Does God get a fail in the love category?

I do agree with the Love without works is dead, I like it how you threw that out there. God in fact has shown His love for you and I before we had even had knowledge of the word Love. For God so loved the world (you and I ) that He gave His son to death just so we could live. So God gave and showed His works even before we were able to fully receive. God has given us every kind of fruit tree, herbs, and meat so we could enjoy His creation along with our soul mates. God has given something to us first, His works. The bible says that God spoke, He created, He formed, and He gave. As far as the birth defects, Human error our government has been defecting our food source as well as the pharmaceutical industry. Man tries to play God and the results are highly costly !

The bible also says that animals talk human and that God loves us so much he used genocide on us.

You say he gave Jesus to death so we could live.

For us to live, all he had to do was not condemn us and one wonders why he hated his son so much that God would not just find a more moral way than barbaric human sacrifice and punishing the innocent instead of the guilty to forgive us.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

This indicates that Jesus had no choice.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

This then begs the question.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

One of Christianity's highest form of immorality is what they have done to women.
They have denied them equality and subjugated them to men.



I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty and here you are preaching for Satan. Shame on you.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning.

He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do too. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence.

When you die, Satan will ask you; How was your ticket to heaven purchased? With innocent blood?

When you say yes, you become his.

I do agree with the Love without works is dead, I like it how you threw that out there. God in fact has shown His love for you and I before we had even had knowledge of the word Love. For God so loved the world (you and I ) that He gave His son to death just so we could live. So God gave and showed His works even before we were able to fully receive. God has given us every kind of fruit tree, herbs, and meat so we could enjoy His creation along with our soul mates. God has given something to us first, His works. The bible says that God spoke, He created, He formed, and He gave. As far as the birth defects, Human error our government has been defecting our food source as well as the pharmaceutical industry. Man tries to play God and the results are highly costly !
Ironically, ''man played God'' when man wrote the Bible. The Bible isn't God. I'm a believer in God, by the way, but I will respectfully disagree with you on your Bible perspective. I too once believed that the Bible was the literal word of God, through and through. But, if you look at Genesis for example. We would have to believe that man has only been around for some 6000 years? (if you date the lineage back from Jesus to Adam and Eve) I believe in the theory of evolution, and therefore the Genesis story ( to me) is a farce. You can believe what you wish, but the Bible was the early Church (Catholic Church by the way) fathers' way of controlling the masses. They simply didn’t know much if anything about science at that time. So, again, you can believe what you wish, but the Bible is not ‘God.’ It’s a box that man tried to put God into. If you look at how women have been oppressed throughout history, namely within Christianity …do you think that was a directive from God? So, I just encourage you to be open minded about the Bible, and just take in a different perspective. Whether you change your mind or not, is up to you. Just because we believe in God, doesn’t mean we should ignore logic. Welcome to the site, by the way! :)
It's one of the essential problems I have with Christianity - that the God the OT is harsh (or at least against the enemies of Israel) but that the birth of his Son seems to have "mellowed him out a little". If the omnipotence, why the harshness before? Being a before-and-after comparison, it doesn't have the counter that the old "can God think of a thing He can't do" has (namely, that "He can think of and do all things": consider the nature of infinite power and vision). Then again, you could just say the same thing about any violence in the world.
It's one of the essential problems I have with Christianity - that the God the OT is harsh (or at least against the enemies of Israel) but that the birth of his Son seems to have "mellowed him out a little". If the omnipotence, why the harshness before? Being a before-and-after comparison, it doesn't have the counter that the old "can God think of a thing He can't do" has (namely, that "He can think of and do all things": consider the nature of infinite power and vision). Then again, you could just say the same thing about any violence in the world.

Agree. When we look at the Bible, in totality, God appears petty, jealous, narcissistic, etc...It would stand to reason, these are qualities that man ''attached'' to God, to make sense of something unfathomable. Man has a tendency to not accept mysteries as mysteries, but rather has a burning desire to solve them. God is a mystery and the Bible, while it has some beautiful psalms and moral lessons within it, is not God. It’s a box that mankind (the early Catholic Church) tried to ‘fit’ God into, not just to make sense of God, but to control people through ''religion.''
maybe that's because men and women aren't equals.
a more apt analogy would be 2 pieces of a puzzle, one complementing the other.

men and women, have different inherent qualities and characteristics, but we are equal as persons.
It's one of the essential problems I have with Christianity - that the God the OT is harsh (or at least against the enemies of Israel) but that the birth of his Son seems to have "mellowed him out a little". If the omnipotence, why the harshness before? Being a before-and-after comparison, it doesn't have the counter that the old "can God think of a thing He can't do" has (namely, that "He can think of and do all things": consider the nature of infinite power and vision). Then again, you could just say the same thing about any violence in the world.

The God of War morphed into the God of wimps because Rome was fed up with uppity Jews so they got a Romanized Jew to invent Jesus.


maybe that's because men and women aren't equals.
a more apt analogy would be 2 pieces of a puzzle, one complementing the other.

Sure except the female piece always has to kowtow to the male piece.That is not equal in law or in fact.

That is not good morality yet the churches are for it.

Satan truly rules the church.

men and women, have different inherent qualities and characteristics, but we are equal as persons.

Not to me or the law of the sea.

Women and children first for the life boats.

Those who disagree belong to the Captain Coward Club.

Do you actually believe that conspiracy nonsense?

Do you really believe in a water walking God who would condemn us all just to have to turn around and die for us?

Which theory is more realistic?

The evidence presented in Atwill's book is compelling but if you think Constantine was the only Emperor who forced his will, like the Trinity concept, on Christianity, you would be wrong.

If you do not then explain how the genocidal God of the O T who judged and killed even up to genocide turned into a Jesus who would not condemn a prostitute.

He murdered many prostitutes in the flood. Why not one more for the Gipper?

Chivalry is not dead, I agree! :D

Let us pray that men become conscious enough of their duty to the sanctity of the family to get off their ass and demand that the law give women real equality.

Unfortunately, women seem to have forgotten their duty to demand it.
What are they waiting for. A man to lead them?

What happened to this attitude.


Let us pray that men become conscious enough of their duty to the sanctity of the family to get off their ass and demand that the law give women real equality.

Unfortunately, women seem to have forgotten their duty to demand it.
What are they waiting for. A man to lead them?

What happened to this attitude.



I’m guilty of this myself, but maybe somewhere along the way, some women get lost in their own independence. (again, I’m guilty of it) I sometimes forget that no man/woman is an island. I’m seeing someone now, and he respects my independence, but also shows me that it’s ok to lean on him for support. It’s pretty cool, actually. So, to your point, you are so right…it takes a combined effort of men and women to stop competing with one another, and join together perhaps to celebrate our equality and our differences. Amen, brutha! :D
Family is all about leaning on each other for support over the bumps of life.

You may sometimes forget your duty as we all do but I notice that you are here forcing the conversation that need to be had while most other women in most sites like this are not seen to get off their asses to help out.

If women cannot draw fellowship out of themselves then they will be man's slaves forever and frankly if women are such silent and willing slaves then man is best served by keeping women as their slaves.

Equality and freedom are things that are taken and demanded. They cannot be given unless they are being forcibly denied.

Family is all about leaning on each other for support over the bumps of life.

You may sometimes forget your duty as we all do but I notice that you are here forcing the conversation that need to be had while most other women in most sites like this are not seen to get off their asses to help out.

If women cannot draw fellowship out of themselves then they will be man's slaves forever and frankly if women are such silent and willing slaves then man is best served by keeping women as their slaves.

Equality and freedom are things that are taken and demanded. They cannot be given unless they are being forcibly denied.


Right now it is a mans world, so help us out for now and when we reach parity we will remember you.
Believers see God as the greatest lover of mankind yet he does no works or deeds to show us that he loves us.

Gee, the sun is shining, and you still haven't been struck by thunder for all the bullshit that you spout. If this isn't evidence of God's unconditional love for you, then I don't know what is!
The bible also says that animals talk human and that God loves us so much he used genocide on us.

You say he gave Jesus to death so we could live.

For us to live, all he had to do was not condemn us and one wonders why he hated his son so much that God would not just find a more moral way than barbaric human sacrifice and punishing the innocent instead of the guilty to forgive us.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

This indicates that Jesus had no choice.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

This then begs the question.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

One of Christianity's highest form of immorality is what they have done to women.
They have denied them equality and subjugated them to men.


In order to demonstrate God's love for you, I would have to kill you. I'm actually ok with that.