Does God believe in man?


Registered Senior Member
Everybody is asking if man believes in God, what about God believing in man?

From the start(genesis) God has expressed very little confidence in man or woman and is always trying to get rid of him(flood,pestilence,famine).

I really wonder if God believes in us.(if he exists that is)
I dunno.

If God is so all powerful that he constructed the universe then what is the difference between that and us creating a Matrix style universe where the virtual characters are not real.

What does it mean for something to exist in God's perspective. If we are just manufactured (created) construcsts of God's imagination then are we really real to him?
It wouldn't matter one way or another what God believes - who is he going to convince?
Interesting post Cris,

But it depends, if he is at a far higher power than us, so far that we are like A.I. in a computer game and he programmed us, then we wouldn't really exist to him. But if he is one with us, then we would exist. Does man care more about god or does god care more about man?

But if he is one with us, then we would exist.
What does that mean? Does that mean we and God are one and the same thing, in which case are we then God? Or is it that he is just one of us, hmm, but we can’t create universes? Or… well…what does it mean?

Does man care more about god or does god care more about man?
Does it matter? If God is as powerful as described, i.e. universe creator, omnipotent, etc, then from his perspective we would be the equivalent of microbes to our perspective.

Do we care what microbes think about us, and do we really care much about microbes, apart from wanting to kill them if they pester us?

Why would such an enormously powerful being be interested in a microscopically insignificant race of powerless bio creatures (humans) existing on a tiny planet in an insignificant part of an unimaginably huge universe?

What does that mean? Does that mean we and God are one and the same thing, in which case are we then God? Or is it that he is just one of us, hmm, but we can’t create universes? Or… well…what does it mean?

Yes, it means that anything and everything is god.

Does it matter? If God is as powerful as described, i.e. universe creator, omnipotent, etc, then from his perspective we would be the equivalent of microbes to our perspective.

Good Point, it doesn't matter and we (humans) tend to treat non-human things like they don't matter. But god isn't human (I don't think) how do we know how it (god) thinks.
Thanks for setting the scene Cris

Originally posted by Cris
Does it matter? If God is as powerful as described, i.e. universe creator, omnipotent, etc, then from his perspective we would be the equivalent of microbes to our perspective.

Do we care what microbes think about us, and do we really care much about microbes, apart from wanting to kill them if they pester us?

Why would such an enormously powerful being be interested in a microscopically insignificant race of powerless bio creatures (humans) existing on a tiny planet in an insignificant part of an unimaginably huge universe? [/B]

Isn't that the beauty of it? Not that you have put it in perspective for all of us. Close your eyes (When you're done reading of course) and imagine, just for a second and just for the sake of argument that He is real and He does care. Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing? Do you see why I don't shut up? I'm excited. This is good news, because He does care. He is the most powerful influence in my life. The reason we don't really care much about the microbes is becasue we didn't make them and they don't even know we exist. But He did make us, and like it or not, we do know he exists. He's not gonig to squish you even though you do get in his way, because you never lose love for something created out of love. I could go off on that, but I'll spare you..... this time MMhuahahah.

It all comes back to love,


By Cris –

Why would such an enormously powerful being be interested in a microscopically insignificant race of powerless bio creatures (humans) existing on a tiny planet in an insignificant part of an unimaginably huge universe?

By Mystee –

Isn't that the beauty of it?
You mean that we can be so arrogant to believe that we are special? No, it simply isn’t credible.

Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing?
Or more likely just a fantasy.

Do you see why I don't shut up? I'm excited.
Yes I understand, now show that your excitement is justified. Prove that he exists.

This is good news, because He does care.
Prove it.

He is the most powerful influence in my life.
I can believe it. That doesn’t make him real though.

But He did make us
Do you mean he initiated abiogenesis and the evolutionary processes? What is your evidence?

and like it or not, we do know he exists.
No we don’t. What is your proof?

It all comes back to love,
Why would such a set of human emotions be so important?
Well if God sent his beloved son to tell men that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, etc. to be siezed, beaten and killled, by the people he made a covenenant with then i really think God cares about us.
a few ?'s


Again, all the proof you will ever need has been given to you. The fact that you have explained it away and no one has posed a good enough argument to convince will not stand when you face your creator. Ok here's a little excerpt from the Bible you might find interesting.
Shortly after Jesus' death the apostles were imprisoned and were to be killed. But a man named Gamaliel said...
Acts 5
35 "Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men.
36 some time ago Theudas appeared claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed and his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing.
37 After him Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed and all his followers were scattered.
38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin it will fail.
38 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men: You will only find yourselves fighting against God."

Wow! 2000 and 3 years later and we're still telling his story. There have been meny men who have claimed to be something special, but they were quickly forgotten after their death. Why do you think this one stuck? Chrsitianity is in no way easy. God is in no way simple to understand. (If he was I don't think I could believe it) And living the Christian life goes against just about everything this society has to offer. If it goes against the grain so much, why has it held on? Why do you think so many people still belive. People are told at a young age that santa and the tooth fairy don't exist and most get over it and except its falsehood quickly. I have been told over and over that my best friend is a fantasy and he never was real. So have almost all Christians. So why do we still believe?

In Christ's eternal Love,

Re: a few ?'s

Originally posted by Mystee

You're a sweet girl Mystee. Please try to understand though that Cris is right and you are horribly ignorant and involved in a mainstream cult that has poisoned your potential good judgement if you even had it to begin with. Just be a sweet girl and learn from the people here. We are critical thinkers, you apparently are not. If you want to be, please stay and learn from people like Cris, Tiassa, Raithere and a few others you may come to recognize. If your only purpose here is to "spread the good news" about your cult, please do it elsewhere.

You say you are a critical thinker. Why then, rather than attempting to answer my questions, have you said just what I said in my post I had heard before? I would expect more from a true critical thinker than insults and rhetoric.

Still packed with Love,


Though brusqueness is often hastily stigmatized as rudeness, it can sometimes be helpful. Don't vaccilate so much when you're trying to silence her. Just tell her she's a naive, over-zealous bitch. Tell her that this forums is no place for a stereotypical, Christian ingenue and she should go find a boyfriend to fuck her hard in the ass.
If you would just call out to God everyday, then he will answer you. Your search for God ended with the physical universe. We cannot see God but He reveals Himself to us. So how can you make the claim that you've searched for God, when it is written "Ask and ye shall recieve". Just keep asking for signs of his existance and if you die so what.
God is Man is God?

Originally posted by VitalOne
Yes, it means that anything and everything is god.

I believe in this concept of god, that we are god along with all creation. Whatever our creator is, I believe it is a force of positive energy that indwells in all creation, humans the greatest creation (at least for now).

The more I read and learn about our concept of god, I tend to believe what the first humans may have believed their concept of god to be--the bright, hot sun beating down on them on the savannas. I believe that evolution occurred following the BB (which, in itself, was ongoing evolution). The heat/energy of the sun made the reptiles come out of the water that evolved into the more advanced animal kingdom to the great apes and beyond. Even today we are still being beaten down with the energy/heat from the sun, and we're still evolving. I believe that "god" has always been the sun, the solar system(s), the universe, including nature and all creation. In the daylight, we have the sun which nurtures the Earth. At night, we have the constellations to "worship."

I am reading right now a book entitled, "Jesus, the Last Pharoah of Egypt," and I can't put it down. It clearly explains the symbolism in the Bible--these concepts are so logical in my mind now, I don't understand why I never caught onto this before!

Jesus has been referred to as "the light of the world," and "the son of God." He has been called the "lamb of God," and he's been called a "fisher of men." This book explains that "the light of the world" is the sun. The "lamb of God" refers to Aries,the Ram. The "fisher of men" refers to Picies, the fish. Virgo, of course, is the Virgin Mary. John the Baptist refers to Aquarius, the water bearer. To "lay down with the lion and the lamb" means Aries and Leo are in conjunction. Sounds so simple, doesn't it?

Since we were created right along with the universe, then we are god.
We cannot be an omnipotent god there would be some contradictions. So what is your definition of god M*W?
You should also study the bible with writers who are authoritative. What can I say? These are outlandish theories :mad: From <a href="">Isaiah</a>
Omnipotent god

Originally posted by okinrus
We cannot be an omnipotent god there would be some contradictions. So what is your definition of god M*W?

We aren't omnipotent as individuals per se. However, the cumulative spirit of the human race (god) is omnipotent. I have already stated my definition of god many times on this forum.