Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

The Inquisitions were nothing to do with alchemists.
prove it?

show evidence?

is english your second language?

This thread is about dinosaurs, not your personal delusions.
wat is pooost #22 and #35? You troll!
Planck didn't institute the qubit.

again......... you have no clue.............. what does 'insititute' imply? try a dictionary

On the Theory of the Law of
Energy Distribution in the Normal Spectrum.

This astounding paper changed the course of physics and set the machinery in gear for finally understanding chemistry at a fundamental level. From a chemical perspective it is worth thinking about what was behind Planck's suggestion that energy can be quantized

Planck's radiation formula. In a letter written a year later Planck described proposing the formula saying …

"the whole procedure was an act of despair because a theoretical interpretation had to be found at any price, no matter how high that might be."

Within two months Planck made a complete theoretical deduction of his formula renouncing classical physics and introducing the quanta of energy.

then let's top it off on stuff you just don't comprehend

An important distinguishing feature between a qubit and a classical bit is that multiple qubits can exhibit quantum entanglement. Entanglement is a nonlocal property that allows a set of qubits to express higher correlation than is possible in classical systems. Take, for example, two entangled qubits in the Bell state

the words "photon, soliton, exciton", etc.... are often describing the same thing but in the words from different scientist and their defining math

same with the quanta and qubit of energy; it's still just EM (all cases)

otherwise, would you please show me were the entangled state between mass is observed in the physics of 'black holes' and dark matter/energy?

there is no consistancy and that lOli is something you need to learn

eg.... your comment simply shares how little you really know!

p/s.... could dinosaur bones simply have been put into the ground (by god) just to employ people? ;)
prove it?
show evidence?
Just this once.
The Inquisition was set up to persecute and prosecute heretics (e.g. Cathars) not alchemists.

is english your second language?
Can't even come up with an original "insult"?
Poor you.

wat is pooost #22 and #35? You troll!
Since the topic is dinosaurs (and the belief of) then the attitude of the church regarding science is relevant.
Your particular branch of woo wooism (neither church nor science) is not pertinent.

again......... you have no clue.............. what does 'insititute' imply? try a dictionary
Ever looked at one?
Main Entry:
1in·sti·tute Listen to the pronunciation of 1institute
\ˈin(t)-stə-ˌtüt, -ˌtyüt\
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
in·sti·tut·ed; in·sti·tut·ing
Middle English, from Latin institutus, past participle of instituere, from in- + statuere to set up — more at statute
14th century
1: to establish in a position or office2 a: to originate and get established : organize b: to set going : inaugurate <instituting an investigation >
Planck was already dead when the term was first coined.
Unless you want to claim that Newton instituted the graviton...

the words "photon, soliton, exciton", etc.... are often describing the same thing but in the words from different scientist and their defining math
same with the quanta and qubit of energy; it's still just EM (all cases)
otherwise, would you please show me were the entangled state between mass is observed in the physics of 'black holes' and dark matter/energy?
there is no consistancy and that lOli is something you need to learn
eg.... your comment simply shares how little you really know!
All of it off-topic, and largely incoherent or wrong.
Just this once.
The Inquisition was set up to persecute and prosecute heretics (e.g. Cathars) not alchemists.
and like you, the church did/does not like anyone smarter than you/them; and 'stack and rack' was carried out.

look up the term, troll!

Ever looked at one?
yep, i used the word institute because i comprehended what it means.

do you not know what planck contributed and that HE changed the course of physics based on his 1901 paper (he CREATED /h/ to define the base unit of energy and it is the current basis to most all physics)

did you not read? (see above)

Planck made a complete theoretical deduction of his formula renouncing classical physics and introducing the quanta of energy

"instituted" was the perfect word

•establish: set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"
•advance or set forth in court; "bring charges", "institute proceedings

h and h-bar are the foundation to most all current physics and planck is who 'created' it.

you fit well in a 'dinosaur' thread and your education is obsolete and practically extinct in comparison to what is NOW available.

do us all a favor, please stay away from all children!

“ Originally Posted by scifes
i choose.....


guess becase science said so, that's what we were taught..they have their bones and everything.. ”

Ok, thanks.

Yes it is.

So, if it is yes, you believe or accept that we have found the bones of these creatures that died out millions of years ago and that we have been able to replicate them, at least that they existed, based on the fossil record.

Correct ?

Trying to get back on the subject of the OP.

Please let me know your answer.
in light of the fact that fossils exist, i'm having a hard time understanding why this question exists. :confused:

One would think, but there are those who don't believe they are real. And is a very important question for anyone who claims we we did not evolve over thousands of years. You know, those who follow the religious view of how we came to be.

So Lori, sounds like your answer is yes, correct ?

If so, do you believe we evolved over thousands of years or were created by god a few thousand years ago ?
Haha, pretty funny to just admit you're ignorant on the matter, I often wonder how people can remain religious in this day and age, given how much is known about the world and it's history, and you're exhibitting how quite well in this thread.
They call it "faith." I find that religious people tend to be a lot more reasonable, actually, if you accept the fact that they are inclined to believe in things that really have nothing whatsoever to do with reality. In fact, they can turn out to be quite intelligent. However, this does not occur very often in religious people who actually think that their beliefs are supported by empirical evidence: this crowd actually does tend to be pretty stupid.

See most atheists do know a little something about dinosaurs and all sorts of everything, they pay attention to lots of little things and piece together the puzzle of reality, they start to get a "big picture" in which the concept of god simply doesn't fit, it's not that they don't want him to exist, they just come to the realisation that, based on all available evidence, it's most likely he doesn't.
Or perhaps my nucleus accumbens is better connected with my parietal lobe than it is with my prefrontal cortex, or perhaps I have a lower than usual risk of epilepsy. Maybe I suffer from a deficiency of oxytocin-releasing axon terminals in my right amygdala but comparatively high overall serotonergic activity compared with the rest of the human population. Oh, I know what it is! I suffer from deficient ocular pigment compared with the majority of the human population! That's it!

Religiosity is really an extremely poor thermostat for intelligence. Perhaps religious people simply cope better than atheists with ambiguity, or perhaps their intelligence is more creatively and socially oriented.
One would think, but there are those who don't believe they are real. And is a very important question for anyone who claims we we did not evolve over thousands of years. You know, those who follow the religious view of how we came to be.

So Lori, sounds like your answer is yes, correct ?

If so, do you believe we evolved over thousands of years or were created by god a few thousand years ago ?

they don't believe fossils are real? :bugeye:

what do they think, that they're trumped up evidence purposely planted by atheists to foil their religious agenda? WTF?

it's pretty evident, even going by what it says in the bible alone, that we are not the first generation of humanity. the bible doesn't state that what it contains is all of recorded human history. actually, there are many scriptures that say just the opposite of that. religious people are egotistical numbskulls when it comes to shit like this. lots of religious people give jesus a bad name.

it's pretty evident, even going by what it says in the bible alone, that we are not the first generation of humanity. the bible doesn't state that what it contains is all of recorded human history. actually, there are many scriptures that say just the opposite of that

Please provide them.

Where does it discuss Australopithecus ?

Where in the bible does it discuss dinosaurs ?

While I am waiting.

Do you believe we evolved over 100s of thousands of years or not ?

Same question to you.

Do you believe we evolved over 100s of thousands of years or not ?

Please provide them.

Where does it discuss Australopithecus ?

Where in the bible does it discuss dinosaurs ?

While I am waiting.

Do you believe we evolved over 100s of thousands of years or not ?

jpapple the fuck would i know? why would i even care about such a thing? if you're asking if i'm inclined to believe the information that science provides, the answer is yes. to argue such a thing as dinosaurs not existing????? that's insane!

and i apologize, but i'm no bible thumper. i don't see a point in memorizing scripture. that's not what i use the bible for. but, i know that in genesis, it says that adam is to replenish the earth. REplenish.

it also refers to human generations somewhere else in regards to the time of christ's return. he was speaking with his disciples i believe. lots of people interpret this to mean the generation that we're familiar with in regards to family. i interpret it to mean a generation in development, like you would refer to in regards to technology perhaps.

"in the beginning..."

in the beginning of what?

i think it's downright silly to assume that the bible tells us EVERYTHING that ever happened in the existence of the universe, or even on the earth. and it certainly doesn't say or imply that it does. i assume that it tells us what we need to know right now, and in regards to us.

i don't know that it mentions dinosaurs anywhere, but it does mention giants, or the nephilim, which were sons of gods who bred with daughters of men. a demi-god if you of renown. i'm pretty sure they contaminated the bloodline enough to warrant the flood. and it reeks of the alien phenomenon.
the bible doesn't tell us about the end of existance, so why would it tell us of the beginning? the end of the bible describes a transition from one age to the next. so wouldn't it be logical to assume that the beginning is describing the same thing?

i think so.
jpapple the fuck would i know? why would i even care about such a thing? if you're asking if i'm inclined to believe the information that science provides, the answer is yes. to argue such a thing as dinosaurs not existing????? that's insane!

and i apologize, but i'm no bible thumper. i don't see a point in memorizing scripture. that's not what i use the bible for. but, i know that in genesis, it says that adam is to replenish the earth. REplenish.

it also refers to human generations somewhere else in regards to the time of christ's return. he was speaking with his disciples i believe. lots of people interpret this to mean the generation that we're familiar with in regards to family. i interpret it to mean a generation in development, like you would refer to in regards to technology perhaps.

"in the beginning..."

in the beginning of what?

i think it's downright silly to assume that the bible tells us EVERYTHING that ever happened in the existence of the universe, or even on the earth. and it certainly doesn't say or imply that it does. i assume that it tells us what we need to know right now, and in regards to us.

i don't know that it mentions dinosaurs anywhere, but it does mention giants, or the nephilim, which were sons of gods who bred with daughters of men. a demi-god if you of renown. i'm pretty sure they contaminated the bloodline enough to warrant the flood. and it reeks of the alien phenomenon.

the bible doesn't tell us about the end of existance, so why would it tell us of the beginning? the end of the bible describes a transition from one age to the next. so wouldn't it be logical to assume that the beginning is describing the same thing?

i think so.

Right it's all nonsense.

The reason the bible doesn't mention anything about time before man is that it didn't know of it. Because it is all a bunch of made up nonsense by humans claiming it was the word of god(s) just like all other religious texts.

What do you think "in the beginning" means.

The problem Lori, is not that you believe in god, but you keep referring to the texts that claim to be the word of god as the foundation for your belief in god.

Either stop referring to it, because it's bullsh*t or provide the evidence that corrolates with our scientific discoveries and be prepared to provide more as new discoveries are made, or become a creationist and stop believing in dinosaurs.

A lot of people, crazy people figured this out an remain creationist because of this conundrum.

You can't have it both ways.

The bible and the quran and any others claiming to be the word of god are BS, the fact that we know dinosaurs existed and Australopithecus existed and I can go on and on prove that.

If it's BS because of that, than it's all BS, because it is a fake and you are basing beliefs about the afterlife on it. You are basing beliefs about end times on it. You believe Jesus is our savior do you not. You are a christian are you not.

Might as well follow L Ron Hubbard or Joseph Smith.

That is why I ask the question.
the bible doesn't tell us about the end of existance, so why would it tell us of the beginning? the end of the bible describes a transition from one age to the next. so wouldn't it be logical to assume that the beginning is describing the same thing?

i think so.

What is genesis all about ?

I mean c'mon.
Theists have no proof of God yet they believe in Him. However there is proof of dinosaurs and yet some theists refuse to believe God would create them. You would think that theists would believe the rocks shaped like bones of an animal would be proof of God if only for the artistry involved but NO, it's the devil's handiwork.... in an end run and smothered in irony, the devil becomes the proof theists need for God. Absolutely weird!
If athiests will sincerely demand the presence of god he will be there.

I know that.

But if you don't believe in the possibility, you are screwed.
And by the way jpapple, l ron hubbard is selling his secrets of the universe for a pretty penny. You don't see me out here selling anything. Do you mother f*@ker? (that's a term of endearment btw).
If athiests will sincerely demand the presence of god he will be there.
I know that.
But if you don't believe in the possibility, you are screwed.
I SINCERELY DEMAND god comes here right now,

why dont he?
could be youre full of it?:D