Do you fear Death?

Do you fear Death?

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lets us have a go

i am seeing death has and can NEVEr BE apart FROM life. this means that for the 'thrust' of life there has to be the negation of death...for example, just move you arm. the trajectory is life and the 'wake' of your arm is death. do you see what i mean
or look at a ship......its wake is the death of the motion of the ship. all the action s on that ship are both happening NOW and yet their past--along with the wake of the ship--are the DEATH of those actions. without that death/past you couldn't HAVe life
so death and life are utterly interelated. you cannot have one without the other

the biggie. physical death, is part of this process, and there is nothing to fear. but when you do fear that fear too has life and death

this is all wonderfull!
whats to fear, why would anyone fear oblivion, shit happens.
dying in agony, that what we all fear.
my mum just keeled over one day,on the settee and when to sleep, whilst watching her favourite soap, I cant be sure she felt no pain, but she did not look like she was in pain.
thats the way to go, quiet and relaxed.
unfortunately it not always the case, sadly.
Duendy you touch on an important point i think. Everything dies and borns in every moment. Everything it is in constant mutation. There is no one to die or to born, only feelings, actions, sensations and bodys that change in each moment.

I am not saying that because of these thoughts i am completly opened to death. No. These thoughts are like a map, they are a ractionalization of something bigger that can only be learned by pratice, not by thinking about it.

Thats why i stil lfear death, because i need to understand in a living way the things we spoke about.
Dear Audible. i am really sorry to hear about your loss of your mum. It sounds she died really peacefully. I would also like to go like that

and Kazabadan.......I am not trying, of course, to sanitize death. it is truly cannot be imagined how it will be, as loss cannot be imagned unless it is happening. you can even forget the utter primal shock of it, and that includes the threat of losing someone, or near death etc

But surely beginning to understand how death and life are like two twining serpents never parted, and how we cant have one with out the other, ENRICHEs life
doesn't it?....death is the DEPTHless DEPTHS. the unfathomable......death ad life the mutidimensional warp and woof?

i fer pain very much too. i would want termination. why not?...though you have sometimes relatives who depend for you to fight, who wont let go. and sometimes you wont let go, because its not how you imagined. its just TOO fukin awesome...for where ARe 'you' goin??
I fear death less and less as I get older. The alternative - living forever as me on Earth -is terrifying. I do fear death, but sometimes knowing I am mortal keeps me sane.
You know,i'd never thought of it like that before,but living forever as YOU on earth, is terriffying ;)