Does God care about atheists

I think the biggest cop-out (IMO) is this idea that God is perfection, some look to nature and find "perfection" in something, yet nature is far from perfect.

God creates imperfect Man when it would have been just as easy to create perfect Man in a perfect world. This is usually followed with "but he gave us free-will". Again, why do that? Or, if we were perfect, giving us free-will would still result in perfection.

Good pont...

But aparently God dont want perfect robots in a perfect world... God wants perfect robots in a perfect heaven.!!!
Regarding believing "someone" was God if he returned to Earth. How about just ending all war, sickness, injustice, cause everyone to get along and cooperate for the betterment of all.

It wouldn't actually be a hard thing to convince people if the God that arrived was more than a hat trick artist.

Hell... even if it woudnt cause anybody to beleive that God is real... why wont God at least make it imposible for humans to have a desire to molest/rape children.???
What is God without love? Supposed...God.

What is life without cancer?
I doubt there is anyone who would say cancer gives meaning to life.

My point was I thought, rather basic: if you had the ability to create for yourself any material thing... What would you want or desire at that point?
"if you had the ability to create for yourself any material thing... What would you want or desire at that point?"

If i was a monster God id create the hot mess we have now... if i was a God of love id create life that was enjoyable for all.!!!
If i was a monster God id create the hot mess we have now... if i was a God of love id create life that was enjoyable for all.!!!

Enjoyable for all, hm?

What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.

Unless, of course, you propose to make everyone identical, then how would you reconcile that different people have different ideas for what is enjoyable, many of which are mutually exclusive?

It isn't a simple problem... Just look to The Matrix to see that - the first Matrix failed because it was too idyllic. Humanity seems to need strife to be content. An... Odd... crisis of self it would seem.
Woud you at least prefer a God who created life as we know it except that any desire to molest children woud be eliminated.???
Woud you at least prefer a God who created life as we know it except that any desire to molest children woud be eliminated.???
Insofar as I am aware, that desire was not part of the original design (Adam nor Eve). Perhaps an unintended flaw in our cognitive faculties that allowed such things to come to exist? I cannot say.
Insofar as I am aware, that desire was not part of the original design (Adam nor Eve). Perhaps an unintended flaw in our cognitive faculties that allowed such things to come to exist? I cannot say.
Woud you at least prefer a God who created life as we know it except that any desire to molest children woud never occur.???
No, quite the opposite. The point is, if you don't appreciate the life you have now, why bother with an eternity of life.

In the context of this discussion i dont know what you'r gettin at... please give an example of what you mean.!!!
And there would, no doubt, be war. And death. Lots of death.

Let's be honest - we can't even get people to believe demonstrable fact (such as "the Earth is round" and "smoking contributes to the risk of cancer")... You expect people to simply believe what they see on TV when it goes against the very fabric if their beliefs?

Humanity... Sadly... Just isn't that smart.
But this isn't just any old charlatan. There's no precedent in modern times.
Today, people don't believe "miracles" they see because those miracles are fake.
This one would not be.
He could literally go before the United Nations and heal people of cancer on-stage. It would not be cloaked in mystery.
He would not be subject to the old adage "a magician never does his tricks twice."
In the context of this discussion i dont know what you'r gettin at... please give an example of what you mean.!!!
I can't answer for anyone else but this one is obvious. If you aren't happy this hour, why would you want to be unhappy for an eternity of hours.

I don't agree with the logic, given this subject matter (religion) because the true believers believe that things will be different in heaven but his statement is quite clear.
But this isn't just any old charlatan. There's no precedent in modern times.
Today, people don't believe "miracles" they see because those miracles are fake.
This one would not be.
He could literally go before the United Nations and heal people of cancer on-stage. It would not be cloaked in mystery.
He would not be subject to the old adage "a magician never does his tricks twice."

Then why do we still have rather large groups that refuse to believe demonstrable facts, such as the Earth is Round, abstinence only education does not reduce teen pregnancy, etc? We cannot agree to believe non-paranormal facts even with good evidence... Why would we do any better with something this foundation shaking?

I just don't see humanity being accepting, no matter the evidence provided.
I can't answer for anyone else but this one is obvious. If you aren't happy this hour, why would you want to be unhappy for an eternity of hours.

I don't agree with the logic, given this subject matter (religion) because the true believers believe that things will be different in heaven but his statement is quite clear.
Hopfully that answrs his queston.!!!
Insofar as I am aware, that desire was not part of the original design (Adam nor Eve). Perhaps an unintended flaw in our cognitive faculties that allowed such things to come to exist? I cannot say.
Except, of course, we know the Adam & Eve story is not true. (Don't get me started on the use of the word "design" here? Or an omniscient omnipotent being accidently creating an unintended flaw?)

The rationalizations people will go through to protect their beloved myth is interesting.
Then why do we still have rather large groups that refuse to believe demonstrable facts, such as the Earth is Round, abstinence only education does not reduce teen pregnancy, etc? We cannot agree to believe non-paranormal facts even with good evidence... Why would we do any better with something this foundation shaking?

I just don't see humanity being accepting, no matter the evidence provided.
The Flat Earth Society does not constitute humanity.

I agree, there'd be chaos. Of course. But IMO, the difference between fake and real is not a a mere quantitative difference, say between 80% convincing and 90% convincing. It's a qualitative difference. One could actually say 'well what can I do that would convince you?'

Regardless, it's an intractable question. Neither of us are really wrong.
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