Does all the conspiracy and secrecy make you angry at the gov't?

Good thread, great points, don't let ones like Q and blackhole bother you, if they don't understand after a good explanation they never will understand.
FieryIce said:
if they don't understand after a good explanation they never will understand.

Will that good explanation be forthcoming or will you continue to make obtuse insinuations and insane and unsupported accusations without providing any sources or evidence?
What sources, what evidence, any evidence that exists people think its a hoax and I bet if the government let out movies and documents of the aliens, about 25-50% of the population will think the government is joking. My opionin is right now 50-60% of people DO NOT BELIEVE IN UFOS and 80-90% think we are not visited by aliens and out of those 80-90 percent, probably around 5-10% say we are alone in the universe.
I think the majority of peoples are struggling to just achieve some form of subsistence for their daily lives and this has lead to complacency. The cultures (our western culture for example) are so structured to breed that complacency. When people do ask questions they are labeled troublemakers, if they persist in asking questions they will eventually be labeled even worse.
As you stated, ArticChill2k3

The polls taken say something far different. But, your opinion is just that, yours. There are a lot of ones in denial just like you though, so don’t feel alone.
what do you mean by "denial" i think people that do not believe in UFOs are that ones in "denail" because they cannot accept the truth and do not want change. They are stubborn and foolish and ill laugh at them when someone releases all the files or when zero piont energy is released.
yes. suggested movies can help bring more awareness to the masses. it helps them, even if they are in denial, register the idea of ETI in the backs of their memories. so at least they have some concept of it.

personally, i think the skeptics are irrelevant. yes- it can get quite annoying when, after every single post you make with useful information- they quickly reply with insults or unsupported rejection of the topic. it really disrupts the thread's flow, in this case of posting info via forums.

forget them and dont start a flame war- simply absorb their critique, and continue !
we need to release as much information and idealogies in this subject as possible, to bring awareness.

if the govt isnt going to let anyone know, then who is?

if theyre not gonna come clean with the facts, what else is left to do?

all we can do is try our best to gather bits and pieces, attempt to put the puzzle together, and converse with others who are doing the same.
this way we can share ideas and constructively build up a picture of whats really going on.

but like craterchains stated, even this can be tricky. IC agents, debunkers, and misinformation agents can also interfere with this method. they can disrupt the discussion easily, and sometimes someone else already has (and it didnt have to be any agent, just some punk in denial)

im not angry at the entire gov't (although its almost there) but more the peoples who have corrupted it. namely the b ush ad min istration and all the pawns in there. they seem to be very bent on globalisation. and thats not good, they think they own the world too, going into other countries and trying to tell them how to run their country. we also pulled many other nations into this stupid war, for what? why are we still there? i thought the 'war' 'ended' over a year ago- yet over 600 (probably more) have died since the war was 'over'...

what IF the govt released information, what IF they let other scientists and engineers across the globe try their hand at creating (reverse-engineering) new ZPE and other technologies?
Dont you think we could get alot further if more minds were working together on it ? Dont you think it would also be better to have multiple opinions and theories presented on this subject, so we could consider different approaches?

Or PERHAPS the government has already figured out the technologies, and are waiting to pump the last drop of oil before they release this new technology that they will already have a headstart on (monopoly- just as they have with the oil industry now)

just something else to think about.
what do you mean by "denial" i think people that do not believe in UFOs are that ones in "denail" because they cannot accept the truth and do not want change. They are stubborn and foolish and ill laugh at them when someone releases all the files or when zero piont energy is released.

The "skeptics" are not against the actual concepts of ZPE, ETI, FTL, they are against concepts beyond their comprehension. It's nothing more than an ego trip.

When ZPE or FTL are released in the mainstream. They will not feel stupid for doubting it in the past, they will just lap it up as new indigenous technology. The same has happened with nanotube, particle beam weaponary and mind control, that long have been regarded as domain of science fiction and ETI technologies.

In fact, even when ETI is revealed, they will continue to insist the evidence was never conclusive anyway. Basically, they are self-absorbed fools, who are not in the least interested in seeking out the truth, they just swallow and regurgitate on what ever they are given, and use that as some status symbol to feel important. Unfortunately, this is because of their primitive mental mark-up.

It is no coincidence that scientists and physicists who regularily go against these mindless drones - were and are considered crazy. The irony of it all is, they look upon the suppression of science by our predecessers as fanatical or religious, but are in fact practicing exactly the same thing against modern science. I think it is safe to just ignore them. Engaging them is almost as productive as talking to a brickwall, or talking sense to 3 year old.
Science has had a tough time but ultimately will triumph. Before, science had to deal with the ignorance of religion, now it has to deal with the ignorance of pseudo-scientists. Although in the past, the power of the church could do much to hinder the progress of science, today people are realizing that pseudo-scientists simply don't have an education and can be considered relatively harmless.
Whoops, sorry AC, my mistake.

Then a HIGH FIVER to yah AC, I have seen enough evidence to convince me that UFO’s are real, and that there are ETI amongst us here on earth. The rest of the story is still being figured out,,,,,,, like the WHY?

I have seen polls that show more that 60% of americans think there are ETI.

There are a few of us here at SciFo that have learned to just ignore the obvious ones that cause interference and disruptions to investigative and research discussions in threads.
I have seen polls that show more that 60% of americans think there are ETI.

Show us these polls.