Does all the conspiracy and secrecy make you angry at the gov't?

crazymikey said:
I can similarily tell you; don't overestimate and overvalue human ingenuity.I believe humanity is capable of technological wonder. However, I most certainly do not believe a race that took 100+ years to put a trigger on a gun and 300+ years to invent the 2nd generation, gun; muzzle rifle; 300+ years to invent a pendulum clock from the mechanical clock; 100+ years to put the steam engine to use; 100+ years to invent a radioset; 30+ years to refine a vacuum tube; would take only 50/60 years to invent a 3nm by 4nm nanocomputer from a 30 feet by 40 feet computer.

Well skip a 1000 years of human history when the Dark Ages took hold of everything science and deemed it evil and unreligious and start at the time when sciences started to take off as accepted fact. Besides technology builds upon itself. Once the technology is known of something, others look at it and try to inprove it. At some point the technology starts to help find answer for other things. We didn't just start with the vacuum tube thinking of a computer, but folks started to notice their properties and thought back to past computorial work. Soon we had vacuum tube computers...and they did a lot for us. But they were bulky. So how to slim it down? Knowing how the computer worked now made it easier to figure out a solution...building on past work. Soon computers were being used to improve on other things. Computer modeling helps speed research of many things immensely...from space travel to medicine. It's a natural progression of science as soon as we let science help our lives instead of shunning it. No crackpot theories or alien supergovernments from Pluto required.

Even if there was Alien intervention, it's doubtful, you would know, it may even be doubtful, that they would know. The ET technologies are not blatantly just inserted into public scientific labs - they are "seeded"

Now I know why you have that nickname. :m:
blackholesun said:
Well skip a 1000 years of human history when the Dark Ages took hold of everything science and deemed it evil and unreligious and start at the time when sciences started to take off as accepted fact.

This is a common misconception that science started recently. Science has always been an ongoing human research, from as early as man. Ironically, even at it's peak in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century, the rate of change of technology was natural.

Besides technology builds upon itself. Once the technology is known of something, others look at it and try to inprove it. At some point the technology starts to help find answer for other things. We didn't just start with the vacuum tube thinking of a computer, but folks started to notice their properties and thought back to past computorial work.

Does it? You might as well tell me the Earth is round.

Soon we had vacuum tube computers...

The foundation for vacuum tube technology was layed in the late 19th century; it took another 30-40 years to refine vacuum tube technology into cathode-ray tubes.

and they did a lot for us. But they were bulky. So how to slim it down? Knowing how the computer worked now made it easier to figure out a solution...building on past work Soon computers were being used to improve on other things.

We know the steam engine was not optimal. So what did we need to do? We need to make it more efficient; it took 100 years. In fact it's first induction for locomotives failed - so it took another decade to make it succesfull.

Computer modeling helps speed research of many things immensely...from space travel to medicine. It's a natural progression of science as soon as we let science help our lives instead of shunning it. No crackpot theories or alien supergovernments from Pluto required.

Needs, does not explain, how we managed this quantum leap. I am not shunning science; I am shunning the suggestion that the quantum leap in our technlogies are indigenous. You are welcome to be a proud human, though.

Does it not strike you as ironic, that we are now capable of replicating those ETI technologies? The most telling; the famous Roswell debris material manufactured today with nanotube technology.

Now I know why you have that nickname. :m:

That was unnecessary.
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crazymikey said:
This is a common misconception that science started recently. Science has always been an ongoing human research, from as early as man. Ironically, even at it's peak in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century, the rate of change of technology was natural.

But that's the most recent time that the sciences were started to be accepted again after the scientific vacuum that England was responsible for.

Does it? You might as well tell me the Earth is round.

Well you don't seem to know that once you have a solid scientific base to start from that exponential growth can only follow, even if the core beliefs change along the way.

The foundation for vacuum tube technology was layed in the late 19th century; it took another 30-40 years to refine vacuum tube technology into cathode-ray tubes.

History may disagree with you. Cathode ray tubes were actually a pioneering technology from the start of the vacuum tube era. Refinement into other realms was realized later. Hey, you have to start somewhere right?

We know the steam engine was not optimal. So what did we need to do? We need to make it more efficient; it took 100 years. In fact it's first induction for locomotives failed - so it took another decade to make it succesfull.

So was the internal combustion engine, batteries and solar power. Material science closed the gap to help improve those technologies enough to be economical later on.

Needs, does not explain, how we managed this quantum leap. I am not shunning science; I am shunning the suggestion that the quantum leap in our technlogies are indigenous. You are welcome to be a proud human, though.

Ok, I WILL be the rational one then if you won't. There was no quantum leap so to speak. Only a natural progression of sciences that increased due to increased knowledged of the world around them. Once the theories are in place it only takes a few good engineers to make practical applications from that research. Hence when we had computers the size of rooms, people were already trying to figure out a way to make them smaller and faster.

Does it not strike you as ironic, that we are now capable of replicating those ETI technologies? The most telling; the famous Roswell debris material manufactured today with nanotube technology.

I wouldn't know what an ETI technology is. Nor would I believe that you would know anyhow. Especially the properties of a material supposedly from a crashed spacecraft. Tell me this. How would YOU know that it would be nanotube composed or even what the properties of such material would be? What's its Young's Modulus or its electrical conductivity? I mean you should know, you seem so sure about this material and even that we know how to make it and all.

That was unnecessary.

So? It paints a rather accurate picture.
Denial, whether you use logic mixed with your denial or just flat out state ‘NO’ is still denial.
Maybe denial avoids anger and dealing with reality.
Denial is also refusing to accept what is clearly in front of you - that human beings have advanced themselves technologically, without outside help from ET.
James R said:
Denial is also refusing to accept what is clearly in front of you

Exactly James, good demonstration of pure denial that human beings have advanced themselves technologically, with outside help from ET; excellent, keep up the good work James then you have no reason to be angry, hurt or understand the degree of harm.
What really chaps my ass are the ones that keep saying there is no such thing when it is right in front of them. The governments are bad enough with out the unwitting help of the deniers that continue to have “faith” in their god like scientists. The mountain of evidence for ETI intervention in human affaires is going to fall on many of those denialists.

That our governments in all reality are “Dancing with the Devil” doesn’t make me happy. That there are IC agents working all the forums on the net doesn’t make me any happier also. WAR on these ETI that have been cast down to the earth may just be the next move in this fight for the survival of the human race.
I was a radar technician for the goverment and I've noticed a lot of anomalies on the radar screen. They are caused by natural phenomena such as electromagnetic inteference, reflections, weather and atmospheric conditions, space noise and solar radiation. If a radar operator is not familiar with such phenomena he can easily report some fantastic object racing accross his screen as an UFO. Situations like that have happened only to find out via radar analysis that it was an atmospheric abberation.

The radar operator may remain unconvinced and report the incident to the press or some UFO outfit. The press will question the goverment about the episode only to have the goverment deny there was an UFO.

At that point the UFO crowd considers the episode real and charges goverment cover up.
Exactly. These conspiracy theorists just assume that it MUST be aliens behind all of this but all this evidence comes off of one tape they say proves it all. Frankly those people are probably lying off their asses to get publicity and money. It's been done before. Hell I should go out right now and claim I'm an abductee. Maybe I could get a book deal. I'm in denial? Hardly.
But that's the most recent time that the sciences were started to be accepted again after the scientific vacuum that England was responsible for.

I will only respond to this, as the rest of the post is irrelavant. England, is not the only place in the world, and nor was the only place in the world, where science was practiced. Science is a natural human desire; practiced from as early as man. And, yes, it is a natural exponential progression; and no; our technology today, is not the result of a natural exponential progression. I've already shown you that. So I am not going to repeat myself.

In the end, it's human patriotism that confines you. I am not patriotic about humans, so i'm impartial.
Greco said:
I was a radar technician for the goverment and I've noticed a lot of anomalies on the radar screen. They are caused by natural phenomena such as electromagnetic inteference, reflections, weather and atmospheric conditions, space noise and solar radiation. If a radar operator is not familiar with such phenomena he can easily report some fantastic object racing accross his screen as an UFO. Situations like that have happened only to find out via radar analysis that it was an atmospheric abberation.

The radar operator may remain unconvinced and report the incident to the press or some UFO outfit. The press will question the goverment about the episode only to have the goverment deny there was an UFO.

At that point the UFO crowd considers the episode real and charges goverment cover up.

Some Radar UFO sightings may indeed be atmospheric conditions mistaken for UFO's. However, to say, it's all of them, is absurd. Especially in radar-visual and pilot cases - where not only are they tracked on radar, they are seen at the same time - and intercepted by planes at the same tiume.
Does all the conspiracy and secrecy make you angry at the gov't?

No, but what does make me angry is the UFO nutters spreading disinformation about government conspiracies and coverups regarding ET.

It's also interesting to note that the largest community of people watching the skies are amateur astronomers all over the world who have yet to see any activity considered non-terrestrial.

Perhaps ET knows exactly where and when each astronomer will be looking through their scope and they simply avoid those areas. Did I mention those areas are all over the world?
(Q) said:
Does all the conspiracy and secrecy make you angry at the gov't?

Did I mention those areas are all over the world?

Did I mention there are government attaches all over the world?
Did I mention there are effective intimidation techniques?
“It's also interesting to note that the largest community of people watching the skies are amateur astronomers all over the world who have yet to see any activity considered non-terrestrial.”

As an amateur astronomer, and having the satisfaction of having many friends in that field, I can say you are full of BS Q. Way many posts are in those forums inquiring about “anomalies” and way many aren’t getting any better treatment there than here. Either go read the forums or at least know what you are talking about. Just a suggestion Q.

Any "anomolous" sighting gets transfered to threads like this one, FOCLMFAO
As an amateur astronomer, and having the satisfaction of having many friends in that field, I can say you are full of BS Q

You're slow there man. You should have concluded he was full of BS a long time ago. He's the dumbest "skeptic" here. Remember how he called the uniform laws of motion; wrong. I don't think he has a leg to stand on anymore.
gotta go , but will say one thing:

Yes, i am very upset to the way our Government has chosen to operate.
not all of them in all the branches and departments are corrupt, but it only takes one in each place to be corrupt to engage a very corrupt plan.

Yes, i believe ETI has came in contact with Earth, and namely the U.S. Gov't. They chose the USA primarily because of its Worldly Status, and because the US is the melting pot of cultures.

What i want to say is that even though it seems that ETI is working with Gov'ts secretely, that there are also good-hearted ETI out there that want to help.

They are in a very tight spot- the Good ETIs- because of all the bad rumors and websites and posts claiming that ALL ETI ARE EVIL AND PLAN TO TAKE OVER EARTH.

so u see, even a well-to-do ET would be hesitant to present himself. but they still do, they contact those humans who know how to give the Call. they work behind the scenes trying to use their most powerful tool: information.

the Bad ETIs try to use THEIR most powerful tool: fear.

truly a battle between good and evil.

the problem is that Humans that obtain power always seem to become corrupt. hence, they werent ready for the power, it consumed them.

we need to realize that WE control the fate of earth, WE can choose to engage with bad ETI or not to. we can choose to engage with good ETI or not too. OUR government HAS CHOSEN to engage with ETI. we dont know for sure if they are engaging with STS ETI (service-to-self, 'bad') or STO ETI (service to other, 'good') or maybe even both. it is tricky, and just like when u meet a new person, you must use your best judgement.

way i see it:
Good ETIs planned a fake UFO crash (roswell) to promote the idea of ALIEN LIFE to the Humans in a controlled, secure manner.
the Government got to the scene and completely screwed the ETIs plans up. They covered up the wreck, and hid all information on the ETI and their ship.
They realised they have tapped into a GREAT source of POWER, the knowledge of ETIs and their technologies.
the good ETIs saw their plan fail, so they dropped it.
BAD ETIs heard the governments thoughts, their greed, and their hunger for power over others. They answered 'The Call'
they presented themselves secretely to the government puppets. they promised the puppets great technology and power in exchange for an alliance.

the rest... is history...
Remember how he called the uniform laws of motion; wrong. I don't think he has a leg to stand on anymore.

And you completely failed to show me why. Most likely because you copied and pasted the formula from a website without knowing anything about it.

So, if you're continually going to bring up this topic, put your money where your big mouth is or shut up.

However, you've yet to provide anything aside from unsubstantiated claims thus far so I'm not expecting of you.
As an amateur astronomer, and having the satisfaction of having many friends in that field, I can say you are full of BS Q.

You can say whatever you want - you've already shown us you're quite able to speculate beyond rationality and reason. ET wars indeed. hehe