Do you know that black people are an intregal part of the bible?


Registered Senior Member
Where are they located and what did they contribute? Let's discuss......
Chazman said:
true rev. 1:14/15

also, jesus was NOT his name.
his name was yashua bar yoseph- ha nazzurite.

he was renamed
ieazues kristos
by the greeks,

jesus (the christ)
by the germans/americans
fadeaway humper said:
Uh... black people are an integral part of Mankind.

What exactly is your point?

Blacks are not identified in the bible as black, nor negros; therefore, we have to define their role and contributions by searching their heritage within the bible. Have you noted that all movies, books, pictures, statues represent biblical figures as "white"......were is the rest of "Mankind"?
Chazman said:
Blacks are not identified in the bible as black, nor negros; therefore, we have to define their role and contributions by searching their heritage within the bible. Have you noted that all movies, books, pictures, statues represent biblical figures as "white"......were is the rest of "Mankind"?

The rest of Mankind is in the real world, that's where. Why on Earth would you care about the absence of Blacks/Asians/Native Americans/Norsemen/Eskimos/etc. in the fundational myth of a Near East tribe?

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor whites, etc. in the fundational myths of the Mayans.

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor early Americans, etc. in the fundational myths of the Celts.

Each people has its own folkore, that's all.
Well my understanding has been that Shem in the Bible was black and Abraham(pbuh) was a desendent of Shem so......Also:

Revelation 1
13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"[1] dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

Doesnt sound Blond-Haired Blue Eyed to me :D

A better question is how many white Christians would worship a black Jesus(pbuh) :m:
fadeaway humper said:
The rest of Mankind is in the real world, that's where. Why on Earth would you care about the absence of Blacks/Asians/Native Americans/Norsemen/Eskimos/etc. in the fundational myth of a Near East tribe?

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor whites, etc. in the fundational myths of the Mayans.

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor early Americans, etc. in the fundational myths of the Celts.

Each people has its own folkore, that's all.

Fadaway Humper, I am not hoping to discuss Asians/Native Americans/Norseman/Eskimos/etc nor Mayan/Celt mythology. Not even the "myths of a Near East tribe" just the contributions of black people and their integal parts in the (K.J.V.) bible. nothing more!
surenderer said:
Well my understanding has been that Shem in the Bible was black and Abraham(pbuh) was a desendent of Shem so......Also:

Revelation 1
13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"[1] dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

Doesnt sound Blond-Haired Blue Eyed to me :D

A better question is how many white Christians would worship a black Jesus(pbuh) :m:

outstanding surenderer! However, the name Jesus is a transubstantiation for...YAHshua (all P bu H)
surenderer said:
Well my understanding has been that Shem in the Bible was black and Abraham(pbuh) was a desendent of Shem so......Also:

Revelation 1
13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man,"[1] dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

Doesnt sound Blond-Haired Blue Eyed to me :D

A better question is how many white Christians would worship a black Jesus(pbuh) :m:

as to "your" understanding.....Gen. 11:10(a) then 11:26and17:5 therefore...i concur !! and remember to continue to... 2tim.2:15
fadeaway humper said:
The rest of Mankind is in the real world, that's where. Why on Earth would you care about the absence of Blacks/Asians/Native Americans/Norsemen/Eskimos/etc. in the fundational myth of a Near East tribe?

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor whites, etc. in the fundational myths of the Mayans.

Much in the same way there are no references to blacks nor early Americans, etc. in the fundational myths of the Celts.

Each people has its own folkore, that's all.
Fadeaway Humper;
As to your statement,"Why on Earth would you care about the "absence" of Blacks"... i NEVER said there was an absence??
The study of scripture shows a WEALTH of presence,...MORE than prehaps you are aware.
Follow along....however, let me be frank, i doNOT intend to argue or debate pointless threads which lead to nowere. (not to imply YOURS are) but the sincere students of the living WORD...need only respond here. They and i KNOW who they are! :bugeye:
Chazman said:
Blacks are not identified in the bible as black, nor negros; therefore, we have to define their role and contributions by searching their heritage within the bible. Have you noted that all movies, books, pictures, statues represent biblical figures as "white"......were is the rest of "Mankind"?

It could be that skin color wasn't even an issue in the bible and only later when attempting to explain the religion for different ethnic groups that jesus was "whitened" to make him more familiar and acceptable. After all how would you explain a colored person to a peasant in germany, england, scandinavia etc..
You want to relate the message not get stuck explaining to wide eyed farmers that some people have darker skin and slightly different features than them.
even that shit film of mel gibson's which pretends to be so real, even using the original archaic languages has Jesus looking white...when in 'fact' he was a a Jewish dude, brown skinned etc
so this taboo of showing the character Jesus like that seems to be taboo

why is this me wonders?

cause tis the white culture which is the dominator one? so everyone gotta be white too?
path said:
It could be that skin color wasn't even an issue in the bible and only later when attempting to explain the religion for different ethnic groups that jesus was "whitened" to make him more familiar and acceptable. After all how would you explain a colored person to a peasant in germany, england, scandinavia etc..
You want to relate the message not get stuck explaining to wide eyed farmers that some people have darker skin and slightly different features than them.
the issue at question forms the basis of discussion. The skin color of Adam and Eve was implied in gen.2:13 (read also vs 10) where the Garden of Eden was located. No extrapolationis needed, the passage speaks for itself!

However, point WELL taken, that, i "want to relate the message (and)not get STUCK explaining to" ... this is NOT a forum to express racial bigotry, mearly an attempt to reveal the full truth, which is THERE if you look at the scriptures.
duendy said:
even that shit film of mel gibson's which pretends to be so real, even using the original archaic languages has Jesus looking white...when in 'fact' he was a a Jewish dude, brown skinned etc
so this taboo of showing the character Jesus like that seems to be taboo

why is this me wonders?

cause tis the white culture which is the dominator one? so everyone gotta be white too?
read matt.19:28 and pay particular attention to verse 30!!!Try to ponder on what verse 30 means today...I an I..YAH
p.s. clill-out me bruddah :cool:
This is ridiculous! As if it matters what color HIS body was. Rev.1:14-15 talks not about his material body. It says that his hair is white like "snow", and that his feet as "bronze". There is no race which has "bronze" FEET and snow white hair.
what768 said:
This is ridiculous! As if it matters what color HIS body was. Rev.1:14-15 talks not about his material body. It says that his hair is white like "snow", and that his feet as "bronze". There is no race which has "bronze" FEET and snow white hair.

WHAT???768!!! ;
i see you are taking the time to use your sword,(, now this is going to be a mouth-full for others (1cor. 1 :18-2:14) but for one as learned as yourself, showing your willingness to read, you should recieve a "gift" at the end of this disertation. (that being 1cor.1:18-2:14) a LOT of reading to others but, you can "gleen" from it, i'm SURE.

Moving BEYOND the "ridiculous"ness of it all on to the color of a man's skin.

You do well to note that the scripture does NOT refer to YAHshua's "material" body, thus alluding to his SPIRIT form which, unlike CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST he reveals a "body" which has taken a distinct form.

It is the form that is swarthy (fine brass) and hair that is white like (lambs) wool.
And YES my friend, there are swarthy,(old, white haired)wooly headed peoples roaming this planet.

However it displaces the image of THIS middle eastern man as BEING a long haired, blond headed, blue eyed, pail skinned, fellow, hummmm ! !

How about chewing a while on this.......
(song of solomon 1:5/6 )Question? what color was King David the KING OF YISRIEL...his daddy???

i am SURE, ment somthing to the "wisest" King and Ruler of all Yisriel! Because he had a wife, who,caused him to send the ARC of the COVENENT(along with 70 of his finest priests) all the way down to Addis Ababa Ethiopia to astabolish the Falasha. (of which i am one)

And as a point of note,.....iAM a white haired, wooly headed, swarthy,OLD,OLD,OLD GUY!(with feet like fine brass :eek: )