Do You Believe in Science?

What is responsible for discoveries about nature and new technologies?

  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Science

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Don't know/don't want to answer

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Do you believe that science is responsible for discoveries in nature and the development of technologies?

Or, do you believe gods are guiding people to make discoveries and develop technologies?
You could actually say it could have happened both ways because many scientists were religious during their lifetimes.
I believe science is responsible as far as we can say anything is responsible for anything.
I don't believe there's something unknown involved & I don't believe there's not something unknown involved.
Maybe there are gods guiding scientists or giving a little push or pull. Maybe aliens influence them. Maybe the ghosts of past scientists. Maybe ESP.
Maybe it's the controller(s) of this simulation we're living in.
Since most of our discoveries about nature and technology weren't made until after science was developed, I would say it was probably the science. Yes, many scientists are religious, but there have been religious people around forever. They didn't start discovering things on the massive scale that we see today until science came along.
Do you believe that science is responsible for discoveries in nature and the development of technologies?

Or, do you believe gods are guiding people to make discoveries and develop technologies?

A conundrum of sorts. If I was theist then I have to believe God is just doing things His way and not to question it.

Hey Q, God saw fit to give me the flu this weekend. Should I be getting to an influenza research lab so the scientists there can go to work on me? ;)

I think I now realize why little kids are stricken with many of the horrible diseases God usually reserves for adulthood. All in the name of science....perhaps that is why religion detests science so. But if theists are blaming science for mankind's ills then maybe they should go after God who is initiating all this.
Why would gods play it out so long giving us so little science then decide to give us so much?

Do you think that if God had given us the knowledge we seek in the beginning then the world would be a better place? Ancient man was no different than us. Why saddle us with a fairy tale when we could have had the real nuts?
LOL I don't know. Maybe we would've destroyed Earth sooner or had a nuclear war.
Maybe we would've wiped out disease by now. Maybe by now people wouldn't have to bust their asses, break their backs & stress so much just to feed, clothe, house themselves & family.
But if someone's significantly influencing us, I have to wonder. The way things have happened seems to me what humans would do to their artificial simulation.
Of course, I don't claim to know what gods would or wouldn't do.
Do you believe that science is responsible for discoveries in nature and the development of technologies?

Or, do you believe gods are guiding people to make discoveries and develop technologies?

Who are responsible for whatever things in this world? People.. nature.. god (if
you believe in one or some...).

Science is responsible for discoveries and development of technologies.. but it
is also responsible for war (atomic bomb, nuclear, whatever)..

Religion is responsible in creating peace or controlling bad things in some
region (social control e.g. prostitution).. it is also responsible in creating

Everything has its good and bad side.. depends on the user. It's not the gun
that kill, but the man who pull the trigger.
How is this even a serious question? Is this just an idiot filter, or something? If so, good call.

Obviously, science advances technology, develops medicine, discovers exotic and beautiful things about ourselves, this world, and the universe that we would have never known without it. As a matter of fact, we know what comes from viewing a world without the benefit of science: Religion.
But if theists are blaming science for mankind's ills then maybe they should go after God who is initiating all this.

The hypocrisy of religion and theists, perhaps? Or, they'd just blame it on gods arch enemy, Beelzeboob.
How is this even a serious question? Is this just an idiot filter, or something? If so, good call.

Obviously, science advances technology, develops medicine, discovers exotic and beautiful things about ourselves, this world, and the universe that we would have never known without it. As a matter of fact, we know what comes from viewing a world without the benefit of science: Religion.

It's a serious question because if theists don't believe in science, but instead believe their gods are in control, then theists have a lot of questions to answer in regards to what science has discovered in light of religion.
Then, by your own words, it has nothing to do with science and everything to do with gods. Which is it?
God is a condition of science.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." -- Psalm 19:1

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I see no reason to choose between them. Do I believe that scientific methods can lead to useful technology and knowledge about the world? Yes. Do I believe in God? Yes.