Do you know that black people are an intregal part of the bible?

M*W: Let's not forget about the reference to Mary Magdalene being called the Black Madonna.
Bronze skin and white hair? Sounds more like an Indian to me, not black. :D

But yes, people of the Bible would be tanned, olive-skinned, dark-skinned, black, or any other similar shade as those are the types of people in that region. It doesn't really make much difference how Jesus is portrayed in movies because regardless of what figurehead is played in a movie (even if of another religion), the makers usually don't get it historically accurate but rather base it on the actor's skill. But when it comes to Jesus, the most common image is of a long, dark-haired, tan-skinned person anyways. Just because one is tanned and not completely black, it doesn't mean they're white. The common images of Jesus doesn't look like a white person to me. Skin color isn't the only defining factor in regards to race.

And yeah, when it comes to converting others to a certain system of belief, everything becomes related to those people. If whites are told about Christianity, they'd rather hear about a white Jesus. If Africans hear about Norse mythology, they'd rather Thor be a blackman. It kind of sucks if the saviour or leader of mankind is unlike yourself as it makes one feel unadequate. But hey, each region has their own mythology so it doesn't matter. If one is going to follow the mythology of another region, expect it all to be different, even the people's skin color.

- N
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let's not forget about the reference to Mary Magdalene being called the Black Madonna.
check THIS out...(num.12:1)
i gar-RON-tee you won't see dem yahoodie's (jews) tha same way again!!!

P.S. youGO sista-gurl-friend !!! :p
Neildo said:
Bronze skin and white hair? Sounds more like an Indian to me, not black. :D

But yes, people of the Bible would be tanned, olive-skinned, dark-skinned, black, or any other similar shade as those are the types of people in that region. It doesn't really make much difference how Jesus is portrayed in movies because regardless of what figurehead is played in a movie (even if of another religion), the makers usually don't get it historically accurate but rather base it on the actor's skill. But when it comes to Jesus, the most common image is of a long, dark-haired, tan-skinned person anyways. Just because one is tanned and not completely black, it doesn't mean they're white. The common images of Jesus doesn't look like a white person to me. Skin color isn't the only defining factor in regards to race.

And yeah, when it comes to converting others to a certain system of belief, everything becomes related to those people. If whites are told about Christianity, they'd rather hear about a white Jesus. If Africans hear about Norse mythology, they'd rather Thor be a blackman. It kind of sucks if the saviour or leader of mankind is unlike yourself as it makes one feel unadequate. But hey, each region has their own mythology so it doesn't matter. If one is going to follow the mythology of another region, expect it all to be different, even the people's skin color.

- N

I have to study about you...(read your past threads) you are say the LEAST. i could respond,
in brief,
but,...let me say this.....(amos 9:7(a))
why were these two peoples/tribes(nations) referred together???
(hoping to hear MORE from you...............) :bugeye:
There is MUCH more i would LOVE to say about/to you but,.........
Neildo said:
Bronze skin and white hair? Sounds more like an Indian to me, not black. :D

But yes, people of the Bible would be tanned, olive-skinned, dark-skinned, black, or any other similar shade as those are the types of people in that region. It doesn't really make much difference how Jesus is portrayed in movies because regardless of what figurehead is played in a movie (even if of another religion), the makers usually don't get it historically accurate but rather base it on the actor's skill. But when it comes to Jesus, the most common image is of a long, dark-haired, tan-skinned person anyways. Just because one is tanned and not completely black, it doesn't mean they're white. The common images of Jesus doesn't look like a white person to me. Skin color isn't the only defining factor in regards to race.

And yeah, when it comes to converting others to a certain system of belief, everything becomes related to those people. If whites are told about Christianity, they'd rather hear about a white Jesus. If Africans hear about Norse mythology, they'd rather Thor be a blackman. It kind of sucks if the saviour or leader of mankind is unlike yourself as it makes one feel unadequate. But hey, each region has their own mythology so it doesn't matter. If one is going to follow the mythology of another region, expect it all to be different, even the people's skin color.

- N

i agree with you at your various thought patterns.

"This is why people should be open-minded. Don't listen to one point of view (religion) and stick with it, absorb all the information and teachings that you can and then come to your own conclusions with it all. Try and piece everything together yourself because you'll be no more wrong than the next person. At least in this case you're following your own beliefs and conclusions as opposed to blindly following another's like a sheep........
As good as the intentions may be of religious followers, they're just following a wolf in sheep's clothing. This is why people should be spiritual as opposed to following the religious beliefs of others. Christianity, Islam, etc, is all no different than the numerous whacky control cults you see and hear of today that has had their own tragedies. They just happened to have lasted longer and sucked in more people than the others."

try THIS on for size (1 cor. 7:23)

YOU are unique.

A single life with a desire to follow YOUR creator FROM YOUR OWN HEART!
You are correct!
The Smah, in brief(nutshell) means: you are 1 with your creator, whatEVER your manifestation is that YOUR heart follows.
The price you paid, is your sepration from RELIGION, and your locked-on grasp to (YOUR personal)....FAITH!
Noone can CHANGE what YOU believe !

:bugeye: an don't let them, dog!
Chazman said:

Blacks are not identified in the bible as black, nor negros

Interesting. It seems there may still be wisdom that hasn't been ransacked and raped in the Bible.

If only we could do the same in, for instance, the United States.

therefore, we have to define their role and contributions by searching their heritage within the bible

A difficult undertaking inasmuch as, well, you note that they're not identified.

Have you noted that all movies, books, pictures, statues represent biblical figures as "white"......were is the rest of "Mankind"?

This is mere cultural prejudice, and rather inherent; it requires a conscious effort to transcend. The Zeff's casting of Jesus of Nazareth is only mildly less offensive to the modern palate than Griffith's Broken Blossoms; Robert Powell is as Anglo a Christ as there is, and for those that have never heard the tale, Mr. Richard Barthelmess, cast to play the character of Cheng Huan in one of Griffith's best films (Ms. Lillian Gish steals the breath), apparently shoved wood chips under his eyelids in order to give himself a Chinese appearance.

Jesus of Nazareth - Robert Powell in Zefferelli's overrated "masterpiece" (courtesy PrayerFoundation).

Cheng Huan - Mr. Richard Barthelmess in Griffith's mysterious Chinaman, with Ms. Lillian Gish (courtesy Silent Era).​

Whenever I see that image of Powell as a blue-eyed Christ, all I can think of is a George Carlin routine about the Vikings: "Them blue eyes ... when them blue eyes come down from the north ...."

And, for the record, I do not object to the late Mr. Barthelmess' actual performance; it was 1919, and the issue I pick is with Griffith. I actually recommend Broken Blossoms as a cinematic masterpiece. I don't know how many folks remember the Gish sisters, or how many 'round here remember Martin Short before the Glick days. But Short used to talk on late shows about various people he'd met, and there's a bit about meeting one or both of the Gish sisters that comes up, I think, in one of his movies, that he also has told as a true story. And when you hear Martin Short speak of the Gish sisters, his eyes actually go dreamy, because even though he's a comedian largely defined in the 1980s and beyond, he knows.

However, to get back to the question at hand, determining the role of blacks specifically will be a largely presumptuous exercise, though not without its cues and hints.

On the one hand, there is in the "spare" room here a mounted poster picked up at a garage sale or some-such depicting a rasta Jesus at the last supper.

To the other, I think to say that Jesus was "black" or "Jewish" doesn't necessarily cut it. I think Western Christians, given the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ himself, would be struck by how Arab or Mediterranean he would look.

I will, however, laugh if there is a second coming and Jesus' first words to humanity upon his return were, "What's the buzz? Tell me what's a-happenin'."

And if I stopped laughing in time, I might even come to faith early enough to save myself. But short of that, Jesus is smart enough to not return until there are fewer pasty-white segregationists and more caramel-colored human beings--in other words, when we look a little more like Him.
whew, i'm just on day two of this
i'm justa BABY here!
I WISH i were as..creative as you. WOW i can't respond to most of what you said, because i have not seen the movies or heard G.Carlin's monolog (yet)but the Rasta,
look at how it "fit" (in context historically) with those times. i remember seeing one years ago and wondering...???
at the second comming and YAHshua sayin:"wazzuuup muh homeys, tha BIG dog (backwards :) )'s been chillin to long! letsplit," but..
the read deal is that G-D is NOT a "man" as we've been forced to believe!
G-d is a "spirit"..simply, the spirit of....... ALL..... life! look at this (rev.4:7)
all of creation shows how awsome the spirit of creation is.
All life worships it. It has created us in ALL our different shades and WE are to have our OWN planet to rule when "time" fades away into eternity.

new, (2pet.3:13) new, see it!! (you WILL get YOURS,too.
Doesn't anyone see how this thread is insulting to black people?
Like "hey they weren't just useless primitive savages, they were in the bible!".
Same goes for when people feel the need to list inventions made by black people. Its like they're trying to prove black people aren't completely useless. It's defensive to the point where the so called "non-racist" person is obviously starting from the basis that blacks are nothing.
"One time a black person saved a baby!! He didn't even rape it!!" :rolleyes:
Does anyone see what I mean?
You wouldn't say "white people have done lots of great things in history", because its known, but people feel the need to prove blacks aren't worthless, and its insulting to black people.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Doesn't anyone see how this thread is insulting to black people?
Like "hey they weren't just useless primitive savages, they were in the bible!".
Same goes for when people feel the need to list inventions made by black people. Its like they're trying to prove black people aren't completely useless. It's defensive to the point where the so called "non-racist" person is obviously starting from the basis that blacks are nothing.
"One time a black person saved a baby!! He didn't even rape it!!" :rolleyes:
Does anyone see what I mean?
You wouldn't say "white people have done lots of great things in history", because its known, but people feel the need to prove blacks aren't worthless, and its insulting to black people.
but,...let me say this.....(amos 9:7(a))
why were these two peoples/tribes(nations) referred together???

I assume you're referring to the: "Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel?" part?

From your point it view, it seems you think the children of Israel are black as if being from Ethiopia due to God saying the children of Israel are like the children of Ethiopia. However, since afterwards God says that the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt, it can't be that reason.

I think children of Ethiopia and Israel are brought up just as a comparison between people as a whole. It would be no different to say people of South America, people of Iceland, or somewhere else instead of Ethiopia. What I feel God is saying here is that all people are Gods children so basically we're all the same under him. You're putting more emphasis on the "as" part to compare Ethiopians to Israelites as if they ARE the same as if Israelites are from Ethiopia and have all the same similar attributes, physical et all. The emphasis should be "unto me" in regards to God. The comparison is more towards the two peoples in God's eyes, not the two peoples by themselves saying they're the same physically, or any other "earthly" reason.

I'm not saying all this just to make it seem as if Israelites weren't black as if I have a problem with them being black, heh, for all I know they very well could have been. However, in those days the Middle East was a huge cultural center with various races due to many wars and other civilizations moving in and out of the area so I doubt everyone was black (if everyone was black in the first place) and no other color. I know you may want people to be portrayed as their correct color as if blacks are getting the short end of the stick, but we have no way of knowing what the people in the Bible looked like especially with the multi-culturalness of that region. It doesn't really matter anyhow as skin color is just skin color.

- N
Rev.1:14-15 talks not about his material body. It says that his hair is white like "snow", and that his feet as "bronze". There is no race which has "bronze" FEET and snow white hair.

There we go trying to explain it off again....are you saying that no black people are bronze-like in their color are that no black people have white hair? If one reads those verses it says nothing to make you think that it wasnt his materiel talks about whats in his hands and his garments he is wearing etc......

As if it matters what color HIS body was.

Then why are you protesting it?
Neildo said:
I assume you're referring to the: "Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel?" part?

From your point it view, it seems you think the children of Israel are black as if being from Ethiopia due to God saying the children of Israel are like the children of Ethiopia. However, since afterwards God says that the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt, it can't be that reason.

I think children of Ethiopia and Israel are brought up just as a comparison between people as a whole. It would be no different to say people of South America, people of Iceland, or somewhere else instead of Ethiopia. What I feel God is saying here is that all people are Gods children so basically we're all the same under him. You're putting more emphasis on the "as" part to compare Ethiopians to Israelites as if they ARE the same as if Israelites are from Ethiopia and have all the same similar attributes, physical et all. The emphasis should be "unto me" in regards to God. The comparison is more towards the two peoples in God's eyes, not the two peoples by themselves saying they're the same physically, or any other "earthly" reason.

I'm not saying all this just to make it seem as if Israelites weren't black as if I have a problem with them being black, heh, for all I know they very well could have been. However, in those days the Middle East was a huge cultural center with various races due to many wars and other civilizations moving in and out of the area so I doubt everyone was black (if everyone was black in the first place) and no other color. I know you may want people to be portrayed as their correct color as if blacks are getting the short end of the stick, but we have no way of knowing what the people in the Bible looked like especially with the multi-culturalness of that region. It doesn't really matter anyhow as skin color is just skin color.

- N

excuse my absense, please.
In my "other" life i am, a pilot. i "disapear" from ....time to time !

as to your supposition(s):

" From your point (of) view, it seems you think the children of Israel are black as if being from Ethiopia due to God saying the children of Israel are like the children of Ethiopia."

This passage of old testament scripture, (num.12:1).....sums up this best.
Thus solving the riddle of "cross-gender"(ing)
The fellow spoken about in this(num.12:1) scripture passage had A LOT of .."imput".. reguards to the faith and shaping of the Hebrew nation, would you agree/dis-?
His WIFE did this...(ex.4:25) pretty TOUGH chick,huh?

(and you should see her...DADDY,ReuEl Yethro DeuEl RaguEl.. the HIGH priest of the Medianites, SHEESH, wadda role HE played in SHAPING Yisriel!!!)

(AND if SHE was a........ What does that make her...daddy???)


"However, since afterwards God says that the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt, it can't be that reason."

-N, let's keep this in perspective, Mizraim (english translation: peoples from Egypt) IS in.......Af-FIRE-ika aka Africa!!
To further support this, look at Mizraim, at it's conception. (gen 10:13)
With their roots, (ibidem vs 20)

" It would be no different to say people of South America, people of Iceland, or somewhere else instead of Ethiopia. "

perhaps, although, there is no evidence or record (iam using JUST the k.j.v. as a guide) of these peoples, RECORDED at this time.
( THEY are REVEILED as...-GOYEEM-GENTILES at (gen. 10:2-5) ( Goy are scoffers,mockers, and HATERS....of the TRUE faith!
In fact....(one of) the OLDEST civilization, is found (k.j.v.)...(gen.2:13)!
Look at the land it refers to....(gen.ibid vs 8)
By association, one can EASILY extrapolate the RACIAL line of the (at THAT particular time,.. one, of) two "inhabitants". yes or no?

"The emphasis should be "unto me" in regards to God."

I ....AGREE...with THAT my brother/friend, ALL of us (all races of the world)
should take YOUR advice, and stop this silly bickering over mankinds ridiculous cults and religions!

What YOU belive in is, what i would call your..........FAITH!


I liken you to my close friend,Bruce, who PREFERS to be remembered as,
Jun Faun. He took the world(bySTORM) to HIS views by "opening himself up"
to his OWN way, which, is simplicity itself, being that he studied for YEARS what others knew (the VENERABLE Yip Maan) and BROKE AWAY FROM the "patterns" of normal thought, AS YOU do.

moving along;

"What I feel God is saying here is that all people are Gods children so basically we're all the same under him." AGREED,point WELL taken!

you say;
" You're putting more emphasis on the "as" part to compare Ethiopians to Israelites as if they ARE the same as if Israelites are from Ethiopia and have all the same similar attributes, physical et all."

(THAT has been revealed thus far)

"The emphasis should be "unto me" in regards to God. The comparison is more towards the two peoples in God's eyes, not the two peoples by themselves saying they're the same physically, or any other "earthly" reason."

"in G-d's eyes," " in G-d's eyes," "in G-d's eyes," "in G-d's eyes,"


" I'm not saying all this just to make it seem as if Israelites weren't black as if I have a problem with them being black, heh, for all I know they very well could have been. " comment!

"I know you may want people to be portrayed as their correct color..."

true,TRUTH is...T.R.U.T.H.

"as if blacks are getting the short end of the stick,"

do not put "words" in YOUR are drawing upon a hypothetical extrapolation....i N E V E R said that....YOU did.

The Kebra Negast, (my shows that the acient Ethiopian tribe has flourished as a wonderfull and WORTHY kingdom....L..O..N..G.. before the "West".
(1kings:10:1-13) Her NAME was Chandice, she was given the
................................arc,(all P bu H)
of the
............................covenent! By Melik Shlomo (King Solomon) (pbuh)
and a son in her belly,(BY..HIM)(the child's name is/was KING Abna Hakum) to produce the Falasha,which STILL exist today.(thru the son,Da-veed) of the Emperor Haile.Selassie (pbuh) TRUST-ME!!!

"but we have no way of knowing what the people in the Bible looked like"
.............................................(are u SURE)....?...?..?...?
"especially with the multi-culturalness of that region."
"It doesn't really matter anyhow as skin color is just skin color."

Question? Why, did the sphynx' ....nose...get "b l a s t e d" ??? :)

a thought provoker 4-u,
What do you think about...this....(2 kings 5:27) do you see..."and unto THY SEED..forever"??? this was/is a ....CURSE!!! ...forever! for...(ahem)..THOSE people(s).

comment (from personal observation of your MANY threads)
when i grow-up, i wanna !!....keep asking ?'s

There we go trying to explain it off again....are you saying that no black people are bronze-like in their color are that no black people have white hair? If one reads those verses it says nothing to make you think that it wasnt his materiel talks about whats in his hands and his garments he is wearing etc......

Then why are you protesting it?[/QUOTE]


welcome back!


one day me & I we b walkin..inta Z..I..O..N ehYAH ras-TA far-I ! NO?
nattyDREAD ! :cool: :p
-n I FORGOT one OUTSTANDING point,.....thanks for using your sword,bro! (to you gentiles, who may not know, his SWORD, is his :)
"Where are they located and what did they contribute? Let's discuss...... "

In the image of God herself- she's black.
Chazman said:
There we go trying to explain it off again....are you saying that no black people are bronze-like in their color are that no black people have white hair? If one reads those verses it says nothing to make you think that it wasnt his materiel talks about whats in his hands and his garments he is wearing etc......

Then why are you protesting it?


welcome back!


one day me & I we b walkin..inta Z..I..O..N ehYAH ras-TA far-I ! NO?
nattyDREAD ! :cool: :p[/QUOTE]

" From your point (of) view, it seems you think the children of Israel are black as if being from Ethiopia due to God saying the children of Israel are like the children of Ethiopia."

This passage of old testament scripture, (num.12:1).....sums up this best.
Thus solving the riddle of "cross-gender"(ing)
The fellow spoken about in this (num.12:1) scripture passage had A LOT of .."imput".. reguards to the faith and shaping of the Hebrew nation, would you agree/dis-?
His WIFE did this... (ex.4:25) pretty TOUGH chick,huh?

Yes, in Numbers 12:1 it says Moses married an Ethiopian woman so there's another "black role". However, that doesn't "solve the riddle" of the Amos 9:7 verse saying Israelies are Ethiopians. Those are two complete seperate issues that just share similar words in the verses.

"However, since afterwards God says that the children of Israel were brought out of the land of Egypt, it can't be that reason."

-N, let's keep this in perspective, Mizraim (english translation: peoples from Egypt) IS in.......Af-FIRE-ika aka Africa!!
To further support this, look at Mizraim, at it's conception. (gen 10:13)
With their roots, (ibidem vs 20)

Just because a country is in Africa, it doesn't automatically make everyone black. Egypt is way above the equator so it's much cooler than most of the other regions of Africa. Egypt is more of a Mid East or Mediterranean country even though it's in Africa. Egypt is also border area between Africa and Middle East just as the Middle East is to Africa, Europe, and Asia. Border areas have a higher mixture of cultures and people.

" It would be no different to say people of South America, people of Iceland, or somewhere else instead of Ethiopia. "

perhaps, although, there is no evidence or record (iam using JUST the k.j.v. as a guide) of these peoples, RECORDED at this time.

I used those places as a current real-world example to better explain it. The Bible could have said India or some other far away place but the Bible is a regional book and religion so it mainly just refers to those regional countries involved and Ethiopia is part of those outer boundries. Just a guess anyways.

( THEY are REVEILED as...-GOYEEM-GENTILES at (gen. 10:2-5) ( Goy are scoffers,mockers, and HATERS....of the TRUE faith!
In fact....(one of) the OLDEST civilization, is found (k.j.v.)...(gen.2:13)!
Look at the land it refers to....(gen.ibid vs 8)

So the Bible mentions “one of” the oldest civilizations, Ethiopia. The Bible mentions tons of old civilizations, so just picking a verse that mentions Ethiopia means nothing. And by the way, in those times, every civilization is pretty old. ;)

By association, one can EASILY extrapolate the RACIAL line of the (at THAT particular time,.. one, of) two "inhabitants". yes or no?

And if we trace everyones family tree we will all wind up being black (if we all did emmigrate from Africa, which I personally doubt) or from Adam and Eve, whatever color they may have been.

These generations you mention don’t have anything to do with Ethiopia or being black. It starts with the sons of Noah and well, Noah wasn’t one of the first lines of men as if he was one of the first to come out of Africa (if we all came from there); he was from the Mid East area many generations later. Even if his family tree is traced from Africa, with all those generations passed, people moving to different regions, they will look different. All the generations of men mentioned is just of people from that region, not Ethiopia, Africa.

" I'm not saying all this just to make it seem as if Israelites weren't black as if I have a problem with them being black, heh, for all I know they very well could have been. " comment!

"as if blacks are getting the short end of the stick,"

do not put "words" in YOUR are drawing upon a hypothetical extrapolation....i N E V E R said that....YOU did.

No comment, heh, just go out and admit it. A thread named “black people are an integrate part of the Bible” is trying to make black people feel good as if people ignore that fact like they’re getting the short end of the stick otherwise it’s a wasted tidbit of information. If I started a thread saying “There is lots of sand in the places of the Bible”, people would go.. um, uh, okay, yeah, and your point is?? So what’s your point? That’s the only point the thread of this title could be. Just admit it. ;)

The Kebra Negast, (my shows that the acient Ethiopian tribe has flourished as a wonderfull and WORTHY kingdom....L..O..N..G.. before the "West".

See, here we go again. Tossing out little tidbits out of nowhere to make black people look good compared to the west to make up for the short stick as if their achievements have been ignored. Admit the point of this thread, you can do it. ;)

By the way, I find the Dogon tribe interesting. (OMG, yes, black people, whoa. :p)

"but we have no way of knowing what the people in the Bible looked like"
.............................................(are u SURE)....?...?..?...?

Yes, I’m sure. This is the past and the past is nearly impossible to understand and get the truth of. And there isn’t much information given to know who looked like what.

Question? Why, did the sphynx' ....nose...get "b l a s t e d" ???

To spite it’s face? Afterall the sphynx was brightly colored in blues, reds, yellows, and other crazy colors so it probably felt itself looked silly. :p Other than that, I have no idea other than normal weathering , heh. And please don’t say the reason is something silly like “the sphynx had a “black” nose and people didn’t want the blacks to seem superior”.

a thought provoker 4-u,
What do you think about...this....(2 kings 5:27) do you see..."and unto THY SEED..forever"??? this was/is a ....CURSE!!! ...forever! for...(ahem)..THOSE people(s).

He went out a leper as white as snow. Heh, even a white leper person is whiter than normal whites. :p But that still doesn’t say the person is black, their skin just isn’t white white. The person could still be tanned, olive-skinned, or black, but look at most people in the Middle East, they have tanned skin yet aren’t white or black, do you keep forgetting that fact? Even a normal tanned person would appear much different if they were turned leper white. Heck, I’m white and I’d look way different (I’m tanned).

And what are you trying to get at in regards to the curse? White people were created due to that leper curse trying to imply everyone before then was completely black? That’s not true.

Again, I do not see the point in this thread. Nobody is questioning or denying that there are important black people in the Bible. However, everything you’re trying to throw at us is as if you’re trying to make it out to be that everyone in the Bible is black and that’s just false. There are various color-skinned people in the regions during the times of which the Bible takes place. The colors of the people in the Middle East today isn’t much different than it would have been back then. Temperate areas and various types of people coming into the Middle East from every direction due to it being a huge cultural center would have the same outcome as today.

- N
spidergoat said:
In the image of God herself- she's black.
Ok, why would god's skin need high levels of melatonin? The sun surely isn't too bright for god.
Why would god need skin at all?
Why would "she" need ovaries and a vagina?
God is apparently an animal that evolved relatively recently according to this image?
There are organisms which predate skin and gender.
How did she manage to create a universe after it had already produced her?
Well with this final post, i bid the sciforums a fond fairwell.
Thank-you's are in order,

thank-u "chazman" for allowing me the opportunity to use your name to voice my view.

Thank you James R. for your "watchfull eye" and being "just that guy, you know"and the first to respond.
t-u Rappaccini, i had hoped you would look-up your text answer, you would have LOVED my response.
t-u fadeaway Humper, less is more (yaking/thinking)
t-u Surrenderer, my friend Jun said,..."Be like water, my friend" ffffffloooooooowwww
t-u Path, you.. MILITANT wiseguy, verrrry ASTUTE.
t-u Duendy, i rented the movie yesterday,...HATEDIT!!! sheee(too bloody)eeesh!
(UNDER .....the mask, means..... BELOW!)
t-u Medicine Woman, someday, YOU will "become....ONE...with.......
t-u Tiassa,......WOW...u-GO sista gurl friend !!!
t-u Dr. Lou Natic, Physician,.....heal ...THY....SELF!!!
T-U Spidergoat,????????????? insufficent..time/data (sorry)

in your desire to re-butt, challange,provoke,&"STAND-UP TO BE COUNTED"........YOU........ were used,......and ..WE......thank-YOU.

i am a U.S.A.F. f-15 Strike Eagle (mudhen) driver, MY "WIZZO" & i are off on another fun tour over the Middle East, i am Glad to have had this time to chat. i am a Falasha by birth and by choice. My "job" is to help, in my own "small" way to keep AMERICA free, so you "folks" can CONTINUE TO EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS!!

To the 400plus viewers, it is said, that, all it takes, for evil to flourish, is that GOOD NOTHING !!! (REV. 3:15/16)(rev. 1:3)

and to YOU.......i hope, your "yellow brick road" STARTs here!
oh,..(i forgot)..GOD BLESS.....A..M..E..R..I..C..A.. where at LEAST i know i'm FREE,
and i ..WON'T FORGET... the MEN....who died, who GAVE THAT RIGHT TO ME,
and i glady "STAND-UP" to you, and defend her STILL today, cause their ain't no DOUBT,....... i ..LOVE......... THIS land........keep FREEDOM alive !!!