Does all the conspiracy and secrecy make you angry at the gov't?

That's the strength of the MIC (military-industrial complex) as warned by Eisenhower. Which is interesting because it was not strong when he warned about it. Clearly he knew something we didn't that could lead to it's rise to power.

But now when we are pumping $50 billion+ a year into black projects, we are only strengthening their ability to keep it secret.
I understand some things to be kept secret such as a new plane, however breakthroughs in energy or antigrav technology or alot of information on aliens be kept secret cuz it might cause "panic" or we are not "ready for the technology" is so much bs that its not even funny.
The ones that will 'panic' will the the ones that have been keeping the secrets. They will panic when the human populas know full well the harm that has been done, the hurt that has been done, how these keepers of secrets have betrayed and are traitors to us humans. Traitors, imagine that, even from within our own race.

There are even worse implications about this "Traitor" aspect.
Fieryice took the words right off my screen,,, LOL

The “panic” I will enjoy will be that of those that tried to keep all this BS a secret when they confront abducted ones and ones that have had their children abducted. Now THAT will be a “PANIC”.
I understand some things to be kept secret such as a new plane, however breakthroughs in energy or antigrav technology or alot of information on aliens be kept secret cuz it might cause "panic" or we are not "ready for the technology" is so much bs that its not even funny.

Do you really imagine that something like antigravity or unlimited energy could be kept secret for any length of time? People are notoriously bad at keeping secrets, and the more people who know a secret, the harder it becomes to keep.

It is simply not plausible that there is a grand conspiracy to keep things like the existence of aliens a secret.
your worng James R, as i heard only 25 people know exactly what is going on with Energy devices, aliens and other such things.
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James, we do have anti gravity technology, in fact for a long time. It is only surfacing now. If you read some of my latest proofs, note the 700+ year quantum leap in technology. The technologies that we have today(2004) are so advanced, they leap us forward another 1000+ years:

Particle beam weaponary
Nanotechnology - nanocomputing, nano materials
Mind control and Mind reading technologies
Zero point energy manipulation
Quantum teleportation
Genetic engineering: Decoding the Human genome and the brain
Advanced biotech warfare(genetic weapons)
Super advanced imaging capability

Please try and realize, the evil and disgusting acts the government have done against humanity to maintain this secrecy. Don't you think we should do something about it!

To answer the question of the topic: I am furious with the governments, what a disgusting, unethical, and demonic act. They have literally sold us all out.
Crazymikey, don't forget what is behind all this secrecy or should I say who is behind all this secrecy, those fallen angel/et's; so there are traitors from within our own race but also those fallen angel/et's. The ancient writings tell us about this deceiver and could possibly even deceive the Elect/Saints/Holy Ones.

your worng James R, as i heard only 25 people know exactly what is going on with Energy devices, aliens and other such things.

And one of those 25 people told you, did they? Or are you one of the 25? If not, how did you hear? Didn't the 25 keep their secret?

When people find out what horrible things these people did, then there would be a panic, a panic of anger towards what the government let those monsters do behind our backs.

How could anybody find out? It's a well-kept secret, isn't it? If these people can keep secrets so well, then anything you heard about them would be no more than uniformed rumour and gossip.


we do have anti gravity technology, in fact for a long time. It is only surfacing now. If you read some of my latest proofs, note the 700+ year quantum leap in technology.

Which proofs are you referring to here? I hope you're not talking about something more convincing than a few fuzzy UFO photos.

The technologies that we have today(2004) are so advanced, they leap us forward another 1000+ years:

Forward 1000 years relative to what?

Particle beam weaponary
Nanotechnology - nanocomputing, nano materials
Mind control and Mind reading technologies
Zero point energy manipulation
Quantum teleportation
Genetic engineering: Decoding the Human genome and the brain
Advanced biotech warfare(genetic weapons)
Super advanced imaging capability

But all of these things are current topics of research and technology. Where is the list of technologies nobody could have dreamed of?

Please try and realize, the evil and disgusting acts the government have done against humanity to maintain this secrecy. Don't you think we should do something about it!

Which acts are you referring to, in particular?

To answer the question of the topic: I am furious with the governments, what a disgusting, unethical, and demonic act. They have literally sold us all out.

Sold us out to whom? How?
I watched the Disclosure project vidoe and they said 25 people know about everything, the military retired personal. Ture, everything i heard can be a rumer or gossip but antigravity technology is real and zero point energy most lilly exists because i believe in majority of things Steven Greer says.
James R
Seems someone isn’t reading the thread? Or, is it just a case of denial?

“ To answer the question of the topic: I am furious with the governments, what a disgusting, unethical, and demonic act. They have literally sold us all out.”

Sold us out to whom? How? END QUOTE

It has been explained, duh?
Which proofs are you referring to here? I hope you're not talking about something more convincing than a few fuzzy UFO photos.

The proofs I have presented in my topics for 2(?) months. None of them are fuzzy UFO photo's. In particular the argument of reverse engineered ETI technologies. I urge you to read it.

As for anti gravity technologies:

Forward 1000 years relative to what?

Relative to 1940's

But all of these things are current topics of research and technology. Where is the list of technologies nobody could have dreamed of?

The list of technologies I have presented are the technologies that leap frog us another 1000+ years. In other words extrapolating from 1940's, without the insane quantum leap, to get to where we are today, it would have been year 3010.

Do you have an explanation as to how we became so advanced, from 30 feet by 40 feet computers using vacuum tubes, combustion engines, and guns,to 3nm by 4nm computers, anti gravity engines, particle beam weaponary?

Which acts are you referring to, in particular?

Sold us out to whom? How?

I've already told you, I believe. Sold out to the shadow government and ETI. It sounds like you don't have knowledge of this, and this may sound like wild claims, or even crazyness, however you will only know if you read my topics of Proof for ETI to understand how sensible that really is.
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i didnt read all the threads but all i have to say is this

thanks to the cold war, almost every government went into TOTAL secretcy

i think the cold war still goes on, between ALL NATIONS, just none knows about it, should the United Nations do a search on the USA for all their top secret projects, like the USA did to IRAQ?

wepons of mass descutions is no differnt than creating super stealth crafts (ufos), spying on everyone (FBI), satallites that can zoom in on a ladybug on a fence... and much much more that the USA and other nations may be hidding from us....

it all really pisses me off, how can the world get along when we keep secrets from each other.

if there was 3 poeple in a room and one person whispered something to one of the others, whats the 3rd person going to think....?

its all relative, how can this world get along if we all keep secrets

considering USA has the most money, they have the most secrets, thus, they will be the end of the world, just a theory, but really... the USA government is so F--Ked! up.

they told bush to attack iraq.... so he did.... and they found no wepons of mass destruction. im not saying it wasnt wrong to free the poeple of iraq from suddams rurthless leadership, but they went about it ALL WRONG. my one friend thinks they only attacked iraq for the OIL fields... but he talks outta his ass alot.

truth be told russia, canada, and britian have less secrets than the US combined

I watched the Disclosure project vidoe and they said 25 people know about everything, the military retired personal. Ture, everything i heard can be a rumer or gossip but antigravity technology is real and zero point energy most lilly exists because i believe in majority of things Steven Greer says.

Bear in mind that the people who sell the Disclosure Project video make money from every copy they sell.

What you need to do is to look at the totality of evidence, both from believers in the big conspiracy and from the non-believers. Don't get all your information from the believers, and don't just accept stuff without good evidence.


Do you have an explanation as to how we became so advanced, from 30 feet by 40 feet computers using vacuum tubes, combustion engines, and guns,to 3nm by 4nm computers, anti gravity engines, particle beam weaponary?

Well, leaving aside the fact that I don't believe we have anti-gravity technology, I think you are greatly underestimating and undervaluing human ingenuity. The development of computers is an amazing story of brilliant men who designed our computers.

Notice how the development of computers proceeded in a series of steps from the 1940s to today. The entire history is available for you to look up, if you're interested. There are no amazing leaps to advanced technology - just gradual development of the computers by very smart people. The story starts back in the 1880s with Charles Babbage, then goes via the enigma machines of World War II and the development of electronic computers (which paralled work by geniuses such as Alan Turing). Miniaturisation followed the invention of the transistor at Bell Labs and the development of silicon chips, all of which is documented in various research papers and elsewhere. None of this required any alien intervention.

Right now, I know a number of people working on developing quantum computers, and you know what? They aren't being helped by aliens, I can tell you. They are doing it on their own.
Ye , they make money for each book because they need the money to support themselves. I doubt they can help disclosure anything without money. what they gonna get money out of their ass.
ArcticChill2k3 said:
I understand some things to be kept secret such as a new plane, however breakthroughs in energy or antigrav technology or alot of information on aliens be kept secret cuz it might cause "panic" or we are not "ready for the technology" is so much bs that its not even funny.
you want to see antigravity machines?
go to the nearest airport and look at airplanes,helicopters! ;)
Well, leaving aside the fact that I don't believe we have anti-gravity technology/
I just showed you we did.
I think you are greatly underestimating and undervaluing human ingenuity. The development of computers is an amazing story of brilliant men who designed our computers.

I can similarily tell you; don't overestimate and overvalue human ingenuity.I believe humanity is capable of technological wonder. However, I most certainly do not believe a race that took 100+ years to put a trigger on a gun and 300+ years to invent the 2nd generation, gun; muzzle rifle; 300+ years to invent a pendulum clock from the mechanical clock; 100+ years to put the steam engine to use; 100+ years to invent a radioset; 30+ years to refine a vacuum tube; would take only 50/60 years to invent a 3nm by 4nm nanocomputer from a 30 feet by 40 feet computer.

Notice how the development of computers proceeded in a series of steps from the 1940s to today. The entire history is available for you to look up, if you're interested. There are no amazing leaps to advanced technology - just gradual development of the computers by very smart people. The story starts back in the 1880s with Charles Babbage, then goes via the enigma machines of World War II and the development of electronic computers (which paralled work by geniuses such as Alan Turing). Miniaturisation followed the invention of the transistor at Bell Labs and the development of silicon chips, all of which is documented in various research papers and elsewhere. None of this required any alien intervention.

Yes, and those series of steps were absolutely necessary. However, the quantum speed at which these steps occurred from; vacuum tubes to transistors; transistors to microchips; microchips to nano and quantum computers; in 50 years - is most certainly not natural, and most definitely not gradual. If you plotted it on grapth; from 1940's and onwards, the rate of change in technology would shoot up at an acute 90 degree angle.
It's akin to discovering the principles of pressure in the 14th century, and then the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, flight, jet propulsion, hypersonic propulsion by 1350's; that is also a logical series of steps.
I don't think you are aware, but Bells Labs and IBM, amongst others, were fuelled by the government and the military.

Why do you think, retired colonels, scientists, physicists, engineers, army and intelligence officials are saying these are reverse engineered ETI technologies? It makes so much more sense.

Right now, I know a number of people working on developing quantum computers, and you know what? They aren't being helped by aliens, I can tell you. They are doing it on their own.

Even if there was Alien intervention, it's doubtful, you would know, it may even be doubtful, that they would know. The ET technologies are not blatantly just inserted into public scientific labs - they are "seeded"
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ArcticChill2k3 said:

please dont edit your original topic post....

in the last hour 4 to 6 poeple or more have replyed....
why edit the posted topic , no one knows what that topic is about....

it means you given up....

its mankinds nature not to give up in what they belive in....

are you human or something else?