Does God care about atheists

I would agree, but what is the source of their "Wonderment"?
The beauty of nature, the nuance of life, consciousness. You don't need to insert "God" into all this. All evidence points to God not being necessary for any of it. People enjoy listening to music and admire works of art but that has nothing to do with God (except to someone who needs to see God in everything).

All we are talking about is confirmation bias. It's the same thing that is at work in many Trump supporters. All evidence points to him being mentally ill but to them he is "crazy like a fox" or they are able to somehow contort every story to make him look "good" when the reality is far from that to anyone without just a confirmation bias on that subject.

When you can't lose an argument regardless of the underlying facts then you have gone beyond the bounds of reality.
When you can't lose an argument regardless of the underlying facts then you have gone beyond the bounds of reality.
Well, I don't want to contradict reality. Can we both agree that we are happy to be here, that it's worth the trip regardles of its pitfalls?
Tell me about the imaginary friend of your brother and if his environment in anyway may have contributed to such a condition.
I didn't know much about him since I hadn't been born at the time. My mother told me about it.
Does he still have his imaginary friend?
I don't believe so, but he's probably one of the more positive people I know, enjoying life, celebrating it at every opportunity, enjoying the company of friends and family.
...enjoying life, celebrating it at every opportunity, enjoying the company of friends and family.
There's his girlfriend, and mom and dad next to him. BAZINGA! :D

So you find your child has an imaginary friend.

At first you try to overlook it but as the condition continues your child displays concerning behaviour attributing more and more to the imaginary friend.

Something gets broken ...its the imaginary friend..the child won't eat this or that because the imaginary friend doesn't like that particular food.

The child asks questions about the world and you answer God did it.
The child asks where is God you reply..In heaven.

You immerse your family in the activity of your church and tell the child God will punish you if you are bad and you won't go to heaven.
The family pets dies and you tell the child its gone up to heaven to be with God.

Why did Muffy die? ..God has a plan that you can trust.

You wonder why your child has the affliction of trying to escape reality by inventing an imaginary friend.

You talk to your friends and even a doctor such is your concern asking why does my child fantasize like this.

It gets so bad you go off and pray to God your imaginary friend.

Is there a problem...of course not..not that you can see.

A boss of mine from about 22 years ago was atheist an told me he was disgusted to see his wife kneelin an prayin at the bed as he walked by the room... an about a year later he was full blown holly roller spreadin the word... an i saw him about 5 years ago at a grocery store an hes still religious... but his work houres had been cut short an money was tight an he said hes ready for jesus to return an take him away... he then ask if i was hiring... but i told him we was windin down an sellin the bidness in 2 mounthes an gonna retire.!!!

The moral of the story:::

Just cause you'r atheist dont necessarly mean you wont ever want Jesus back in you'r life.!!!
I often wonder, if there is a God, does he really care about non believers?
Would he just move them to the too hard basket...are they doomed to go to hell.
Simply consider faith effect, in whatever form it may be. Science has yet to know about supernaturals and miracles to declare it natural. Till then we can depend on scientific effects from faith and from activities motivated by keeping faith. Faith can be gained in many ways neither alone by religion nor alone by science.
Faith can be gained in many ways neither alone by religion nor alone by science.
We are each and all on a journey to elightenment.
I am thinking you take a bit of this and a bit of that build your own universe basically fitting in what is reasonably proven and reliable perhaps always remembering your universe may need adjustment following observation.
Science takes baby steps to build some sort of reliable model of reality as we speculate from there what we come up with who knows but science continually peels back layers in nature pushing the boundaries of reliable knowlegde.
It gives us a reasonable degree of certainty.
We are each and all on a journey to elightenment.
I am thinking you take a bit of this and a bit of that build your own universe basically fitting in what is reasonably proven and reliable perhaps always remembering your universe may need adjustment following observation.
Science takes baby steps to build some sort of reliable model of reality as we speculate from there what we come up with who knows but science continually peels back layers in nature pushing the boundaries of reliable knowlegde.
It gives us a reasonable degree of certainty.
Yes, it can also make us to gain faith by a different/science route and when we shall be able to get such ultimate faith, that will be the bast faith.
Yes, it can also make us to gain faith by a different/science route and when we shall be able to get such ultimate faith, that will be the bast faith.
I have put off a reply here but finally decided to let you in on the secret of ultimate faith...but it seems I forgot what I was going to say.
I have put off a reply here but finally decided to let you in on the secret of ultimate faith...but it seems I forgot what I was going to say.
It was relevant to relate faith depending on side effects i.e on science. Obiously we need to care risk benefit ratio in yet not ultimate scientific understandings. i had very bad experience when 1%(that to formality) risk lead to 100%.
I often wonder, if there is a God, does he really care about non believers?
Would he just move them to the too hard basket...are they doomed to go to hell.

We're all non believers of sorts.
Belief in God isn't the goal, it's the norm.
What happens from that point is what matters to the individual.
Being in hell, is being without God.

Is that too kryptic, or do you get what I mean?

We're all non believers of sorts.
Belief in God isn't the goal, it's the norm.
What happens from that point is what matters to the individual.
Being in hell, is being without God.

Is that too kryptic, or do you get what I mean?

I dont know what you mean.
Sorry, I don't know how make that simpler.

So, being an unbeliever ,"without God", means I'm going to burn for eternity?

Also you didn't answer in another thread that if I'm without God and kill myself because I hate my own life I'm going to suffer then an eternity of pain.


And, oh yeah! You got miffed at me for saying things like I'm agnostic, or universe from nothing because of virtual particles, because they were an intellectual argument, but now I'm talking about something from a moral argument, aren't I?

Maybe believing in God means you don't have to care about other peoples feelings and dismiss them as you want?
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  1. So, being an unbeliever ,"without God", means I'm going to burn for eternity?

Does it?
Better get some skin protection then.

Also you didn't answer in another thread that if I'm without God and kill myself because I hate my own life I'm going to suffer then an eternity of pain.

Based on your above statement, why do you ask?

And, oh yeah! You got miffed at me for saying things like I'm agnostic, or universe from nothing because of virtual particles, because they were an intellectual argument, but now I'm talking about something from a moral argument, aren't I?

I don't know what POV you're talking from, and I have no recollection of this conversation.

Maybe believing in God means you don't have to care about other peoples feelings and dismiss them as you want?

I take it you're an atheist.

So you haven't the courage to actually answer any of my questions.

(Note the above is a statement, a previous question was taken as a statement and not properly taken as a question.)

I answered them by pointing to your answers of them.

I don't know what happens to the spiritual soul of an atheist, anymore than what happens to a theist. As far as I know theist and atheist aren't actions.
