Do you like Christians

Do you trust Christians?

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Theoryofrelativity said:
Actually a Christian is one thing only, someone who follows the path of Jesus Christ and no you don't even have to be christened to be christian.
That's not what the majority believes, unfortunately...
he was a monk from india, i knew him in a previous life,

Naaaa!! Jesus was this mexican kid that sold me some real good herb, grew it himself, he grew the best herb in Mexico he used to claim, after smoking a doobie I agree :D :m:

'Do I like Christians? Yes, they're delicious'....... Jeffrey Dahmer

"Do we like Christians? Yes, well done".......New Guinea bushmen
Godless said:
Naaaa!! Jesus was this mexican kid that sold me some real good herb, grew it himself, he grew the best herb in Mexico he used to claim, after smoking a doobie I agree :D :m:


ive never had mexican weed,

Theoryofrelativity said:
you don't even have to be christened to be christian.

christening rarely have anything to do with christianity.

about 2/3 of British people are christned. A significantly smaller number are practicing christians.

Many people however call themselves christians yet don't believe in god

They're all hippocrits
After ready threw all these posts it's not to hard to see why the two major movements in the last
100 years that had atheism as one of its major core beliefs, killed so many people. Communism
and Hitler’s Nazi movement.

Close to 200 million killed, and it looks like there is enough hate by atheists and antireligious
people now to promote another round of genocides to get rid of religious people.

I will just add a little foot note here for those that are misinformed about Hitlers Germany,
namely regarding the ignorant belief that it was “Christian”. Find a good history text covering
the movement. Naziism was based on a type pantheism - in which the State was destined by
nature. The natural world and its laws dictated that the strong survive over the week.
Paul299 said:
After ready threw all these posts it's not to hard to see why the two major movements in the last
100 years that had atheism as one of its major core beliefs, killed so many people. Communism and Hitler’s Nazi movement.
What you are talking about is a reductio ad hitlerum logical fallacy.

Way to fail.
It depends on how seriously the Christian takes Christianity - the more seriously they take it, the more closer they get to the lunatic fringe.

Thankfully, most of em don't take it seriously...:)

adolf hitler was christian

the Hitler Oath:

I swear by God,
this holy oath,
to the Führer of the German Reich and people.


Gott Mit Uns (God With Us) Nazi Buckle

Enlisted Man's German Army belt buckle (Stamped steel, 1937 pattern, made by "R S & S" for Richard Sieper & Sohne Ludenscheid). Photo from the German Militaria Catalog (their web site no longer exists).


Mother's Cross (Mutterkreuz)

A Christian cross given to German mothers

Hitler encouraged several programs for the growth of a strong German Nazi Volk. These programs involved the encouragement of the virtues of German motherhood for the purpose of increasing the size of their families and the abolition of abortions (except for the mentally ill). In 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood, especially for large families. He awarded such mothers the cross of Honor of the German Mother (Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter).

Although the German Iron cross usually appears symmetrical this particular cross, by lengthening the vertical member, it becomes a Christian cross.


German Christian Movement Badge (Deutsch-Christliche Mitgliedsabzeichen)

Enamel, 22x24mm, pin-backed, gold coloured badge

Hitler backed The German Christians movement (DC) with the party's organizational support.

for a party who were'nt christian paul299
the seem to have an awful lot of christian junk.
I wonder why!
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For what it's worth, one person(s)' assessment of Hitler's supposed Christianity. All are apparently quotes of his "majesty".

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.

I'm quite sure someone could argue that he never wrote these things. After all, there are quite a few people who deny the holocaust and such.

However, the simple testimony of the historic record as regards the Nazi regime and the Third Reich (and their very blatant crimes against humanity) clearly shows and proves that any claim or affinity to Christian doctrine or morals was by name and title only.