Do you like Christians

Do you trust Christians?

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Hapsburg said:
as a group, christians are stupid lunatics. If they try to convert me, I hit them.

In another thread you called christians retarted, now there lunatics too, do you have any proof of these wild & lunatic & retarded statements, is it because george bush or tony blair are christians, considering they are acting on behalf of the US & uk governments in iraq, both governments are made up of many different faiths, that is a no go is it not, they are acting over there greed of oil, not over any religous war.

Please show me why christians are lunatics & retarded, are you by chance a atheist, a man without faith himself in any religon, & spends his day knocking others with faith.

Me i am catholic i accept others without faith in any religon, without choosing to knock them, i just find it very funny when most atheists in this forum, are not happy unless there trying to insult people with faith, are you just plain jealous that we believe in something, yet you yourself believe in nothing.

You believe in some dumb ass theory that a comet seeded life on earth, what bollocks, why dont you try absorbing your surroundings for once, with the amount of craters on the millions of moons & planets out there, the universe should be full of life, or was earth just the lucky one, where all the ingredients off millions of species were found on this one comet that hit us.

Can you comprehend how stupid the theory that a comet is responsible for life on earth, even scientists can not explain the millions of species on earth. because there is none, other than god.
vincent28uk said:
Me i am catholic i accept others without faith in any religon, without choosing to knock them, i just find it very funny when most atheists in this forum, are not happy unless there trying to insult people with faith, are you just plain jealous that we believe in something, yet you yourself believe in nothing.

didnt you get banned for threatening someone over PM's? yeah you're real accepting of people and not insulting, also not a lunatic. what i think is funny is that you still entertain the notion that people on the forum take anything you say seriously.
charles cure said:
didnt you get banned for threatening someone over PM's? yeah you're real accepting of people and not insulting, also not a lunatic. what i think is funny is that you still entertain the notion that people on the forum take anything you say seriously.

Oh yeah i am suppose to take all the atheists in this forum & there are loads, seriously when they say there is no god, and hey guess what a mega menu of ingredients of over 6 million species on planet earth was on a comet that crashed into earth, now trhat is plain lunacy.

There is not one scientist who can explain the over 6 million known species on earth, and the millions yet to be found.

Whose the lunatic, seems to me its the scientists, who make guess after guess, with no proof or logic to back up there statements.

We have proof our prophets lived, yet where is proof of all this bountiful life on comets.
vincent28uk said:
Oh yeah i am suppose to take all the atheists in this forum & there are loads, seriously when they say there is no god, and hey guess what a mega menu of ingredients of over 6 million species on planet earth was on a comet that crashed into earth, now trhat is plain lunacy.

There is not one scientist who can explain the over 6 million known species on earth, and the millions yet to be found.

Whose the lunatic, seems to me its the scientists, who make guess after guess, with no proof or logic to back up there statements.

We have proof our prophets lived, yet where is proof of all this bountiful life on comets.

hey man keep telling yourself that.
charles cure said:
hey man keep telling yourself that.

Last Updated: Saturday, 18 March 2006, 09:04 GMT

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Earth could seed Titan with life

By Paul Rincon
BBC News science reporter, Houston , Texas

Many processes that occur on Earth also occur on Titan (Nasa/JPL/SSI)

Terrestrial rocks blown into space by asteroid impacts on Earth could have taken life to Saturn's moon Titan, scientists have announced.

Earth microbes in these meteorites could have seeded the organic-rich world with life, scientists believe.

They think the impact on Earth that killed off the dinosaurs could have ejected enough material for some to reach far-off moons like Titan.

Details were unveiled at a major science conference in Houston, US.

The theory of panspermia holds that life on planets like Earth and Mars was seeded from space, perhaps hitching a ride on meteorites and comets.


"asteroid impacts on Earth could have taken life to Saturn's moon Titan, scientists have announced. "

Yeah lets believe your scientists eh?

No doubt saturns moon titan will one day have our 6 million species we have on earth, and of course the other estimated 24 million yet to be found on eaarth.

Because guess what they hitched a ride on a magic carpet called a asteroid which hit earth like in pin ball, bounced off making sure it picked up all the magic ingredients of life from earth, then shot off to create millions of new species on distant planets far, far away (star wars)

Yeah i can see where you are coming from, why dont you keep reading these fairy stories to your children eh?
the problem with CHRISTIANS today... and in the past... is that the foundation of CHRISTIANITY...

is not the words of JESUS.............. ITS NOT.

instead... constantine and his buddies, in 500 ad... desided that the basis of the faith would be words written by JOHN.. mostly...


cause if the foundation of the faith was the words of JESUS... then every christian would have to work on ending hunger and homelessness and stomping out all evil in the world....

and in 500 ad... they knew that was impossible. especially for a new.. young.. and minor religion.


it needed a structure and faith system which would allow its distribution all over the world... and would not threaten the gov'ts.... and so... would not be crushed.

and it worked... it survived.... and flurished.. all over the world.

but... still... none of it... changes the fact that JESUS... SAID THINGS VERY CLEARLY.... we must end the suffering.

we must help the less fortunate... we must.

just as JEHOVAH, commanded the jews in duet 15....

we must... it is our duty.. and obligation as godly men.

the preachers.... have themselves been mislead.. since 500 ad.

well.. i say its time to realise the meaning which is so clear to anyone who reads matthew, luke and mark....

this contradition in beliefs and values, has lead me to begin a new church... and the foundation of my own belief system is the words of JESUS.... PERIOD.


but i do not plan on forcing my views on others.... no..

we can talk about it..

the church itself... is designed based on the teachings of JESUS... TO LOVE EACH OTHER....



romans 15:1
"we then that are strong, aught to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves....."
the matoe of every superhero.

i ask you all... to try and be that kind of hero.

Mosheh Thezion said:
the problem with CHRISTIANS today... and in the past... is that the foundation of CHRISTIANITY...

is not the words of JESUS.............. ITS NOT.

instead... constantine and his buddies, in 500 ad... desided that the basis of the faith would be words written by JOHN.. mostly...


cause if the foundation of the faith was the words of JESUS... then every christian would have to work on ending hunger and homelessness and stomping out all evil in the world....

and in 500 ad... they knew that was impossible. especially for a new.. young.. and minor religion.


it needed a structure and faith system which would allow its distribution all over the world... and would not threaten the gov'ts.... and so... would not be crushed.

and it worked... it survived.... and flurished.. all over the world.

but... still... none of it... changes the fact that JESUS... SAID THINGS VERY CLEARLY.... we must end the suffering.

we must help the less fortunate... we must.

just as JEHOVAH, commanded the jews in duet 15....

we must... it is our duty.. and obligation as godly men.

the preachers.... have themselves been mislead.. since 500 ad.

well.. i say its time to realise the meaning which is so clear to anyone who reads matthew, luke and mark....

this contradition in beliefs and values, has lead me to begin a new church... and the foundation of my own belief system is the words of JESUS.... PERIOD.

Well said...
Mosheh Thezion said:
the problem with CHRISTIANS today... and in the past... is that the foundation of CHRISTIANITY...

is not the words of JESUS.............. ITS NOT.

instead... constantine and his buddies, in 500 ad... desided that the basis of the faith would be words written by JOHN.. mostly...


cause if the foundation of the faith was the words of JESUS... then every christian would have to work on ending hunger and homelessness and stomping out all evil in the world....

and in 500 ad... they knew that was impossible. especially for a new.. young.. and minor religion.


it needed a structure and faith system which would allow its distribution all over the world... and would not threaten the gov'ts.... and so... would not be crushed.

and it worked... it survived.... and flurished.. all over the world.

but... still... none of it... changes the fact that JESUS... SAID THINGS VERY CLEARLY.... we must end the suffering.

we must help the less fortunate... we must.

just as JEHOVAH, commanded the jews in duet 15....

we must... it is our duty.. and obligation as godly men.

the preachers.... have themselves been mislead.. since 500 ad.

well.. i say its time to realise the meaning which is so clear to anyone who reads matthew, luke and mark....

this contradition in beliefs and values, has lead me to begin a new church... and the foundation of my own belief system is the words of JESUS.... PERIOD.


but i do not plan on forcing my views on others.... no..

we can talk about it..

the church itself... is designed based on the teachings of JESUS... TO LOVE EACH OTHER....



romans 15:1
"we then that are strong, aught to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves....."
the matoe of every superhero.

i ask you all... to try and be that kind of hero.


the problem, as i see it, is that you have no idea what jesus's words, thoughts, or actual intentions were. sure you have the bible, a mistranslated and edited account of what he might have said given that the authors of bible documents were writing decades after his death. did you ever hear a rumor in high school that spiraled out of control until what was said in the beginning was no longer remotely represented by the current version of the story? thats what the bible is, an inflation, distortion, and misrepresentation of a distant past and the life of a man whose actual historical significance is now almost impossible to determine. you dont believe in jesus's words, you believe in the words that someone who never knew him heard that he said, and of those, you pick and choose the ones that you would like to think have the most meaning for you. while that may work for you as a lifestyle and philosophy, it should be up to everyone to decide for themselves, and if it is sound, it would be sound regardless of whether it had initially been enunciated by jesus or billy the kid. it should be kept to oneself.

ps. it wasnt really 500ad, the development of the idea of the trinity, jesus's "divinity" and the compilation of a somewhat coherent biblical document was closer to 325-350 ad. somewhere in that area.

pps. the verse from romans that you have cited bears a strong resemblance to the credo of communism "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ironically, communism is mostly accompanied by at least official atheism, or religious intolerance of some type, and can also be said to have been one of the world's truly monumental failures.
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vincent28uk said:
the universe should be full of life,
Who says it isn't? The universe is a vast amount of space. It is statistically impossible for earth to be the only planet with life on it.

or was earth just the lucky one, where all the ingredients off millions of species were found on this one comet that hit us.
What the fuck are you talking about? The theory of evolution has nothing to do with a comet containing DNA of various species hitting earth and spreading it about. That's utter tripe.

even scientists can not explain the millions of species on earth.
Ever heard of Evolution?
Hapsburg said:
Who says it isn't? The universe is a vast amount of space. It is statistically impossible for earth to be the only planet with life on it.

What the fuck are you talking about? The theory of evolution has nothing to do with a comet containing DNA of various species hitting earth and spreading it about. That's utter tripe.

Ever heard of Evolution?

Have you ever heard of GOD?

Scientists guesses are not my Gods....

Im puzzled are there scientific graveyards for science boffins, who dont belive in god, afterall if your buried in a church graveyard, does that not go against your beliefs in a higher being?

Everyone turns to god at sometine in there lives, even atheists when there family is sick or whatever, does that not make them a hypocrite too.
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TruthSeeker said:
Oh God Almighty.... :rolleyes:

Ha! What an ironic statement! :D

How did I know that...? :rolleyes:

No wonder so much illogical bable!!

View Poll Results: Do you trust Christians?
This poll will close on 03-28-06 at 05:39 PM
DeeCee, DiamondHearts, Hapsburg, I don't know, SkinWalker, TruthSeeker, usp8riot, vincent28uk
8 25.00%
-iLluSiON-, Avatar, Medicine Woman, perplexity, SkinWalker, SnakeLord, TruthSeeker
7 21.88%
I don't know, Lil Light Foot, Michael, Renrue, SkinWalker, Sock puppet path, spidergoat, The Devil Inside, TruthSeeker, water, Xerxes, Übergänger
12 37.50%
They're lunatics!
Avatar, Cottontop3000, Crunchy Cat, DeeCee, emusquire, I don't know, KennyJC, Medicine Woman, Mystech, Mythbuster, s0meguy, SkinWalker, snake river rufus, superluminal, TheAlphaWolf, TruthSeeker
16 50.00%

Speaking of illiogical babble, i noticed you voted for all four questions, do you have a multiple personality.

I put it to you Sir, you!! are spouting!!!! illogical babble, when you can not give a straight answer to a simple question...............
You retard! Did you read what I posted?
TruthSeeker said:
There's such a wide range of Christian personality that I decided to answer all the pool answers.

Kinda stupid you can choose all. Plus, it's a pretty open question...
A Christian can mean one of three things things
1. Somebod who believes in jesus
2. Somebody who considers themself a christian
3. Somebody who obbeys the bible word for word, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and agrees with the evil stories in the old testiment of murder, rape etc.

If you are in the third category you are a sick bastard.
If you are in the first two then i don't consider you a christian but an alternative theist.

So in conclusion. I don't trust anyone
Yes/no/maybe/don't know.

Yes, if they are not trying to force their beliefs on others

No, if the opposite is true.

Maybe, If I just met one and depending on what I find out later.

As for the rest: I don't know.
vincent28uk said:
Have you ever heard of GOD?
God does not exist. It is an attempt to simply wipe questions away because they are hard. Well, I say, we should answer questions about the universe, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. You cannot simply run away with your "god did it" mask every time something troubling pops up.

Everyone turns to god at sometine in there lives, even atheists
charles cure said:
the problem, as i see it, is that you have no idea what jesus's words, thoughts, or actual intentions were. sure you have the bible, a mistranslated and edited account of what he might have said given that the authors of bible documents were writing decades after his death. did you ever hear a rumor in high school that spiraled out of control until what was said in the beginning was no longer remotely represented by the current version of the story? thats what the bible is, an inflation, distortion, and misrepresentation of a distant past and the life of a man whose actual historical significance is now almost impossible to determine. you dont believe in jesus's words, you believe in the words that someone who never knew him heard that he said, and of those, you pick and choose the ones that you would like to think have the most meaning for you. while that may work for you as a lifestyle and philosophy, it should be up to everyone to decide for themselves, and if it is sound, it would be sound regardless of whether it had initially been enunciated by jesus or billy the kid. it should be kept to oneself.

ps. it wasnt really 500ad, the development of the idea of the trinity, jesus's "divinity" and the compilation of a somewhat coherent biblical document was closer to 325-350 ad. somewhere in that area.

pps. the verse from romans that you have cited bears a strong resemblance to the credo of communism "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ironically, communism is mostly accompanied by at least official atheism, or religious intolerance of some type, and can also be said to have been one of the world's truly monumental failures.

THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS... contained a copy of the gospel of thomas.

a gnostic text that never made it into the bible...

the bible put together by constantine and his buddies...

the gosple of thomas... is basically a list of quotes from jesus, himself.

these quotes in the dead sea scrolls... match the quotes found in the bible.

in this way we can see that in general... the quotes of JESUS.. are valid as such...

and as such... are the basis of what christianity should be.

if JESUS... is GOD... LORD... AND MASTER... king.. literally.

then his words are law..

but in our modern world... people ... even christians... choose otherwise.
that is the problem.

emusquire said:
Here's a little poll to determine if everyone in the world is brainwashed or just some of you. Are Christians nice and caring or is there always an alterior motive behind it, that of converting someone. Say if you like them or not here!

This really is not a very bright question, you can't take a class of people and assume they all behave and think alike?
There are plenty of religious people serving life sentances in prisons hence the chapels and mosques they have nowadays!

I like some poeple, I don't like other people, their religious beliefs are immaterial.
Pi-Sudoku said:
A Christian can mean one of three things things
1. Somebod who believes in jesus
2. Somebody who considers themself a christian
3. Somebody who obbeys the bible word for word, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and agrees with the evil stories in the old testiment of murder, rape etc.

If you are in the third category you are a sick bastard.
If you are in the first two then i don't consider you a christian but an alternative theist.

So in conclusion. I don't trust anyone

Actually a Christian is one thing only, someone who follows the path of Jesus Christ and no you don't even have to be christened to be christian.