Do you value human life above other life?

Do you value human life above other life?

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.....But more realistically haven't you ever heard of dogs dying protecting their owners or a mother fighting a losing battle against a predator just to keep them from her young.

That's a good point and one I hadn't thought of. I guess I was thinking of wild animals and not trained ones.
That's instinct. You've never seen the newly borns eat their mother for food after they hatch have you?

In other words, what I mean to say is, Animals operate only on instinct; Humans operate on far higher and superior levels.

New born chickens eat their mothers? I just humans like to think they operate on higher levels, but we are bound by instinct just as much as chickens are. Everything is instinct until you learn otherwise. Same goes for most of the animals I've worked with.
That's a good point and one I hadn't thought of. I guess I was thinking of wild animals and not trained ones.

I don't think its training its just instinct. If something means more to you than your own life then you are willing to die to make sure that it has a chance at surviving.
New born chickens eat their mothers? I just humans like to think they operate on higher levels, but we are bound by instinct just as much as chickens are. Everything is instinct until you learn otherwise. Same goes for most of the animals I've worked with.

I wasn't referring to chicks, but animals such as ants and cockroaches.
Animals do not posess a logic system. Everything is (eat, drink, survive) to them. Humans have logic, pleasure, emotion, desire, etc

Some animals have basic levels of these things, but very few. Most primates and animals like dolphins are rather intelligent, though, compared to other animals.
I don't think its training its just instinct. If something means more to you than your own life then you are willing to die to make sure that it has a chance at surviving.

packs of dogs maul people all the time. :bugeye: Even domesticated ones.
I wasn't referring to chicks, but animals such as ants and cockroaches.
Animals do not posess a logic system. Everything is (eat, drink, survive) to them. Humans have logic, pleasure, emotion, desire, etc

Some animals have basic levels of these things, but very few. Most primates and animals like dolphins are rather intelligent, though, compared to other animals.

We had to protect kittens in our barn from the male cats. They would eat them. My uncle had pigs that would eat the babies as well.

But them humans kill their children.
Human life is the only valuable life because Humans are the only self-aware creatures.

Damn, then why the hell did I just pay $2000 for this puppy?

Without self awareness, you cannot have self value.

Well, the question wasn't about self-value, but a comparison between human and whatever. Whatever does have a value, says my dog...
Let me see if we can make this choice between:


(that is a serial killer for the ignorant)



That is someone's dog. Which one gets more votes?
packs of dogs maul people all the time. :bugeye: Even domesticated ones.

Packs of dogs don't maul people they care about.Of course if they have formed a pack they probably don't interact with humans enough to place any value on us. Not all dogs are obligated to love and protect humans. They don't save you from an attacker because you trained them to (unless you just keep them around to save you from attackers, but thats different) they do it because they love you and don't want you to get hurt. The same reason that you would fight an attacker that was going to hurt someone you loved.
Babies mature and grow more complex. Most animals, at their peak intelligence, are less intelligent than said babies.

Bollocks. A full grown cat can look after itself, it can hunt, find somewhere to sleep, etc. A baby can't do anything except roll around, shit, pee, and cry.

Yes, I value an animal's life as highly as a human. Sometimes more highly. Look at a awesome 30lb coil of living poetry. Then look at, say, the woman who works in the supermarket who all but leapt over the counter and attacked me just for having a septum ring. That self-aware, noble creature. A wolverine, or her...let me see...
um orleander, my partners dog would probably do its best to kill you if you came into the house (not that it can do much because its the size of a cat:p). However she would protect PB and I. The difference is your not part of her pack, i am.

Of course the stupid thing has such bad vision that you have to actually verbally REMIND it who you are (epsecially when you get out of the shower for some reason)
Meh, I ask people to avoid specifics and what do I get? A thread full of specifics. :p

Enmos: Does that include however many insects you killed today? Oh, and, did you by chance happen to eat any meat today?
I suppose a more general question would be, if you happened to come across a cliff where a man and a dog were both going to fall to their deaths. You know nothing about either. Both the man and the dog are pretty cute. You can only save one of them.

Which one do you jump to save first, and why?
ashura um your assuming one point, would they jump in to save them at ALL??

clasical dawinisum says that you shouldnt jump in to save either, the dog is unemportant and the man is a competitor for YOUR resorces

yet people dive in to save drowning people and animals all the time at the risk of there own lives. Humans are odd creatures all round