.
LG knows very well what I'm talking about, and at this point, he's the one I'm addressing my post at.
Given that your own founder acharya spoke favorably of kicking people and pissing on them, your point is moot.
Its more that the (conditioned) living entities fail at the getting-free-from-the-bodily-concept-of-life category ... which, ironically, is the default for having failed at the love category


Poor God. I would feel sorry for God but he is such a prick that I will not bother.

Poor God. I would feel sorry for God but he is such a prick that I will not bother.


Welcome(!?) back Mr.G PEBCAK i A, your 5 day respite from this Thread (OP'ed by you!), did not go unnoticed.
It is, however, not uncommon for ones forearms and hands to become worn out from too much "self-polishing of ones Ego" - shall we say! ...but I digress...

Mr. G PEBCAK I A, you say "Poor God. I would feel sorry for God but he is such a prick that I will not bother."
However you still persist in "bother(ing)" not only to do just that - but repeatedly, it seems, wearing yourself out from such endeavor!

Mr. G PEBCAK I A, your weariness of deigning to bother to do exactly that of which you "...will not bother" - is not at all fully comprehended.
However, it is fully antici.............(pause).............pated!

with all due disregards...