Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

holy shit,are these people for real?
now thats SCARY!:eek:

How real do you want them to be?
How scary?
Read the site and ENJOY it.

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And by the way jpapple, l ron hubbard is selling his secrets of the universe for a pretty penny. You don't see me out here selling anything. Do you mother f*@ker? (that's a term of endearment btw).

I think he is dead now but not sure, but yea lots of people make money off of peoples insecurites I agree.

And I only accept those comments from you as a term of endearment. So no problem.

But do you see what I am saying about the conflict with any religious text not just the religious. Why follow or use them as a guide when they are so clearly wrong on so many levels.

I understand finding value, but there might be value in something L Ron Hubbard wrote.

Still doesn't make his vision accurate, not even close. Why not base the idea of reality on reality, in other words that which we know to exist.

You are claiming to know god exists, but since the religious texts are so screwed up and clearly fraudulent, what god are you hearing from ?
Before I believed in god, OBVIOUSLY (which is a euphemism for dumbass).

I just never thought of you as an atheist. Not counting childhood I would wager you only think you once were. Of course if you want to get snarky about it then I can play that game too. It'll have to wait though, I'm leaving for a few weeks to help save some Christians, Muslims & Jews from themselves. The best part is I get paid for it. You figure it out.;)
i do, to an extent..

i'm saying this because i'm defenseless against any conspiracy theories you'll throw at me..i don't know enough..because i don't care enough..

same can be said to 9/11 or the moon landing..somethings i can never be sure of in my current state because i don't know of enough.

I think it is a good thing that you do not make up your mind about things you admit you dont enuff about.
That is more scientific than a lot of posters on here.
Ok, great, then do you believe mankind evolved over 100's of thousands of years ?

i don't know about 100s of thousands or millions or hundreds of millions, my sense of time goes off after 2000 years ago, i memorized the numbers for geology and forgot them..

i'm a creationist. people evolved biologically, as in changed to better suit their environment, neanderthals are science fiction.

are there animals who evolved more drastically than humans? i think so, like saber toothed tigers, mammoths, some turtles, some fish, and so on.(in case thre really was a connection between those and live species of today)

now i see the connection.

it's a conflict you'll come up usinf time durations between Adam and Eve and dinosaurs, right?

just remember i'm not christian, i think this'll be interesting.. fire away.
and on a side note, i think oli and bishadi should be banned for a day or two, cool off, and then shake hands or kill each other.

it's annoying when two geniuses delve into nig-nags 3 year olds would shake their heads upon.
it's annoying when two geniuses delve into nig-nags 3 year olds would shake their heads upon.
If you consider Bishadi to be a genius then I have severe doubts about your capacity for rational discrimination.
Or perhaps you simply need to actually know something about science or how to present evidence.
I just never thought of you as an atheist. Not counting childhood I would wager you only think you once were. Of course if you want to get snarky about it then I can play that game too. It'll have to wait though, I'm leaving for a few weeks to help save some Christians, Muslims & Jews from themselves. The best part is I get paid for it. You figure it out.;)

Your wager made me laugh and shake my head, almost in disbelief, though I hate to say I've almost come to expect that mentality out here. Back then, like I said, I did not know if there was a god or not, and I was turned off by religion (still am). And since I didn't know, I didn't argue a case either way.

You're in the service.
I think he is dead now but not sure, but yea lots of people make money off of peoples insecurites I agree.

And I only accept those comments from you as a term of endearment. So no problem.

But do you see what I am saying about the conflict with any religious text not just the religious. Why follow or use them as a guide when they are so clearly wrong on so many levels.

I understand finding value, but there might be value in something L Ron Hubbard wrote.

Still doesn't make his vision accurate, not even close. Why not base the idea of reality on reality, in other words that which we know to exist.

You are claiming to know god exists, but since the religious texts are so screwed up and clearly fraudulent, what god are you hearing from ?

I can't really say that they're screwed up. As far as I can tell, they're misused. Do you recall me saying that the bible is not a book, but a tool? Do you recall me saying that I don't read it unless god tells me to? Seems apparent to me that all you're ever going to get out of a book is arguments, unless of course you know the author.

Do you recall me saying that god has used many things (tools) to teach me? Most of those things aren't religious texts at all.

Do you recall me saying that from what I've seen from studying synopses of the world's major religions, that the basic desired outcomes and tenets are very similar? People don't want to see the forrest thru the trees, they want to be right.

You know what my favorite religion is? Its hinduism.

The one though that's been pointed out as being all inclusive, and the final word, is christianity, and that's because of christ.

I think its very apparent that there's something very inherently wrong with all of us.

The god I know is the god I know. And from what I know, I think its foolish to try to put him in a box.
she said she talks to god, maybe she should ask god, if she is an atheist

Did you say, you call him "the hammer"?

Yes sir, the hammer. Now let's see, what religion did I get that from?
If you consider Bishadi to be a genius then I have severe doubts about your capacity for rational discrimination.
Or perhaps you simply need to actually know something about science or how to present evidence.

i have a very hard time understanding him too..but he sure as hell isn't stupid..he may use ambigous terms and strange structures, but most of what i DO understand of him makes perfect sense.

i think he's the analogue clock between digital ones, the Macintosh between the PCs, the albino tiger, so far i just think he's sophisticatedly different.

although i disagree with him greatly in some issues, i see no reason to label him less than anyone..

but forget all what i said, i'm not telling you not to post, i benefit a lot from what you post, i'm not telling you not to quote bishadi or disagree with him, we discuss things here, but if we can pay less attention to who is saying and more to what is said, i think it'll make our discussions richer in material and content..
and on a side note, i think oli and bishadi should be banned for a day or two, cool off, and then shake hands or kill each other.

it's annoying when two geniuses delve into nig-nags 3 year olds would shake their heads upon.

i feel as if you are comparing the 2 opposing poles of a battery as being equal.

or better still; the good versus bad.............. the evolved versus the dinosaur
i feel as if you are comparing the 2 opposing poles of a battery as being equal.

or better still; the good versus bad.............. the evolved versus the dinosaur

Oh come on Bishadi, no one is calling you bad or a dinosaur.
i have a very hard time understanding him too..but he sure as hell isn't stupid..he may use ambigous terms and strange structures, but most of what i DO understand of him makes perfect sense.
I don't have any trouble understanding him (except for his atrocious mangling of the language).
And no, he doesn't make sense apart from his own, incorrect woo woo sub-set of sense.
He may be consistent, but he's not sensible.

i think he's the analogue clock between digital ones, the Macintosh between the PCs, the albino tiger, so far i just think he's sophisticatedly different.
No, he's a deluded crackpot with no absolutely foundation in reality.
Everything he posts is based on his misunderstanding.

although i disagree with him greatly in some issues, i see no reason to label him less than anyone..
Someone deliberately espousing nonsense as reality shouldn't be regarded as less than someone who recognises reality and promotes it?

but forget all what i said, i'm not telling you not to post, i benefit a lot from what you post, i'm not telling you not to quote bishadi or disagree with him, we discuss things here, but if we can pay less attention to who is saying and more to what is said, i think it'll make our discussions richer in material and content..
It's nothing to do with who's saying it (that's Bishadi's excuse), it's what he's saying that's wrong.
i feel as if you are comparing the 2 opposing poles of a battery as being equal.
You're deluding yourself again.