I note that all you named step up to receive their due.
Your God though is hiding in the bushes somewhere and will not step up.
Perhaps he does so in shame of having broken so many of his own laws.
Do as I say and not as I do is a piss poor policy for a law maker.
God see's all that you do,
If god came down to you tommorow and said "ok here I exist happy now?" You would know he is always looking at you, you wouldnt do anythign evil because you know he would see it. Everyone would be scared to do bad things. there would be no mystery for the masses to ponder over. There would be no faith left.
The test would be pointless, you need to believe in him first before he will show himself to you. If you deep down in your heart doubt him he thinks you dont appreciate the beauty of his creations. he thinks you see everything as just some random chaotic event that had no creational effort in it.
Warm reception is given to those who come to him witht he belief of a Child, comming to him as a proud, wise "Adult" is not good in his eyes. When he creates things he judges them and declairs them good or Evil in its relation to his other creations. He does not discard Evil creations he uses them to counter and balence his Good ones.
He created the scorpion and also the Butterfly, The gentle Ripple of a lake and the raging waves of a Tsunami.
Come to him as a pure child and he will not forsake you, he will guide you and bring you understanding that you cannot get unless you are his student.
Who do you think the real master is that teaches all the Sages, He is the holder of all knowledge and he can show you things that books cannot.
There is no other way to attain the highest level of happiness and understanding. Remember that emotional knowledge is as prized as Informational knowledge. You cannot learn his love, his faith, his beauty by reading books, you must go directly to the source and learn from the real wise master.
If your heart remains hard he will not teach you and its your own fault for not trying your hardest to become his student. you dont just get into his class without passing the tests.