Do you feel Violated?

Provita said:
The leader of the Theology Department of my school once gave a speech on Evolutionism vs Creationism... it was a great speech, but alas, i have forgotten most of it. He described how Evolution was God's Revelation to us... revealing his plan for all the creatures, animals and plants, little crawling things (as the bible calls bugs :p ) etc. to us slowly. He said it a lot better, and it was a great speech. My point is Evolution = does not disprove God. Now, we know that Evolution DOES disprove the Creation Stories in the Bible... along with all others written in mythological and theological books.
There are innumerable wacky theologians, just as there are innumerable wacky scientists. Will you let the rhetoric of a university professor decide your position. His statements, from the Roman Catholic point of view, are not just wrong, the premise is absurd. The purpose of all creation is to glorify God.

To be so simplistic as to say that Evolution disproves creationism is a disservice to yourself. Even if the bible stories are not factual, that does not mean they contain no truth.

But, you literalist Theists (btw, I am a Theist... not an Athiest... a Theist) have a chance! You have another way to back away from defeat! Claim you are not a rigid literalist but instead a loose literalist, and claim that the 6-Day Creation story describes that the world was created in 6 stages... although im sure THAt could easily be disproven, but still, back yourself into another corner :)

i dont see the problem with that either

Evolution = pretty much proven,

pretty much? explain.

Along with the fact that even if Evolution is not proven in your eyes, what proves Genesis > all other stories? AND DONT DARE SAY "because it is the word of God" ! Prove it then! You cannot! Jeeze, stop trying to prevent science and technology from progressing.

why do you think we are trying to stop progress? have you ever thought that perhaps progress is just not in the direction that most modern human suppose.

I am disgusted that for years I was taught that a man and a woman, the woman lower than the man, were made out of clay (and a rib for the woman) and somehow hid from God.... didnt know how u can hide from GOD... and were banished from a garden never found ... wouldnt it be there still? After, it is being guarded by a flaming sword and a cherubim (cherubim is acctually a word stolen from another religion, cant remember which tho, sorry, and it is supposedly some monster-looking thing, kindof like a Minitoar, but for some reason over the millennia it was confused with a baby angel...)

Why do you think the author wrote she was from was Adams rib? Its because thats the body center, symbolically that makes her equal to Adam.

The story describes patterns of human behavior. It is YOU who are reading it too literally.
Read this thread, pages 3 and up, we, for a bit of time, discuss evolution and how it is proven, which u only responded by saying its impossible because someone before science said so. It may be aristotle, but even Einstein made false theories.
Lawdog said:
There are innumerable wacky theologians,
:rolleyes: All theologians are waqcky
just as there are innumerable wacky scientists.
:rolleyes: Yes micheal behe, richard hoaxland, and didn't I see the name dembowski recently?
Will you let the rhetoric of a university professor decide your position. His statements, from the Roman Catholic point of view, are not just wrong, the premise is absurd. The purpose of all creation is to glorify God.

why do you think we are trying to stop progress? have you ever thought that perhaps progress is just not in the direction that most modern human suppose.
:rolleyes: because the xian church has tried to stop the spread of knowledge since before the library of Alexandria..
Provita said:
2 is a direct approval of making someone blindly believe in a religion.

Why do u believe in God? becuase you do, or because ur parents say u do?

Hi Provita,

"Exposure" to religion does not equate to blindly believing in a religion. I'm not a proponent of blind belief. As a matter of fact, I have not found any belief system that can be reconciled 100%. I believe in God because of some personal experiences that I've had in adulthood. Both my parents are deceased. One believed in God and belonged to a religion... The other did not.