Do you feel Violated?

Cris said:

Oh man that is atrocious. Your view represents what I see as among the greatest evil that man can devise. While I'd like to think that ignoring your kind would mean you would fade away your assertions here enrage me so much that I feel an overwhelming need to seek out and actively oppose you and your kind at every opportunity.

You represent the very opposite of freedom and reasoned thought that should form the basis of human kind.
well said ;)
SnakeLord said:
It gets worse.. If your parents are jewish, at 6 days old they violate you physically and chop a bit of your body off. This should be illegal, (other than for serious medical issues).

First let me start by saying i completely agree with what you said earlier and I do not think children should be indoctrinated at all, but just a minor detail, circumcision is done to almost all babies now because it is a matter of sanitation. A foreskin is unsanitary and often causes medical problems later in life. It is not done anymore on basis of religion, it is on the basis of medicine. Sorry for picking on fine points but just thought you should know
Lawdog said:
Evolution has not been proven...

Only to people who are too idiotic and/or blinded by religious doctrines. There is much we don't know about evolution, but it is fact that it happens.

...Nor will it be.

Of course it will. Don't you think that in 1,000,000 years (if we are still around), humans will be quite different? Humans then (or whatever they could be called) will look back at 1,000,000 years of recorded history and have a more detailed view of biological evolution than we ever have.
Lawdog said:
An interesting perspective and worthy of argument. Please do not call us idiots, just becaiuse you disagree. It sounds bad and makes you look bad. You may call us evil if you want, but their have been many ingenious christians: shakespeare, newton, galileo, copernicus, etc.

I am a creationist. Evolution has not been proven. Nor will it be.

What proof is there for creation? :confused:
looking_forward said:
First let me start by saying i completely agree with what you said earlier and I do not think children should be indoctrinated at all, but just a minor detail, circumcision is done to almost all babies now because it is a matter of sanitation. A foreskin is unsanitary and often causes medical problems later in life. It is not done anymore on basis of religion, it is on the basis of medicine. Sorry for picking on fine points but just thought you should know

Is this true? In what countries does this happen "to almost all babies"??? I've had a foreskin for 30 years and it hasn't caused me any problems. What about female circumcision, what are the benefits (apart from religous reasons of course)???
looking_forward said:
First let me start by saying i completely agree with what you said earlier and I do not think children should be indoctrinated at all, but just a minor detail, circumcision is done to almost all babies now because it is a matter of sanitation. A foreskin is unsanitary and often causes medical problems later in life. It is not done anymore on basis of religion, it is on the basis of medicine. Sorry for picking on fine points but just thought you should know
what like docing dogs tails.
can you supply some evidence for that, I have never heard so much crap in my life.
or has somebody been feeding you this crap.
lets ask M*W she'll know.
Lawdog said:
Why then have aligators not evolved and walking among us?

Oh my, there writes an individual that knows NOTHING about evolution!! There are lots of answers to that question, but just one small point is that humans are not the ultimate perfection of evolution (that doesn't exist). Evolution is not about reaching a certain point, such as modern humans. Are you suggesting that if evolution theory is correct then alligators should have evolved into a green human with a big mouth and long tail?
Amazing ignorance, WOW!!!! :p
I've said it before but try reading some Richard Dawkins.
Lawdog - have you read the Blind Watchmaker yet? If not then please do so as a matter of some urgency. Your incredible ignorance on evolution as demonstrated by your aligator comment simply makes you look very folish.

I am a creationist. Evolution has not been proven. Nor will it be.
I thought Catholicism has already publicly accepted evolution as fact.

Are you perhaps confusing abiogenesis with evolution?

Since you state that the Catholic doctrines are inerrant and are the hand of God and that they support evolution then aren't you now at odds with God's plan?
KennyJC said:
Funny you should mention this...

It is shown that the more secular a society (ie percentage of atheists/non religious civilians), the higher the chances of the above social alements (and more) would be less frequent. If you want a source for this you will have to wait till I get home. Or you could do a search on this forum for something like "most americans will be nonchristian in 2035ce" as it is the second url in that thread.

then there you ar eleft with the arduous task of srawing a connection between religious and social decay (without delving into fiction) - for instance there are heaps of other variables - like the fact that most christian countries are excessively opulent western ones - on a cursory glance it would appear that material opulence leads to social decadence - for instance bangladesh is quite a religious country but they don't have these problems (like the usa for instance) why? - most americans will be nonchristian by 2035? I would argue that most are not christian at the moment anyway - they simply slap a denomination to their activities of nonsense and write it off as religion -
First let me start by saying i completely agree with what you said earlier and I do not think children should be indoctrinated at all, but just a minor detail, circumcision is done to almost all babies now because it is a matter of sanitation. A foreskin is unsanitary and often causes medical problems later in life. It is not done anymore on basis of religion, it is on the basis of medicine. Sorry for picking on fine points but just thought you should know

Aye, I did hint in my post that I have no quarrel with circumcision for health reasons - much like I see no quarrel with someone having a kidney removed for health reasons, but would actively defy kidney removal if it was solely because some invisible space being seemingly had an issue with kidneys, (although why then put those kidneys there is anyones guess).

However, I can assure you that circumcision is still done on the basis of religion. There are also many many people uncircumcised. Nothing wrong with fine picking, but in this instance it was inaccurate.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Might as well get some consensus.

1. Being exposed to religion at a young age, do you feel it a violation of your rights?
2. Do you think others have the right to expose you to religion at a young age?

Similar but deals with the rights of both parties.

1. Exposed? No. Indoctrinated? Yes.
2. That's too broad. Give me some specific 'others'.
Crunchy Cat said:
1. Exposed? No. Indoctrinated? Yes.
2. That's too broad. Give me some specific 'others'.

Others as in parents, relatives, institutions(churches, schools), atheists & theists, media, literature, evangelists, government, the bum on the street, Adstar & his ilk
PsychoticEpisode said:
Others as in parents, relatives, institutions(churches, schools), atheists & theists, media, literature, evangelists, government, the bum on the street, Adstar & his ilk

If we're only talking about exposure and not indoctroniation then:

parents - yes
schools (private) - yes
media - yes
literature - yes

relatives - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.
churches - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.
atheists - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.
theists - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.
evangelists - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.
the bum on the street - depends on the method of delivery and consent of the parents.

schools (public) - no
government - no
Adstar and his ilk - never
wsionynw said:
Oh my, there writes an individual that knows NOTHING about evolution!! There are lots of answers to that question, but just one small point is that humans are not the ultimate perfection of evolution (that doesn't exist). Evolution is not about reaching a certain point, such as modern humans. Are you suggesting that if evolution theory is correct then alligators should have evolved into a green human with a big mouth and long tail?
Amazing ignorance, WOW!!!! :p
I've said it before but try reading some Richard Dawkins.

Then pehaps in your wisdom, knowing how all things came into being, you can educate me concerning this Evolution concept.

Then according to you I must conclude this: Evolution then does not have a purpose other than change for change sake. There is no final product. no perfect evolved creature adapted to its environment. is this your point? and if so please explain why.
Cris said:

I thought Catholicism has already publicly accepted evolution as fact.

Actually no Cris. We say that we do not reject the concept outright. There is no authoritative word on the issue. We are free to decide for ourselves. Catholicism knows that science should be left to function without interference, as long as it does not violate the natural law and morality. Catholicism does not make scientific claims, like some other bible christians do. Some official Scientific organizations however are all too ready to make morality claims and act as authorities in an area, theology, that they know little or nothing about.

As for me, unlike many catholics I reject Evolution because it does not make sense on a philosophical level. It is not really a theological issue with me.
Lawdog said:
Cris said:

As for me, unlike many catholics I reject Evolution because it does not make sense on a philosophical level. It is not really a theological issue with me.

How can you reject evolution when you've already said (in a manner of speaking) that you know nothing about it! I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you, that would take too long and frankly I doubt it would make any difference. IF you really want to know, then look it up yourself.
The simple truth is this: There is tons of evidence to support evolution theory, yet there is NO EVIDENCE to support creationism.
How do you like them apples? :eek:
I know enough about it to discuss it,
and if you want to teach me the finer points of the doctrine
I will listen. but then do not think that you know enough about
religion and God, and the philosophical principles to reject them.

You must assume this premise or else discussion IS useless.
Lawdog said:
I know enough about it to discuss it,
and if you want to teach me the finer points of the doctrine
I will listen. but then do not think that you know enough about
religion and God, and the philosophical principles to reject them.

You must assume this premise or else discussion IS useless.

Clearly you don't know enough about it, your post regarding alligators is proof of that!
Do you know who Richard Dawkins is? Educate yourself about the real world, the world we all live in, don't just take as truth all that jazz you read in the Bible.